Monday, February 17, 2025
Home > Dodgers > Urias, Pederson Not Bad, Rest of the Dodgers Lousy. Padres Win 2-4

Urias, Pederson Not Bad, Rest of the Dodgers Lousy. Padres Win 2-4

Oscar Martinez

I was born in the shadow of Dodger Stadium and immediately drenched in Dodger Blue. Chavez Ravine is my baseball cathedral, Vin Scully was the golden voice of summer all my life, and Tommy Lasorda remains the greatest Dodgers manager ever. My favorite things are coffee, beer, and the Dodgers beating the Giants. I also blog about my baseball card hobby at All Trade Bait, All the Time.

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Oscar Martinez
I was born in the shadow of Dodger Stadium and immediately drenched in Dodger Blue. Chavez Ravine is my baseball cathedral, Vin Scully was the golden voice of summer all my life, and Tommy Lasorda remains the greatest Dodgers manager ever. My favorite things are coffee, beer, and the Dodgers beating the Giants. I also blog about my baseball card hobby at All Trade Bait, All the Time.

69 thoughts on “Urias, Pederson Not Bad, Rest of the Dodgers Lousy. Padres Win 2-4

  1. I think the headline should reflect that Kendrick (4-4) was not lousy. He didn’t leave himself on base. As for Urias being cheated, well not so much. As you point out, he was lucky to escape the first two innings without a run. He hit three batters; there’s no telling whether he would have gotten through the fifth if he hadn’t been taken out. Joc’s home run took him off the hook for the loss.

    The bullpen is starting to look as if it might crack under the strain. A couple of guys just off the DL were inserted into high-leverage situations with unfortunate results. Maybe Roberts figures he’s playing with house money because the Giants lost again.
    The starting rotation is a shambles, and unless Rich Hill can actually win some games and De Leon comes up huge I’m not sure even Kershaw can right the ship.

    1. Snider
      Wasn’t that a disappointing game last night?

      And your right about Urias, he wasn’t as good, as he has been lately.

      And I think Howie should bat second not first, he can drive runs in, and he did last year, while batting second.

  2. The pen has already broken down. Courtesy of True Blue LA:

    ““But the strain of continued short starts — the rotation averaged 4.63 innings per game in August, with a 5.48 ERA and 5.39 FIP — put an extra strain on the bullpen that began to show, with a 4.56 ERA and 3.80 FIP from the relievers, the highest marks of any month this season.”

    So the Dodgers don’t actually have a “rotation”. A rotation implies that the same 5 guys pitch every 5 days in the same order. When did that last actually happen?

    It’s Maeda and then???

    Does Hill pitch or does he have a blister?
    Do Urias and Stripling pitch or do they have innings limits?
    Does Norris pitch or does the management want to spare the fans another horrible game?
    Do McCarthy and Anderson pitch or are they on the DL, as usual?

    The Dodgers don’t have a rotation and haven’t since Kershaw went down. It’s true that they won a lot of games in July and August but that wasn’t because of the rotation, but in spite of it.

    Now the ‘pen is exhausted and the offense has gone back to it’s slumping ways.

    If the cavalry doesn’t ride in, the team isn’t going anywhere. The Giants may keep losing too, but the Dodgers aren’t helping themselves and would have lost 5 in a row but for the miraculous comeback against the Rox Wednesday night.

  3. How long does a blister last?

    Some disturbing play, post-Allstar game, from the Dodgers, mostly from their pitching. They are literally being handed first place by the Giants with their own brand of abysmal play, but how long are they going to be relying on the Giants for this gift before solidifying their hold on top? Sooner or later, the Giants may rally and overtake them once again. The only thing that makes them win a few games are their bats and they can’t seem to win against LH pitching.

