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Dodgers Get Clobbered, Nothing To See Here

This game should be erased from memory, act as if it didn’t happen.  The reason I put a Justin Turner picture on my last story was because it was to signify how much they miss him. Today the Dodgers sent Rich Hill to the mound to face Tajuan Walker.  You figure on paper that the Dodgers should win but the game isn’t played on paper.

The game started off well enough in the bottom of the 2nd as Yasiel Puig hit a double. Joc Pederson then hit a single and the Dodgers took a 1-0 lead. That would be the jist of the Dodgers attack tonight.  C.J. Mcfarland came to pitch the third inning for Tajuan Walker.

In the third inning, David Peralta walked with two outs. Ketel Marte then hit a double to score a run. Paul Goldschmidt then hit a two run jack to snap him out of his funk. Meanwhile while the crickets kept singing and the Dodgers kept going quietly. In the 4rth inning Chris Owings hit a double. Deven Marrero then singled (the ball left the yard but the runners overlapped each other and the homer was ruled a single via review) to score another run to make the score 5-1. Game, set, and match.

So Logan Forsythe seems to be injured, as if the news could’t get worse.  In the top of the fifth, A.J. Pollack hit a two run shot to make the score 7-1. Scott Alexander came in a pitched a few innings of scoreless relief.  Wilmer Font came in during the 8th inning and gave up a homer to Pollack. It’s safe to say the Wilmer Font experiment is over. Alex Avila added a homer off Font in the 9th to wrap up the scoring.

Bellinger and Puig seem to be swinging the bat fine. The pitching hasn’t gotten it done. Let’s hope Clayton Kershaw can save us tomorrow.

James Moya

Hi I’m James Moya. I am an avid Dodgers fan. I graduated Cal State Fullerton with a Bachelors in Communications. I used to freelance at the San Bernardino Sun. I’m excited about this opportunity to write for LA Dodger Report to gain experience. I’m a straight shooter on my opinions and I hope to get some good conversations going. My dream has always been to report on the Dodgers because Baseball is the National Past-time. I hope you enjoy the ride with me.

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James Moya
Hi I’m James Moya. I am an avid Dodgers fan. I graduated Cal State Fullerton with a Bachelors in Communications. I used to freelance at the San Bernardino Sun. I’m excited about this opportunity to write for LA Dodger Report to gain experience. I’m a straight shooter on my opinions and I hope to get some good conversations going. My dream has always been to report on the Dodgers because Baseball is the National Past-time. I hope you enjoy the ride with me.

38 thoughts on “Dodgers Get Clobbered, Nothing To See Here

  1. Marrero’s hit scored 2 there James. It would have been a 3 run homer but he passed Avila on the bases. Clobbered is nothing new the last 3 games as they have given up 16, 8 and 9 runs. That’s 33 in 3 games. That’s on the pitching staff, not the hitters. Puig had 2 doubles and Cody 1. They put Grandal in the 3 hole and he was 1-3. But Taylor and Seager again failed to set the table for the big guns. Taylor walked once, but then was thrown out trying to steal when he pulled up short of the bag for some unknown reason. Font gave up his 4th and 5th homers of the year. Hill has given up 3 and got lucky Marrero passed Avila because that would have been #4. Their best pitcher goes tomorrow and he has yet to win a game despite a 1.89 ERA in 3 games. Both Wood and Hill have ERA’s over 5. The whole team is in a funk……

  2. Might lose Forsythe. I do not think that matters as he has not been a key conrtributor. As a matter of fact, he has probably caused a few of the losses. As far as the rest of the team, remember everyone saying this was the same team as last year? Guess not. I don’t think this will turn out well. Maybe some will quit listening to FAZ.

    1. Package

      We probably will do ok without Forsythe as long as Farmer continues to play well, at third defensively.

      I don’t know why Roberts hasn’t been giving Farmer more chances to start, he and Chase, are doing the best off our bench, but Farmer hasn’t gotten the chances, like other players have, that are not producing.

      Both Forsythe and Kike, don’t hit righties well, so sometimes they kill us, when they are in the line up, together.

