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Ryu Excellent . Everybody Else, Not So Much. Dodgers Lose 2-1

It was the Dodgers and Giants! The heated rivalry! Excitement! Drama!

On the other hand, question marks surround both teams as they hover around the bottom of the NL West. Can Hyun-Jin Ryu put up a quality performance? Will the Dodgers get well against an injury-riddled rival? Do the Giants have enough to grit out a win against their sworn blue enemy? Here’s how it played out.

The Giants threatened with two out in the first, when Yasiel Puig came up huge on what at first looked like an RBI base hit to everybody – everybody but the Wild Horse.

Brandon Belt was on HIS horse, heading for home, Puig fielded the bouncer and came up throwing. He flung his dart perfectly, a few feet before the plate and on the basepath. Yasmani Grandal fielded it and swung around to tag Pence out, saving the run and ending the inning.

The Giants were insistent on scoring first, however, and they small-balled a run over in the second. The Dodgers seemed equally insistent on NOT scoring, as they went down in order through the first four innings.

Hyun-Jin Ryu did his part for victory tonight in limiting the Giants to a single run over six innings of mostly magnificent work. Things got a bit dicey in the sixth with two on and two out. The skipper went out to the mound, but Ryu convinced him that he wanted that last out, and more importantly, that he would get it. Roberts left Ryu in and he got that last out on a pop up to Justin Turner.

Ryu did everything the Dodgers could have asked for, but the question remained: Would the rest of the boys do their jobs and push some runs across the board?

Ryu was out, and Adam Liberatore was given the task of continuing to keep the enemy off the scoreboard. Liberatore worried everyone a bit too much with two base runners and only one out. So he was lifted for Josh Fields. He couldn’t get the job done and gave up a two run RBI. Giants 2 – Dodgers 0

The Dodgers finally got on the board in the top of the eighth as Chase Utley walked and survived outs all around him to bring home a lonely run. Giants up 2-1.

The Dodgers tried to make it interesting in the ninth, but instead turned everything into a comic-tragedy. Justin Turner blooped a single, brilliantly stole second, and then ridiculously ran himself into the third out. Turner was 75 feet toward third when Adrian Gonzalez struck out and Turner tried to return to second.

For the second time this season, the Dodgers made the third out at third base, this time to end the game. So they’re actually regressing. Technically JT was thrown out a second, but that probably wouldn’t have happened if he wasn’t cheating so dang far down the line to third. So it was the over-zealous pursuit of third that killed him.

Dodgers lose 1-2.

Positive Note: In the eighth, the Dodgers executed a beautiful Romo to Grandal to Seager cut down of Eduardo Nunez trying to steal second.

Feelings: The Giants remembered Sergio Romo‘s service to the bay in a video tribute before the game. Romo was modestly well-received when he came in to pitch against his old team. He threw a scoreless eighth.

Hyun-Jin Ryu went six innings with 5 hits, 1 run, 3 Ks and 1 walk.



Oscar Martinez

I was born in the shadow of Dodger Stadium and immediately drenched in Dodger Blue. Chavez Ravine is my baseball cathedral, Vin Scully was the golden voice of summer all my life, and Tommy Lasorda remains the greatest Dodgers manager ever. My favorite things are coffee, beer, and the Dodgers beating the Giants. I also blog about my baseball card hobby at All Trade Bait, All the Time.

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Oscar Martinez
I was born in the shadow of Dodger Stadium and immediately drenched in Dodger Blue. Chavez Ravine is my baseball cathedral, Vin Scully was the golden voice of summer all my life, and Tommy Lasorda remains the greatest Dodgers manager ever. My favorite things are coffee, beer, and the Dodgers beating the Giants. I also blog about my baseball card hobby at All Trade Bait, All the Time.

61 thoughts on “Ryu Excellent . Everybody Else, Not So Much. Dodgers Lose 2-1

  1. The pitching was more than adequate to win this game. Ryu is getting some bad breaks as the hitters are simply slumping as they have been prone to due for some years now. Is it time to blow it up?

    Nah. Too early and FAZ would have no balls to do so.

    Toles is clearly struggling. Taylor needs to play, not Utley. Roberts is already lost in what to do. It’s become a guessing game, not something you want your team to be involved in. The outfield needs a re-shuffling. Same problems each year. Metrics ain’t fixin’ nuttin’.