    POST ALLSTAR GAMES, they are 23-20, barely above .500
    BA against LH-.218
    BA against RH-.260
    Catching BA-.213
    RF BA-.233
    CF BA-.235
    LF BA-.252
    PH BA. .177

    Pitching ERA Pre Allstar-.343
    Pitching ERA Post Allstar-.469
    BAA Pre Allstar-.220
    BAA Post Allstar-.262

    I could go on, but you get the picture. These are not figures that reflect a 1st place team, but a mediocre one.

  4. The most maddening thing is that on some nights this team looks so lethargic – they might as well be playing wheelchair baseball. How do you get 13 hits and score only 2 runs? I don’t think that is even possible! I mean, Reddick even gets a hit and we can only score 2 runs on 13 hits? They have stepped the hitting since the All-Star game, but Left-handers own them. Why can’t Turner hit LH’ers?

    Maddening! That’s why they were trying to get Braun. Even Kike, who murders lefties can hit them… Why?

  5. Alright, Puig Haters, step forward. This is your chance to blame everything on him again. He upsets his teammates and they can’t hit. He upsets the bullpen and they can’t concentrate enough to save games. It’s all on Puig.

  6. This just proves anybody can beat us.

    And that’s baseball.

    Rick you very articulately have expressed my concern from day 1. I’ve been saying for months that it’s the pitching, for all the reasons you named yesterday and today. I’ve said before and I’ll say it again I’m amazed this team has been as successful as it as has been. We are in what I (and Freudy) consider the least impressive division in baseball so – we still have a chance. I’ve never liked how the pitching match ups line up should we make postseason, Kazmir v Scherzer might be an example, but win the division first and take our chances later.

    This has been a very odd year. As we watch this musical chair staff struggle night after night to go 6, and the bullpen gamely rack up innings as they grow fatigued, there may not be an answer forthcoming. Or, Blister the Kid and Clayton Kershaw may yet ride in and save the day. Whatever. Odd year. And I still think Freudy has from the beginning of the season summed it up accurately. Yeah, his points sound cruel, but they hit the mark with me. This feels at best like a .500 team – but it isn’t. FAZ has put together a team that isn’t exactly a group of stars I would be willing to pay the $234.10 FCI per seat (tickets up 11.5% by the way) to take my wife, who wouldn’t know Corey Seager from Corey Ocean, (she knows Kershaw) but it is a gritty bunch of – who? ballers.

    I too miss the days of knowing every night who I was going to see. But, as I age, the list of things I miss grows.

  7. How does your leadoff hitter get 4 hits and the team gets 9 more on top of it and they can’t score more than 2 runs and he can’t even score after getting on base 4 times. That is not possible!

    ” I’ve been saying for months that it’s the pitching, for all the reasons you named yesterday and today. I’ve said before and I’ll say it again I’m amazed this team has been as successful as it as has been.”

    So, you KNEW that the Dodgers would have SEVENTEEN (count ’em 17) pitchers go on the Disabled List? You KNEW that?

    Let me save you the trouble. If anyone tells me that knew that, they are either a damn liar, damn idiot or an anointed prophet – in which case, why are you hanging around here? Get in the stock market and use your talents.

    Yes, the Dodgers had a few pitchers that were injury-prone, like 3 to 5, BUT SEVENTEEN? No one could ever see that coming. That is just the cruelty of baseball. But here we are: in First Place and some of you are damn mad about it! You want FAZ to crash and burn and anything good is “well they were lucky.”

    THE DODGERS ARE IN FIRST PLACE! That’s all you need to know. Well, you also need to know that they overcame more injuries than any other team EVER to do it. But, you want to blame it on the collapse of the Giants. You can’t give these guys any credit for gutting it out. You make me sick!

    This is a flawed team – almost all are. Hell, the Nats had to sign Mat Latos! BUT, WE ARE IN FIRST PLACE AND KERSHAW AND MANY OTHER PITCHERS ARE ON THEIR WAY BACK. To me, it’s a hell of a story! These guys are Junkyard Dogs! I love it!

    BTW, I think I was pretty close to correct the other day when I said that the Dodgers wanted the Brewers to take Kazmir along with Puig in a trade for Braun. Milwaukee wouldn’t do it!