      I am hoping Farmer takes advantage of this chance, and maybe they will bring up Peter, or another infielder, at AAA.

      And these guys can take advantage of the chance they have been given.

      I was never convinced that Forsythe would hit righties this year, and I was surprised they resigned him for that nine million more, with the way they have acted about, the luxury tax.

      Chase has been hitting, but he has had some trouble on defense.

      The first series, it was all our starters, and they were provided with no offense.

      These last two games were on Maeda and Hill, and some of the pitchers in the bullpen.

      Hill started ok yesterday, and then he suddenly lost his command, so he made it very easy for the Dbacks to wait for his fastball, and clobber it.

      Kershaw should have good game today, because he pitched pretty well against the Dbacks at their place, and he is pitching at home today.

      I hope Roberts plays his best line up today, because they need some continuity in the line up, to play as a team on offense.

  3. I’m surprised by a couple things here. First, I’m surprised the offense has started so inconsistently. But, that happens. Teams, even the good ones, slump occasionally. I’m also surprised some here believe the team is this bad.

    Can’t say I’m surprised by the pitching. As you know the starting staff does not impress me. We needed another (Cole?) and we need Buehler. Who knows about the bullpen. Maybe they’re good, maybe not, it remains to be seen.

    The off season FAZ goal was payroll, not players. How that will work out also remains to be seen. I know we aren’t this bad. The question for me is – how good are we?

    I agree Forsythe alone won’t be a great loss but in combination with losing Turner it will stress the depth. You want to see what Farmer can do? – you’re about to find out.

    The character of this team is being tested. I think they will respond.

    1. Badger

      I don’t think the team is this bad, but I do think Roberts should go with his best line up now, so they can work together on offense, as a team.

      They just started the season, so non of the players really need this many days off, including Kemp.

      They already had a lot of days off in April, even before they had that day off in SF, because of the weather.

      1. MJ, as long as FAZ is running this team, Roberts will never trot the same 8 out there everyday. He believes in saber metrics as much as FAZ. And personally, since he is in a contract year, I do not think he has the guts to go against them.

        1. Michael

          Most of the players on the team don’t have good numbers, to really use saber metrics, as a good tool.

          Play the few players that are hitting, and players that have a good resume, when it comes to hitting.

          That should still be the best line up, for this team.

          And really the only excecption here, would be Farmer, but he is one of the players, that has hit, with the few chances, he has been given.

          And Farmer is a far better third baseman, then Kike, and Kike isn’t hitting, anyways.

          1. I absolutely agree. But when I was talking about sabermetrics and such, Doc started Joc last night because he has had a lot of success against that pitcher. Even though common sense said start the veteran Kemp who has a solid track record.

  4. I’m afraid to say it, but I saw this trainwreck coming in the middle of the WS. I know Iknow, say what you want but the problems in the manager’s chair were really exposed for what they are, at least I began to see them. I had a hint of it during the long and hideous August but I wanted to not trust my head and trust my heart. I’ve watched this guy insist on playing stupid lineups and sticking with the wrong players (Reddick(son), Granderson and Pederson…see my “son” thing). Then you go to ST and you see Roberts has made up his mind his players just ran out of steam in the WS so he is going to give his starters a easy, reduced schedule during ST so that they will be ready for a long season and post season. So he misidentifies the real issue then addresses what he has misidentified with a flawed strategy. Thus his team goes into this season not ready and struggling to figure out how to win games (see most batters [notice I don’t call them hitters], see unsorted bullpen roles, see Kenley FireCan).

    Then a gripe I have had for some time, players perform well in ST to only be demoted to AAA and a less performing player allowed to go to LA. So again mis-identification and faulty strategy execution. Results in poor results and a total screwing up of the attitude and motivation of players that get screwed over once again in this organization. Now how much does the FO have to do with this problem, probably a lot and maybe are the fucked up cards that get dealt to Roberts.

    In any event this trainwreck has been building for some time, actually ever since this FO was inserted.