  2. Puig’s throw cut down Belt, not Pence. Pence would have scored.

    Ryu was fine. SF is hitting .235 as a team so that is a great opportunity for a pitcher to squeeze in 6 innings. Sure would like to see the occasional 7-8 innings out of someone other than Kershaw. He should go 7 today. And we win. Right?

    Toles is no leadoff man. For the severaleth year in what feels like a generation we don’t have a leadoff man. Forsythe? Yeah sure, a 30 year old with a 7 year career .328 OBP.

    We have issues. Nightly brain farts among them. The good news is, we aren’t this bad. The bad news is, well, just rewind the video of last night’s game.

    1. Badger

      You are right Toles isn’t a lead off guy, and it is epecially bad, when both Corey and Toles, bat one after another.

      Because they tend to be aggressive hitters, so they have short at bats sometimes, and that can cause two quick outs.

      And Roberts said this before, so I don’t know why he is having Toles lead off.

      Maybe he thinks some of the more experienced players, can’t hit at the top of the order, but I wouldn’t have Toles, lead off.

      Toles just had a hit in his last game, he can’t get a hit in every game.

      I wouldn’t be concerned with Toles, because almost no one did a thing against Cain, and the Giants bullpen, last night.

      Corey got a hit early, but Puig was the only one that got a solid hit after Corey did, last night.

      And it was good to see Puig take the ball to right, because when he is having trouble picking up hits, he tends to to pull the ball.

      It was also good to see Puig play, his usual good defense.

      He looks like he is staying in games more, then he did before, and he had a very nice throw to the plate, that saved a big run.

      Cain has been causing hitters, to have weak contact, in most of his starts this year, and in two of his previous starts, he had only allowed one run.

      So like Nomar said on the post game show, it wasn’t surprising to see Cain cause our hitters, to have weak contact.

      The best thing about last night’s game, was Ryu!

      Ryu not only pitched a pretty good six innings, his velocity touched 91, 92, throughout the time he pitched.

      And we know Ryu can pitch, and pitch well, so he should show improvement, with every new start, he has.

      And with Urias starting on Thursday, our pitching rotation, is looking better, although it will take Urias a while, to get up to major league speed.

      Turner did make a mistake, but how can you be upset with Turner, he is usually gold, and I am sure, he beat himself up, for getting caught off base.

      But it always sucks to loose to the Giants!

      And actually the Giant fans, didn’t have as much passion that they have showed in the past last night, so that could have made this loss, even worse.

  3. I think Toles is a nice story. But I don’t think he is hurting the team. Last I checked he had more HR’s than Agon and Turner combined! So where does the real offensive problem lie?

    1. Well Artie, peruse this site for a few minutes and draw your own conclusions:

      I see there 3 teams in our own division that are better WRISP than us. That has been a problem for this team for a few years now. Clutch hitting sounds old school cliche but might be a good place to start.

      The stats have us right where we sit in the division – middle of the pack. I believe we will improve. How much? Iontkno. Maybe not enough.

      1. Badger

        The only way they will improve that, is being able to Manufacture runs, like the Giants did last night.

        It makes it easier to get a run home, since you don’t always need a hit in these situations, a ground out to the right side or a sac fly, can get runs home.

        1. My bad as I see that you had sort it for ‘RISP’. KC has yet to hit a HR with a man in scoring position….interesting.

    2. Artieboy

      I think you make a good point.

      We shouldn’t expect more from Toles, when not many of the players with more experience, are doing that much better.

      And because the whole team didn’t do much last night, I am not so sure, that Toles is struggling, any more then
      anyone else on the team, except Corey, and Turner.

      I do know that Toles isn’t a good lead off hitter, at this point in his career.

      I also know, that Kike seems to be is the only one I see, getting the most, out of these platoons.

      Because Kike is getting so much playing time right now, because we are facing, so many lefties lately.

      Kike just started three games in a row, and he started in one of the next two games after that, and he will be starting tonight.

      And when Kike makes his start tonight, he will have started in, five out of the last six games, we have played.

      During this same stretch of games, Toles has only started in two of those six games, counting the game tonight.

      Some of these hitters get at bats late in games, but that is nothing like starting, and getting four, at bats.

      And because we are not winning more games then we are losing, I don’t think these platoons, are good for our hitters, and especially, are not good, for the team.

      I know Taylor has done well, but he hasn’t been in this platoon mess, for that long, and he was getting consistent at bats, down in AAA, before he was called up.

      And if these platoons of part time players, would have really worked up to now, teams would have already stopped throwing every leftie they can, at us.