    P.S. Puig got two hits. I would love to see him get hot! I’ve seen it before. He seems contrite… changed, even! ????

    1. Yes, I am pulling for Puig also. Most of us were “knuckleheads” in some ways in our twenties. So I have a soft spot for him.

      I saw the hysterical rants on a prior thread when I credited FAZ for Puig. Well, FAZ must be, at least, partially credited for Puig if he helps them this year. I am pretty sure, Brewers would have traded Braun for Puig and Dodgers taking over Braun’s salary. FAZ could have also just “dumped” Puig in ANY trade or DFA’d him. They didn’t!

      FAZ has, in my opinion, so far handled the Puig situation as well as possible. Puig, a five-tool player, 25 yrs old, good contract with team control for 3 more years (I think) is valuable. Right now, at this moment, that value isn’t very high. But, we have all seen, professional sports teams “take a chance on a knucklehead”, I like the patience FAZ has shown with Puig. A “time out” in the minors, hopefully is just what he needed. We will see, no crystal balls on this one. But, in any event, Dodgers still possess him and his future value as a player or trade chip.

      1. Box out
        I don’t know about that, because if Reddick would have done more, who knows what would happen.

        Why didn’t this front office get this team, there biggest need, a good right hand hitter, that hits lefties well.

        1. NO, You don’t know about that. We only know what has actually happened.

          “Their biggest need, a good right hand hitter”. I thought it was starting pitching. What big right hand hitter should they have gotten? They don’t exactly grow on trees. Weren’t you upset about them signing Howie Kendrick, a right hand bat? At a very reasonable $10M/yr.

          1. Howie isn’t a big right hand bat, like Hanley or Kemp.

            Howie isn’t a power hitter, he hits about nine HRs a season.

            And Kemp and Hanley are good for at least twenty in a season.

          2. We all know Howie isn’t a big power hitter, but, is a help against lefties.

            The Kemp/Hanley ship has sailed. Hanley is a first baseman (Replace Gonzalez???), Kemp not worth his salary.

            I guess Kemp/Hanley would be OK in a Van Slyke roll, but neither has Van Slyke’s versatility and they cost about 40 times the salary.

            The right handed power bat I really want is Manny Machado. Let’s save our money so we can afford him when he hits free-agency.

            Well, I am off to the gym to see if the young Midget fan at the front desk likes my poetry better than the people on this board!

    2. Mark
      I could be wrong, but it seemed like we only had one extra base hit last night, and that was Joc’s HR.

      And the Padres had at least two extra base hits, Solarte’s HR, and the catchers double off the wall.

      Roberts should have not put Chavez in this game, against the Padre’s catcher, because he has probably saw a lot if Chavez in the American League, and maybe he had caught for him before, because they both were on the A’s at one time.

      The other problem is Corey and Turner.

      Are they still hurting, and is that affecting there at bats?

      That other problem is this platoon team, of part time players, that hit lefties well, at one time.

      And the key word there, is at one time, and that isn’t this year.

    3. Uh, yes MarkI knew that. And that is why I took the way over on 12 starting pitchers this year. Where were you when these conversations were taking place? Oh wait, now I remember, you had your head up your FAZZ.

      When you buy old mules with a history of injuries and expect them to carry the loads, yor are asking to be disappointed. Only an idiot would expect perfect results in that scenario. Is that you? Hey, just asking.

      This problem was predictable and in fact predicted.

  8. Badger: “This just proves anybody can beat us.

    And that’s baseball.

    Rick you very articulately have expressed my concern from day 1. I’ve been saying for months that it’s the pitching, for all the reasons you named yesterday and today. ”

    Yes, anybody can win on a given night in MLB. Remember parity and all it brings like revenue sharing. So now we see teams with .552 winning percentages leading their divisions. We agree. But baseball is also a game that has the highest percentage that either team can win on a given night. Dominant baseball teams win 60% of the time, dominant football and basketball teams win 70% +.