    I have to admit I haven’t watched any games for the last week, it isn’t entertaining and it is a waste of time. If I hear about some changes being made then I’ll return, but for now this organization has to get it’s shit together and quit doing things the same old stupid way. Don’t be confused I’m not talking about winning or losing, I’m talking about getting some positive and entertaining signs showing up in order for me to be interested.

  5. Forsythe to the DL with shoulder inflammation. Valera called up from OKC. Kike starting todays game at 3rd and batting 8th. Taylor, Seager, Kemp, Bellinger, Puig, Barnes, Utley, Hernandez, Kershaw.

  6. It was mentioned in the previous thread by Package that FAZ deserved the credit when they did the good things, and I agree 100%, but they also get the blame when they do stupid things. And they are doing just that. In my opinion FAZ was ahead of the game 3-4 years as far as the use of technology and the sabermetrics went, and they were probably the smartest guys in the room along with Theo. Then other teams saw what was on the horizon and they upped the ante. Meanwhile FAZ kept to their script, dumpster diving and hoping to catch lightning in a bottle. Yes it worked a few times, but mostly it imploded. A lot has been debated over whether the success on the field the last few years was inherited by FAZ or they built it, or it was a blend run. I will go with the blend run, giving the nod to more inherited 70/30.
    FAZ has been outFAZ’d big time over the last 2 years. Every team has a whole room full of sabre geeks pouring over stats and spray charts trying to figure out how to get an edge on the other teams sabre geeks. Meanwhile FAZ kept doing the same thing, and we all know what the meaning of insanity is. We can’t sign big impact players because of the tax hit, well that was the result of some pretty shitty contracts given out the last 3 years, and yes a few inherited ones. But regardless they keep doing the same thing every frikin year.

    They stick with players who are not doing a damn thing on the field way too long, in the hopes of a hot streak coming up. What happens if that hot streak doesn’t come for a while? What if we get that hot streak but we actually need a BLAZING HOT STREAK? All these pissed away games because of non-producing players being trotted out game after game, DOC burning up the bullpen, Kike’ batting cleanup (are you f’ing kidding me), Joc (I have pictures of FAZ) playing almost every day and Font (god’s gift to inflating your HR numbers) even being on the roster. This script has played out every year. We dig ourselves a hole then pray we can dig ourselves back out of it, and the other teams dig themselves a bigger hole. While other made improvements we stood pat. I wholeheartedly believe that most other GM’s simply don’t want to deal with FAZ just to put the screws to them. And they are just not that much brighter any more that they can outsmart the other GM’s unless of course it means a blockbuster tax cap saving trade, which accomplished ZIPPOO on the field.

    As far as depth goes, what depth? We had Forsythe stinking up 3rd base the minute Turner goes down, what happens when Corey’s elbow sends him to the DL? What about starting pitching? Where is our depth of coaches who teach basic fundamentals? Oh wait they are all watching DIY videos on launch angles. If we have all of this DEPTH then why do we have the same players doing the same dance as the last couple of years? I can guarantee you that a lot of the minor league players are very unhappy with the way FAZ operates. They stash all of the so-called DEPTH in the minors, or better yet they block all of the DEPTH in the minors. A lot of players earned their way on to the 25 man only to see a bunch of un-productive stiff’s flailing away at the major league level ahead of them. We need to cut the fat off the 25 man and start using some of the talented DEPTH that we have so much of. Begin snickering now. Man it must suck being a talented player in our minor leagues, you pretty much have to pray that you are part of a trade so you can actually make it to the show.

    I truly like DOC but he is no game manager. He really is a good manager of players, not playing. Why don’t we have stronger assistant coaches? How is he left to make these head scratching in game moves day after day? We all know that he and FAZ pour over the stats, to which the lineup is made each game. Or more likely FAZ tells him what to do. Does anyone remember when Art Shell was coaching the Raiders? He would be walking along the sidelines with his headset on and you could see his facial expressions change in the most comical ways. I guarantee it was Al Davis barking in his ear. Same thing goes here.

    It’s not time to re-arrange chairs on the deck, it’s time send the ones we have down to the hold, and bring up new chairs, or this ship is going to continue sinking.