  4. Not much good you can say after a loss of any kind, and when it is to the Giants, well, nothing good is ever said after that. Ryu pitched well enough to win. Dodgers stunk on offense against a pitcher that they have owned over his career. They are losing when they should win. Puig’s gunning down Belt saved their bacon once. I saw last night a very hittable pitcher weave his way through a line up that should have beat him. Nobody was squaring anything up. Overall, a lousy game to lose.

    1. Michael

      It was good to see Puig hit that ball to right, and I hope he can build off that, and remember to go the other way, if a pitch is good for that.

      Because that is where most of Puig’s power is.

      Ryu and Puig were the two positives, in that game.

  5. So after being told there was no rush to bring Bellinger up, there had to be an opening for him blah blah – there is indeed a rush to bring him up. Does he play centerfield?

    1. Badger

      They said he would be alternating between left, and centerfield, so yes, he plays centerfield.

      I think if they stopped these platoons, that would help a lot too.

    1. That’s interesting speculation Chili.

      Just checked Baseball Press. The Dodgers lineup is the only one not posted yet.

      1. Badger

        He has Joc’s swing, but he didn’t strike out, at the same rate in the minors, asJoc did.

        And he hit about 270, 280 in minors, against lefties.

          1. Badger

            I was giving his numbers, from last year.

            From what you posted, he hasn’t had many at bats, against lefties this early, in the season.

            But thanks for that tread.

      1. MJ,

        My only point is that bringing Bellinger up now (and allowing an extra year of arbitration) to jump start the offense is the internal option of fixing the offense. If this does not work then I can see a trade(s) being made in the near future if the Dodgers stay 5 to 10 games back.

        Keep in mind that if you are not part of the solution than you are part of the problem. Notice is being serve to both Puig and Pederson.

        1. Chili

          Jerry Hairston just said almost the exactly same thing, you just said.

          He said, that the front office is putting eveyone on notice, if they don’t start hitting, the front office will do what they need to do!

  6. Lineup there now

    1. Enrique Hernandez (R) CF
    2. Corey Seager (L) SS
    3. Justin Turner (R) 3B
    4. Yasiel Puig (R) RF
    5. Adrian Gonzalez (L) 1B
    6. Yasmani Grandal (S) C
    7. Chris Taylor (R) 2B
    8. Cody Bellinger (L) LF
    9. Clayton Kershaw (L) P

  7. Ugh, Gonzo and Grandal back to back gives me the willys. Grandal gives me the willys every game however, not a fan of his in the least. Feast or famine hitters don’t belong as a #1 catcher. I’m ready for him to be the backup catcher.
    Wow, Puig batting 4th, we’ll see how that works out.
    good to see Taylor at 2B, the Utley situation gives me the willys.
    I hope Kershaw can hit a few HRs tonight.
    Watch for Turner to drive in Seager twice tonight.

    1. I used to think like you about Grandal. Has anyone noticed his improvement in throwing base stealers out? Tremendous adjustment this year. We need a solid catcher at the plate. His HR power doesn’t hurt, but I agree that he is not a consistent hitter.

  8. Gunkel designated. Eibner on a roller coaster. Churn, churn.

    Squirrel gives you the willys True? Give him time. He’ll find a nut in the next 25 at bats

    1. YF

      I don’t understand why Roberts is having Puig hit fourth, against lefties.

      He isn’t even hitting over 120 against lefties, and he has quite a few at bats, against lefties this year, because every team is throwing lefties, against us.

      And he has had reverse splits, in his career against lefties.

  9. Aren’t we facing a lefty tonight?

    Sounds very un FAZ to bring him up and stick him in versus a lefty.

    Wonder if attendance figures at Dodger Stadium have anything to do with this?

    But I’m glad he gets a chance.

      1. Bluto

        He is to big of a prospect, to platoon with.

        He will be treated much like Corey was.

        These platoons didn’t work last year, and apparently they are not working well this year, or teams, would stop throwing every leftie they have, at us.

        1. Really?

          So against LHP it’ll be Bellinger in CF and Gutierrez in LF?


          I hope you are right.

          1. Bluto

            I think he will play in these next three games, because Roberts said he will play, in these next three games.

            And probably everything else, will depend on what Bellinger does.

            These platoons are just terrible.

            A part time utility player, shoudn’t be playing in more games, then regular players.

            And I don’t know how you stand, but when a player is use to playing everyday, it is hard for them to hit well, when they are not getting consistent at bats.