    So you and Rick have been concerned from day one about the pitching? What does that make you two, Nostradamus? It has actually been pretty obvious to see that the Dodger team left to FAZ by Ned needed a major overhaul, both money wise and player wise. FAZ told us that. They are a team in transition and do have weak spots. Especially, when you factor in all the injuries. Sadly, after following the Dodgers for 50 plus years, I have come to realize that will ALWAYS be the case. Every Dodger team, every year, is going to have holes. They always have and always will be teams in transition.

    Bottom line, since you aren’t willing to pay top dollar for you and the wife to see this FAZ team. Either leave the wife at home and pay for only one ticket or both of you stay home and watch on MLB. Plenty of other fans are enjoying paying to see this flawed team in person and what it still might accomplish.

    Once you get past the facts that Guggs, likes to and is entitled to, spend THEIR money in a way that they think is wise, just like you do; And that top players aren’t always really available at the trade price YOU think they were, you will be happier.

    Happily, Today, in spite of all it’s flaws, FAZ has Dodgers in 1st. And it looks like FAZ has a plan, where in coming seasons we will “know who is starting every night”. Patience, Grasshopper! And enjoy the ride.

    1. It didn’t take a seer to predict what our issues might be. We called it as we saw it. And we were right. I thought it was pretty easy to see. Look at history. The amazing thing to me is that Maeda is still taking the ball. His projections were about 165 innings and for good reason. He’s at 146 now. The way this is going? Maeda and Kazmir in October? Hill? Kershaw? Against the staffs that will be there? Yoiks. If we win the Division it will be because we hit. We want to beat the teams that will make the playoffs – we better hit the living bejeezus out of the ball. And we need to do it for two months.

      1. Badger: “It didn’t take a seer to predict what our issues might be. We called it as we saw it. And we were right. I thought it was pretty easy to see. Look at history. The amazing thing to me is that Maeda is still taking the ball”.

        Maeda may be amazing to you, but, is he to FAZ? I think we can agree you weren’t correct about this. Don’t worry, even Nostradamus didn’t bat 1.000.

        Greinke, 136 IP, 4.17 ERA
        Maeda, 146 IP, 3.38 ERA

        I wonder if AZ wishes they signed Maeda instead of Greinke?

        Yes, “if we win the division it will be because we hit”, pitch and kick some ass!

        1. “I wonder if Arizona wishes they signed Maeda instead of Greinke?”

          I don’t know. Let’s ask by suggesting a trade.

  9. Here is what we need: Seager and Turner get hot again and that takes the pressure off everybody else who, in turn, do better (because they stop pressing). It’s a team (hitting slump), but individuals have to lead them out of it. Time to step up, boys!

  10. Roberts needs to do something he hasn’t done all year, when the Dodgers are facing a leftie.

    And that is play the regular lineup, not part of the regular line up, and three part time players, that don’t get consistent at bats.

    These part time players, have not helped this platoon team that much all year, that is why they are last an offense, in all of baseball.

    I rather take my chance with the regulars that are getting consistent at bats some what.

    And if Roberts wants to use some of these part time players to pinch hit, then use them for that.

    But don’t depend on them to hit lefties, when they haven’t most of the year.

    And if other teams continue to throw lefties at us, and Roberts continues to field this platoon team, the part of our regular line up, that he sits against lefties, will not be getting enough consistant at bats, to keep on hitting.

    The other problem right now, is Turner’s hand and Corey’s wrist ok?

    Corey hasn’t got a hit since he got hit on the wrist, and he was hit twice by the Rockies, in that series.

    Roberts said last night, that both Corey and Turner said they are fine, but you know players, they are going to say they are fine

    It is the top hand that both Turner and Corey use to hold the bat, that is bothering them.

    Turner looked totally checked out, on his last at bat last night.

    He just stood there, and let a fastball go right down the middle of the plate, at his knees, and he didn’t react at all.