    Sorry Badgerdaumus but I don’t share your optimism that they can right the ship come summertime. By then we will still be trying to round the Great Cape of Good Hope while most other teams will be sailing off into the sunset.

    Peace Out!!!!!!

    1. Tim
      Just as a matter of record. I don’t think FAZ deserves the credit when they win as you noted in your last comment. I think they get the credit for winning but credit should go to the previous regime as most of the players came from them. I also said they deserved the credit for losing when they lose. At no time should you think that I have any use at all for FAZ. I despise FAZ and and their manager. I think they are liars and do their thing at the expense of the Fans. I hope I live long enough to see them all gone.

      1. If anyone is unclear about how I feel about FAZ, please feel free to ask and I will make it even clearer.

    2. Tim

      Good to hear from you!

      I was thinking about you, because of the way the game turned out, that you had tickets for.

      I sure hope you were able to get rid of those tickets, because that would sure be a terrible game, to go too, so I hope you got your money back!

      And if you didn’t get your money back, I am sorry, for reminding you of that game!

  7. Valera has pretty good AAA numbers. BA over .300 in 3 stints down there. Only has 10 games at the MLB level with St. louis. Supposed to be a good fielder. Roberts says Farmer will get time at 3rd while Forsythe is out, then puts the meek hitting Hernandez in the lineup today. What a moron. I agree with most of what you posted Tim, but most of that so called depth at AAA is unproven. The only one with more than 100 games of MLB time under his belt is Solano. Toles is on the DL too. Now the pitching depth down there is pretty good. Buehler and Stewart have both looked good. Banuelos, Schlitter, Venditte. As a matter of fact they are 7-1 down there and only Moscoso, and Neal have ERA’s over 3. The only loss was on an unearned run scored off of Paredes. So I for one cannot understand why Font is still on the team. I am pretty sure it is because they would have to put him on waivers. My take, do it, and do it NOW!!!! Oh yeah, Liberatore is unscored on. Alexander needs to go down. He is also a bust.

  8. Taylor

    I can’t believe Kike is playing third base today, instead of Farmer.

    Famer is a better defensive third baseman, and he deserves more at bats.

    The few times Kike has played third, he has not did well there, and Kike is not hitting.

    1. Believe it. He is one of Doc’s Faves,,,,,,,,cares less what the stats say, I am sticking with my Kike……

  9. I understand what Tim is saying but I lean heavily towards Package’s take on the subject.

    For one I think most anyone could have accomplished what this FO has done. ALL of the major pieces were already here or in the organization. Of their 200+ additions to the organization, maybe 3 have been a plus.

    Friedman nor Zaidi are never the smartest people in any room, especially one that contains baseball people. Neither has ever won a title. Ever since those 2 have held titles of GM or President of baseball operations, there has been 20-30 other gentlemen that HAVE WON championships while holding those same positions.

    Friedman’s last year at Tampa they finished 8 games under .500. (After 4 straight 90 win seasons.) The year after that, 2 games under .500. Then in 2016 they were 26 games under .500. Followed by another season under .500 and this year they are already 8 games under .500.

    Friedman left the cupboards bare. After 9 years of drafting, tinkering and trading, nothing to show for it.

    A genuis? Please. He might be able to outsmart a Kardashian but thats about his limit.

    Attach is an article that analyzes his draft record. See if that doesn’t look familar. The only thing is he has not and will not have the #1 and #3 overall picks in back to back years. Eliminate those ‘no-brainers’ and tell me how he did.

  10. Tim

    I think the best organization to compare to ours, is the Yankee’s organization.

    I think they did a good job, of transferring from an old line up, to a young line up.

    And they had some bad contracts to deal with, and they actually still have some bad player contracts, now.