            These are major league pitchers, that are always making adjustments, on the hitters.

          2. Yeah. I just don’t agree. If player A sucks against lefties, don’t play him against lefties.

            Calling them regular players and utility players is subjective and out of place in this discussion.

          1. Bluto

            Do you listen to Monday, and Charlie?

            Do you remember how long it took Turner to hit, last year?

            That must suck that you can’t hear, Vinny now.

          2. I like Steiner.

            This could be even worse than Justin Turner last year. Turner at least had a homer or two.

            It’s all getting under and popping out, or rolling over and weakly grounding out.

            It’s pathetic.

            If he’s injured, he should go on the DL.

          3. Bluto

            The problem is this same platoon team, ranked last in offense, in all of baseball, year, all long last year.

            That is no platoon advantage.

          4. But it should get better, given past performance.

            The ‘regulars’ haven’t shown the same proficiency

    1. Well Gonzo actually finally hit one hard and got a double, of course they left him stranded….when Toles swung and missed a pitch that he could not have hit if he was 6’6″…

      1. Michael

        Your right, Toles pulled a Joc.

        And Puig has looked better, but he still does stuff like that, occasionally too.

        Toles didn’t even swing in time.

        He is small in stature, so he has to understand, he has a small strike zone.

        When I see that, it makes me think, that he is letting the game, speed up on him, or he is losing his confidence, but we will see.

        Bottom line our offense is not that good, and these platoons are not good for the hitters, or the team.

        And just like I thought, it was the regular players in the line up, that supplied the offense last night, not the platoon players.

  10. According to the broadcast team, and Dave Roberts, Urias will be in the rotation for the duration, sooooooooooooooooooooooo somebody gets left out. Right now, Wood after tomorrows start will most likely head to the pen. Hill on DL, so no threat there for now. Who goes down when they activate Urias???? Maybe Liberatore, who knows….

  11. Yasmani Grandal, MR.GIDP, is proving that he is what he is, A below average hitter, with some pop and an innate ability to not get hits in the clutch. DP groundout, a K…….boy that framing skill is really his best attribute……….because he sucks at hitting.

  12. Once again, a less than decisive win. It kind of takes the wind out of the sails of this ship. The ship seems portless and adrift. Kershaw, Seager, and Turner seem to be the heart of the team. We need more body parts to create the machine. Old parts just keep wearing out. Refurbished parts are hit and miss, too. There is no freshness here. No vision. No amount of backslapping and positive spin can alter this situation. Who is going to step up? Who is going to light the fire?

    1. I nominate Jeff to step up and light the fire.
      If not Jeff, maybe a mascot?
      If neither Jeff nor a mascot, how about some achieving, under-talented player full of grit and moxie?

    2. Jeff

      Your making one of my points, when we have this platoon team start, most of the offense, doesn’t come from those players.

      The offense usually comes, from the guys from the regular line up, that are playing with the part time, platoon players.

  13. Puig has some good at bats. I’m encouraged. He again laid off several low and outside pitches, one with 2 strikes. I think if A-Gon rests more, and Barnes play more, we will be fine and be in first by June.

    Overall, I think we score if we make more contact. It’s the non contact rally killing outs that’s the problem. We’re consistently getting people on in bunches with 1 out or less. I seriously think we should not play Toles, Grandal, Kike and Pederson in the same lineup. Two out of the 4 at any one time, but not more than that.

    1. YF

      The problem is that we have been facing so many lefties, the platoon line up, and Kike, are playing way to much.

      And I would rest Grandal against lefties, because he isn’t hitting them well, and I would give Barnes a chance.

  14. Yawn…… Looked like 2 evenly matched teams poppin up and grounding out to another 2-1 finish. One team was 7 for 32 with a double, the other 8 for 35 with a double. The loser was 2 for 8 WRISP, the winner was 1 for 7 WRISP. They must be slower than us. The winner also had a HOF pitcher throwing for them, the losing pitcher has 1 Major League win in his career. I was dozing off in the 7th. $234 FCI for this? I don’t think so. I’ll go to a Cirque du Soleil show first. Or save some money and go to the Old Town Farmers Market. Kale is more exciting than a Dodger game.

  15. There has been some mention about Josh Reddick and how terrible he was for us but to be fair, it was only the first month(August) that he hit worse than my grandmother
    The last months(Sept/Oct): BA .382; OBP .417; OPS .962
    August 87 AB’s. Sept/Oct 68 AB’s

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