    The team did everything they could to beat the Cubs, but I haven’t seen much of that type of effor since then, except those last two innings of that last game, against the Rockies.

    They are going to have to beat the team’s they should beat, or they are in trouble.

    It sure didn’t look good last night, to have such low energy, and to lose this game to the Padres, especially since the Giants lost a tough game, to the Cubs.

    About Joc, Joc did get a hit in his second at bat, because he went back to his shorter swing, but why does he even change what is working in the first place?

    He did hit a HR off the only rightie the Dodgers faced last night, but the line drive he hit a run in with, was much more impressive, and that is why Joc needs to stick with his shorter swing.

    The question is why did Roberts even start Kike over Toles last night, and have Joc face a leftie?

    It just doesn’t make sense, especially with a team that is having trouble scoring.

    I know Toles struck out twice last night, but that may have not happen, if he started this game.

    I don’t understand Roberts having Howie lead off, either.

    Howie hit in quite a few runs last year, when he was batting second.

    Howie probably would have hit in at least one run last night, if there would have been a runner in scoring position, when he came up.

    The other problem last night was Libertore.

    Libertore must be burned out, because he hasn’t been the same since he came back.

    And that is why it makes me mad, to see Anderson, Kazmir, and McCarthy sitting on the bench, making way more money, then a player like Libertore.

    Because Libertore, and the other pitchers in the pen, gave there all in the first half of the season.

    Because most of the starting pitchers, couldn’t pull there own weight.

    Roberts can’t continue to use Libertore in the later innnings of the game, and against rightie hitters, because Libertore, is just not the same.

    All I can say, if the Dodgers can’t beat the teams they should beat, they are in trouble.

    And Roberts needs to finally try something different against leftie pitching.

    Why continue to do the same thing, and expect something different to happen?

    When Kike was hitting last night, his current average came up, and below that, it said Kike hit 300 last year, but that was last year, and Kike hasn’t hit well, since that early game against the Giants, when Bumgarner was pitching.

    And that is why Roberts needs to stop playing this water down version, of the regular line up, against lefties.

    This line up isn’t working.

    1. MJ: “The question is why did Roberts even start Kike over Toles last night, and have Joc face a leftie?

      It just doesn’t make sense, especially with a team that is having trouble scoring.

      I know Toles struck out twice last night, but that may have not happen, if he started this game”.

      Well, Kiki did go 1 for 2 (double) and score a run. Toles did strike out twice and if he started he might have struck out four times. Maybe just maybe, Roberts or FAZ if they are pulling Robert’s strings, knows more about baseball than us, especially with the additional information (unreported injuries, etc.) they have.

      1. Boxout
        Kike got one hit, do you know how many at bats he has had, and couldn’t even get one hit?

        He is hitting below the Mendosa line this year.

        And Toles has hit ever since he had his first major league at bat.

        It is much harder to come in a game late, of the bench and face a fresh relief pitcher.

        Just because Kike got that hit last night, doesn’t mean a thing, when he hasn’t done it all year.

        1. Kiki, 25 yrs old, hasn’t hit much this year (.193 BA), but, he did hit .307 last year.

          I know a lot of posters here don’t believe in platooning, although every MLB team does it and has always done it. I believe in playing the percentages. Lefty starters, are generally better against lefty hitters. Toles has been excellent, Good job FAZ, but he has looked absolutely silly against several left handed pitchers. Breaking balls down and in from a lefty have caused Toles much trouble. Better to let Kiki go against left-handers than Toles. Kiki is better than he has shown and Toles isn’t as good as he has been.

          Kiki is on the team as a utility man and right handed bat. What do you do, never let him play? Cut him? If he doesn’t get regular AB’s will he be ready when we need him?

          1. A lot of posters don’t believe in platooning?

            Who are they?

            Platooning has been around a while. I think EVERYONE recognizes the value. Some believe platooning is overdone. I recognize the frustration. I feel it at times too.