  11. Trust me I am not a Fazophile by the farthest stretch of the imagination. I agree they’ve lied quite a bit. Package I was not trying to paint you any different, I know you hate them with a passion. I was merely pointing out that they do get some deserved credit on occasion, not much trust me. When I said the smartest guys in room I was referring to the Enron scandal in an off handed way. We all know how that turned out. When it comes to putting lipstick on a pig you have to admit they do rule.
    I would like nothing more than to see a new regime take over and I think it will happen sooner than later. But these geeks know how to make the owners very wealthy, fans be damned, the TV issue solidifies that. And I know they, FAZ had nothing to do with that, but it hasn’t been fixed for a reason… $$$ billions of them.
    I think we are stuck with what we have, way too many lemmings trotting up to Chavez Ravine. The fans turned on McCrook and it worked, but there are too many Fazophiles to start a revolt that would have any lasting effect.
    Just my 4. 5 cents.
    MJ, I got those tickets from a good friend of mine, I wasn’t able to sell them but I gave them to a friend who races for Porsche and they were in town for the Long Beach Gran Prix. They had a blast, it will work
    its way back to me. Karma Baby!!!!! Always make more deposits to the Karma bank than withdrawals.

  12. Tim
    No worries, I thought I might have said something that was mistaken for the truth. No problem my friend.

  13. First let me say, I despise FAZ. That being said, they are not the frippen genius’s everyone said they were. They are the most active dumpster divers in the majors. They still have that small market mentality. Kike again effectively smushes a rally. Yeah he had a sac fly the inning before, but he let a cookie go right by him with the bases juiced and then grounds weakly to third for the force at home….send him down or bench him…..please………

  14. Thanks Tim, I knew there was others that felt the same way I did. We’ve both been saying the same thing, in bits and pieces, for a long time now. I had to let out a rant, as you did, we just couldn’t take it anymore. The fans of this club really do deserve better than what we have been getting for decades. We’ve received plenty of excuses for 30 years and only last year actually made it back to the WS, only to flame out marvelously. I really think this club is at a crossroads, with the lack of success, lack of local TV coverage, to name a few, this club has a great chance of forever losing the younger crowd (fans). The younger generation won’t stick around or be attracted by some old tradition and support this team. They will only develop as fans if something exciting is taking place, and quite often, at Dodgers Stadium.

    I’ll go slit my wrists now.

    War out!

  15. I rest my case about them blocking minor league players. This new guy who I know nothing about, and will not judge him. But didn’t he just come over from I believe st. Louis in early April, and he’s already up on the big team. Got to be hard on the others in the minors!!!!
    And I am so over Orel being the Homer in the flipping world. He has gotten to the point where you can’t even listen to him. My God he drinks so much FAZ Kool aide it is ridiculous.
    We are crushing the dbags and that is the most important thing right now. Let’s keep this going!!!!!

    1. Valera was a dumpster diver pick up. Has hit well in the minors. Now the only infielder at AAA who is a Dodger draftee is Locastro. All the others are either free agents or trade pieces. Muncy, Segedin, Solano, Peter. So I doubt many egos were bruised.

      1. And Locastro is outperforming all of them. He should have called up. Our infield is hurt and we need more speed.

        1. Actually Yueh he is not. He is hitting .385 but only has 1 RBI and 1 stolen base. He has 2 extra base hits and that is it. Valera had 6 ribbies down there and was hitting .316. I think they went for the guy with more experience. As for the speed part, that I totally agree with. The other reason is that other than 2B, Locastro has mainly seen action in the outfield and 2nd base. Valera on the other hand has played the 3 infield positions.

    2. Tim

      Orel gets to me sometimes too, because he can be a cheerleader for some players, but not for other players.

      And he goes way over board at times.

  16. I’m home and planted firmly in my recliner and thought I was ready to read and relax, but now I’m depressed. You guys sound like you’re throwing in the towel.

    We have good players and plenty of talent in the minors. I don’t much care for FAZ and their often maddening FAZthomatics but most of our real talent was already here. I’m disappointed they are now cap conscious but I am trusting they are doing it for the better good. Extend Kershaw and secure a middle order super stud and I’m mostly on board – maybe. Sign more broken wings to $48 million contracts and I’ll join you all in a fan revolt and start throwing verbal rocks at their windows.

    Time for a cold NA.