            It’s Kiké. And I think he’s better than he has shown. It’s my opinion he is frustrated. And I wouldn’t blame him if he were. He also might have a nagging injury. Many Dodgers do.

      2. Boxout
        You have to know that this platoon team is last an offense, in all of baseball.

        Would you continue to play them, or would you try something different.

        You have to hear how bad the Dodgers are against lefties, in every broadcast.

        Do you think that will change with this same line up, if it hasn’t all season?

        1. I am not exactly sure what to do about bad hitting against left handers. Maybe left-handers are “just the best”. Spoken by a left-hander. I think we now have the players to potentially do well against them.

          All kidding aside, I am comfortable letting the Dodgers decide the “best” starters and lineup. They have so much more info available to them than us. They work with and observe the players practicing everyday, up close, they know their strengths and weaknesses. Believe it or not, I think they actually want to win more than we want them to win.

          All that being said, I wouldn’t have been batting Reddick against all the left-handers, but, until Puig got here what was the choice? Reddick was struggling “mentally” and going against left-handers didn’t help. Maybe Kiki in right and playing Joc against lefties. I know, Toles, with hindsight, he probably couldn’t have done worse. But the lineup is made up without the benefit of hindsight.

          The big story this year is, ALL THE INJURIES. We are in first place, even after the hated ones spent a quarter billion dollars last off-season. Good Job Dodgers!! Including FAZ!!

  11. While some people in here would rather argue and put down others, MJ makes actual Dodger related points and lists some serious concerns/comments. Well done

    The stat that really shocked me was the 23-20 record since the break. I thought we were much better than that, but perhaps that’s because san crapcisco keeps losing, which makes things a lot more fun. The division is ours for the taking; our road the rest of the month is a bit easier than theirs. However, we do get them 6 more times, so we do need to win these easy games. Then again, we did just beat sf and Chi 4-6.

    Now we’ll need Captain Blister and JDL to win today and tomorrow, and we can say we took another series. Meanwhile, fantastic matchup at 11am today: Bum v. Arrieta. Holy Cow!

    I thought Urias showed something special last night. He clearly didn’t have his best stuff, he was erratic and wild, and yet he gave up 2 hits and were it not for a 2 out hit by a .190 hitter off one of our relievers, Urias would have given up zero runs. He has 1 or 2 type stuff. It’ll be awesome to see next year. For now, time for the next stud rookie to carry us thru Sept.

    1. Thanks Bobby
      It is just frustrating to see this team go this far, and then look so unenergetic out there, against a team they should beat.

      This is not even the same Padre team, that they faced earlier in the season.

      There is no Kemp, and no Melvin Jr.

      Bobby thank you for reminding me about that game.

      I hope the Dodgers can pull out of this tonight.

      I do think that Utley brings a lot more energy to this team, and I think he should still play against lefties, most of the time.

      He helped the Dodgers win that first game against the Cubs, and they had a leftie starting, but Kenley couldn’t save that game.

    2. Apparently Urias got his knuckles nicked when he tried to bunt and although x-rays were negative, that probably explains how he lost command in the 6th.

  12. I do know how I forgot something, since I wrote so much, but I have noticed, that our team have played up to the teams they are facing almost all year, but have also played down, to teams like the Padres.

  13. De Leon goes on Sunday, I read. I can’t believe we can’t gain on the giants. They are like cock roaches that never seem to die. We CAN’T allow the giants to stay in this thing. Last night was a choke job. I want to blame the presence of 66, but I have to be rational about it. Is he that dark cloud by now? Right now, my only hope is that we back into the playoffs because the other teams are worse. Then, we can go from there. Chavez and Liberatore, my favorites, failed last night. Roberts might have some Mattingly decisions to make, like trying to find the bullpen hot hand for the day. Not easy to do.

    1. Puig contributed. It’s not him. I know what it is. It’s The Curse of AJ. You don’t treat family like that. karma is a bitch.

      Mark – “you make me sick!”

      Feelings mutual. Do what the rest of us did, throw up, identify the problem and fix it!

    2. It’s more like the Giants have allowed us to stay in this thing, giving up an 8 game lead which is now a 2 game deficit. Even by their standards it has been a choke. But you don’t want to go into the final series in SF up by 3 or less.

      1. I would say it’s the opposite. We have allowed the Giants to stay close. We should be 10 games ahead given how bad they have played. But we are only 2 games ahead, which is a better than 2 games back. But still we have allowed them to remain close.

  14. The thing is if our team can get it together now, we still have a chance, but that game last night, doesn’t in still confidence, that they will, but I hope they will.

  15. When Mattingly was the manager, I wanted him gone, but you seldom saw me second guess his lineups or moves, because Second Guessers are NEVER wrong. You can second guess any manager in baseball and be right 70% to 75% of the time (good hitters hit .300, average hitters hit .250 – therefore it stands to reason that any move made has a 70% to 75% possibility of failing).

    No offense, but I don’t read the second guessing (“Why didn’t Roberts play Toles? Why did he play Seager and Turner when they are hurting? Why does he leadoff Kendrick?” I can’t read it because it’s just silly. Any trained monkey can write such stuff. They are bashing Bochy in SF right about now because he suddenly got stupid?

    Let me tell you something: On our best day, we (me included) don’t know jack $hit compared to Dave Roberts or Andrew Friedman, guys who do this every day. To micro manage their moves is the essence of grandiose delusions… if you are serious. Oh sure, sometimes I question why a player is not playing… but we really have no knowledge. If we really believe that, we are just legends in our own minds.

    All season, I have maintained that the Dodgers could win it all. They still can, regardless of the most disastrous, injury-riddled season ever by a major league team… and lots of you hate me for that. It must suck to be you. (If this does not apply to you, good! Ignore it!)

    1. Mark
      You just said the other day, that Toles should be playing.

      And you have said on more then one occasion that Joc shouldn’t start against a leftie.

    2. First of all Mark, I have been one of Roberts biggest supporters here.

      And I just want to team to do better, against lefties.

      I think Roberts might be clinging to this platoon line up, because he thinks this is what the front office wants.

      And you must be kidding, that you don’t post stuff like that.

      Everybody including me, read what you wrote just yesterday.

      You have said on many different occasions, that Joc shouldn’t hit against lefties, as well as Reddick.

      And you have said that Toles should be playing too.

      Either you were just joking with me, or you just want a reaction.

    3. Mark, the professionals played Grandal for more than a month last year when everyone saw, game after game, that he should be sitting. Meanwhile AJ was having a nice September.

      And Colleti, La Russa, Etc are professionals too.

      Don’t make one argument to put down someone’s opinions, claiming they are monkeys, then completely ignore those same arguments when making your own monkey points against overpaying players.

  16. Gradually, little by little, pieces of information comes out about what Puig did to get him demoted. The latest was Roberts saying Puig would sit at the end of the dugout and not watch the game.

    Last year Puig would clown around with Ryu and the year before with Hanley.

    1. That’s unfair. I do understand why they want him to be exactly like them, but I think anyone of even normal intelligence would find it impossible to sit there and stare (interestedly) for the 3 or 4 hours a game takes. For every minute of action there are 6 to 8 minutes of boring nothingness. (Thank God for Vin Scully) I guess that gives you some idea of my opinion on the intelligence level of baseball players and especially managers. Did you ever hear of a manager belonging to Mensa?

    2. I think it was when he pulled up “lame” just when he was about to be traded. That’s was it for FAZ and Roberts.

      Not watching film is a big failing for me. I’d have kept him in AAA.

  17. I like Toles. He is fast, has a good arm, and plays good defense. He is now on the other teams’ radar though and will not see as many fastballs. He looked bad against curve balls that broke down and in toward his feet. He will have to adjust.