    1. I am in no way throwing in the towel. But I am like most fans extremely frustrated with the way they have played. They showed some life today and Kershaw was his old self. He got bit by the HR bug again, but it was a meaningless solo shot. They go to SD for 3 now, and then come home to play the Nats. In my mind they need to go at least 5-1 in this stretch.

      1. They need to have 94 wins by the end of the season and have a rested full strength team ready to play more. That’s it.

        How to get there. Beat up on the Padres for the next three is a good start toward 94.

    2. Badger the FBZ are doing it so earn the owners more money to lay the foundation for their own extensions. There will be no quality mid rotation mid season trade, because they hold onto their trade pieces too long. I also do not think they extend Kershaw – they will try to save all they can for Seager and Belllinger. I have to say that Bellinger hitting .300 so far has been a pleasant surprise.

      The two difference makers I can see them getting, given their modus operandi, are Zach Britton and Cole Hamels. Cole Hamels is having a bad time of it early, he can’t throw a good four seamer anymore and is trying to adjust his pitch mix to 2 seamers. But this type of pitcher can be good for Honeycutt and Dodger Stadium. Britton, returning from injury, will be the proto-typical FBZ pickup. I still have hopes for Alexander but I like Britton more.

      I also caution and have misgivings about our “just stay afloat” approach. Turner is not as important as everyone thinks. The main issue is, quite simple, the DBacks are for real, and the league may have passed the Dodgers by. So we need to be bringing it every game instead of assuming for the best.

      I have said before that outside of Kershaw, Jansen is the most important player on the Dodgers. I don’t worry about Kershaw – him pitching at lower velocity is what I said he should be doing and I am glad he is doing it. Jansen, however, greatly worries me. He needs to return to his dominant form.

  17. Damn I tried to post this before but it went into the abiiss. I am not throwing in the towel. However it needs to be wound up tightly, dipped into some very cold water and snapped on the asses of 90% of this team!!!!!

    1. Some benching might be a good towel snap, but in my opinion that doesn’t send a positive message this early in the season.

      Yesterday Hernandez was hitting where he is supposed to be hitting and Pederson subbed late. Toles injury suggests to me he may be snakebit and before too long, perhaps in May, Verdugo should be given that 4th outfield shot. And Tim, I’d like to eventually hear more about your theory on Soon-Shiong. I think you’re on to something. From what I read about the guy I think he might be a good fit for the Dodgers.

      My initial reaction to Yueh’s comment about Turner was one of surprise. I think he’s the heart and soul of this lineup. It may be a good thing to start the year without him as it sends a message to the rest of the hitters. I wonder about the mid season acquisition of another Darvish and think it’s possible but wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if more walking wounded or fading veterans would be the choice. It’s the model these guys know.

      I agree about the dbacks having said as much last year and taking heat for it. The heat was applied only by a couple of guys who aren’t here any more. The dbacks are for real and they don’t like nor do they fear the Dodgers. I still side with the experts who say we are the class of the division. But in order for us to pull it off we must hit (I believe we will) and the bullpen has to be nails, maybe from as early as the 5th inning and I’m not as confident about that.

      Just now checked fangraphs current projections and its an interesting read. They still have us with 90 wins. Dbacks 85, Rockies 80, giants 78. Individually they like Seager, Turner, Bellinger and Puig, modest optimism on our other hitters. Kershaw 175 innings and a 5.6 WAR, nobody else over 128 innings (yoiks) Jansen and Alexander lead the pen, both with less than 60 innings. Gulp. They list 16 relievers. Buehler is there, starting and relieving, with 52 innings total. Julio Urias is projected 34 total innings.

      We have a long way to go. Are we again the class of NL? Not sure. Cubs think differently about that.

      1. It’s a long way to go but I don’t think we are good enough to have this “just stay afloat” mentality. My point about Turner is that he will not be the savior. The men who are playing now must play a lot better with or without him.

        I don’t even think the Cubs are the clear next better team. The Nationals, the DBacks and the Mets are all improved and they all believe they can beat the Dodgers in a series.

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