    If Utley plays second and Kendricks plays left, and Puig now plays right, where does Toles play? Some will say CF but that position already has a player with a 800+ ops and 19 home runs with great defense.

    If the team is going to reduce platooning, then Toles will have less playing time. For me, Kendricks and Utley need rest and that gives Toles more chances to play left.

    Russell and Lopes were center fielders in the minors and both converted to the infield on the fly in the majors. That is hard to do. Why not see if Toles can play second during the off season? Badger, maybe Toles is that fast guy you want at short.

    1. Bum
      Joc had 23 strike outs, in his first 60 at bats this year, and Toles has only 13, so I don’t think his strike outs or out of line.

      And this is Toles first 60 at bats, in the bigs, unlike Joc.

      And that wasn’t the first time that Toles has struck out on his hands, and he has adjusted.

      Joc still hasn’t proven that he can hit consistently, in his second year.

      1. MJ, a player that has an OPS of over .800 is having a good year. If you want to compare homeruns or RBIs per plate appearance, then Joc is doing better than all but Grandal.

        I will go with the player with the most experience and plays the best center field. I like Toles in left and Joc in CF against rightys and I prefer Joc in CF against leftys as well.

    2. And if Puig doesn’t hit he won’t be playing right.

      Puig’s offensive numbers, have gotten worse every year he has played.

      I do hope Puig can hit lefties again, but if he doesn’t, he won’t play.

      The only reason that Puig is up, is because we need a player, that can hit lefties, and we need one badly.

      1. I give him the job and work Toles in left. And I go with that the rest of the way. There will be a few days you rest each player, but those two are first string outfielders.

  18. If Howie hits 4 home runs instead of just going 4-4 then the Dodgers win. So it’s his fault

    Puig goes 2-4 but gets out with the bases loaded. So it’s his fault

    Tole stiles out twice. If he had started he would have hit 4 more grand slams. So it’s Roberrts fault for nor starting him.

    This team sucks. Sure we’re in first place but the front office is terrible. We should be on pace to be 162-0 . Anything else is clearly unacceptable.

    1. Solid post Gracie. I got a chuckle out of it.

      I still think Utley and Kendrick should platoon at second. Toles plays. Puig plays. They are young and don’t need rest. Trade them both for prospects, draft picks, tine shares, future consideration on Hawaiian condos and PTBNL for all I care but those two guys need to be on the field every day. And let Puig play “his way”. If it puts up 4 WAR, I’ll put up with his occasional brain fart on the basepaths and his overthrows. Show up on time and hustle every second between the lines and I’m good with Puiginsanity.

      1. Yes, it seems they are more upset about what Puig does off the field (dugout) while ignoring what he can do on it.

        1. You think maybe it’s polarity thing with Puig at one end of the dugout laughing and joking around and Utley at the other end of the dugout with a Bowa-like scowl on his face?

          Puig’s problem, in my opinion, is not necessarily the fact he likes to have fun, it’s that he may not know when clowning is just not appropriate. It’s still a question of maturity. I think it always has been. He’s been immature long enough. It’s time to be an adult and go to work.

          1. Perhaps if someone explained to him that acting the way they want for 3 years so he can sign that $200 MM contract just might be worth it. Then he can be Puig, a rich Puig, again…

          2. Did you see the interview with Puig who said Pujos was the one who called him when he was sent down and explained to him what his employers were trying to get him to do? I would like to have a little more backstory on that.

    2. The team is hitting great against lefties, and that is why every team’s manager, is sticking any leftie pitcher they have, to stop the Dodgers offensively.

      And guess what, it is working!

      1. The giants have two of them and I still think it will come down to beating them in the last week. Neither of these teams look capable of pulling away.

  19. One comment about the game, and I’ve been one of the biggest Roberts supporters, I think we could have won going more small ball with hit and run, run and hit. This last game felt like a Mattingly/McGwire masterpiece. Seemed like the players felt that they’ve been hitting and were just waiting for the big hit later in the game.

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