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The Dodgers Need a Well Rested Bullpen

Pedro Baez

The Los Angeles Dodgers have started to turn things around, but are still trailing the San Francisco Giants in the standings. One of the reasons the Dodgers have struggled this season is their bullpen, which has been overworked this season. The Dodgers still have favorable online MLB sports betting odds of making the playoffs because they are in the first Wild Card position in the National League.

In the past week, the Dodgers used their bullpen in over 25 percent of the innings they played, which isn’t sustainable for the rest of the season. Last Week, Pedro Baez threw a combined 46 pitches on Thursday and Friday, after throwing 30 pitches on Tuesday.

Having thrown 76 pitches in three outings, Baez wasn’t able to pitch again until Sunday. Having a well-rested bullpen is important, especially for a team like the Dodgers, who have pitchers that go an average of five innings per outing.

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If the bullpen has to throw as much as Baez threw last week on a regular basis, they won’t be very effective as the season goes on because their arms will be tired by the time the playoffs begin.

The Dodgers will also need a well-rested bullpen to help with pitchers like Mike Bolsinger, who hasn’t been effective this year, and has a 5.76 ERA, and hasn’t pitched more than five innings in any game this year.

The Dodgers have some reason for optimism because they will be getting Frankie Montas back from surgery. Montas has a 2.25 ERA in 16 minor league innings, with 22 strikeouts and 3 walks. Once his rehab stint is done, he should be placed in the Dodgers’ bullpen. Jharel Cotton, a minor league prospect, is also expected to be called up if the team needs more depth in the bullpen. If Montas and Cotton can continue pitching as well as they have in the minors, they should be able to provide the Dodgers’ bullpen with a much needed boost.

The Dodgers also got some good news this week because outfielder Yasiel Puig is expected to be making his return to the Dodger lineup on Tuesday evening. Puig was expected to make his return on Monday but was held back an extra day.

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Hyun-jin Ryu and Brandon McCarthy have also been doing well in their rehab stints with Rancho Cucamonga and Oklahoma City. Both have started at least two games, Ryu has pitched up to four innings while McCarthy has pitched up to five. Both pitchers will be given an extra day of rest this week, but Ryu is scheduled to have two more rehab starts before returning to the Dodgers while McCarthy is scheduled to have three more starts.

Once the Dodgers have a healthy and well rested bullpen, they should be better able to challenge the Giants for the NL West crown.

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28 thoughts on “The Dodgers Need a Well Rested Bullpen

  1. ( to the Publisher / Editor: I was reading posts about the game and Dodger events, then wanted to add a small piece, and did. Then I went out and found that there were two more files after of that post. So since I am like most of you, and wanted my small piece to be seen, I re-post it here. No one is going three files back to see if there have been more added. My suggestion: have as many featured stories as you want: preview of the game one, during the game one, following the game one, off day one, etc. But then in another place — the fans posting on a continuing thread. )

    On the Crawford trade from Boston —– I am not sure the Dodgers traded FOR Crawford, as he was a piece the Dodgers had to take from Boston, in order to get Agon. Dodgers probably wanted Josh Beckett at the time.

    Just looked. Carl Crawford has and will make $170,793,142 in salary for his career. With the 2016 and 2017 seasons, he is “released from contract.”

  2. I will write something I wrote in previous blog.

    Some think that Montas will be pitching in Bolsinger’s slot in the rotation, when it comes up this week.

    Because Ryu and McCarthy, are pitching in AAA, on Wed. and Thur.

    And Montas comes off the DL, on that exact day that Bolsinger’s, slot comes up in the rotation, this week.

    I believe that day is Friday.

    1. There is no way that Montas will be ready to start for the Dodgers the day that he comes off of the minor league DL. He hasn’t pitched more than 4 innings in a game since his surgery.

      1. Dodger rick
        I read these comments on Dodgers Digest. I didn’t say this, but just because a player is on DL, that doesn’t mean that they are really hurt.

        And really, did Bolsinger go much farther, then four innings?

          1. Snider
            That is really weird that he is having irritation around his incision, from his surgery. It seems like he had that surgery a couple months ago.

  3. I see that Yadier Alvarez made his pro debut last night with 3-2/3 scoreless innings and 7 K’s!

  4. It’s time to start talking about dumping Puig in a trade for Sonny Gray. It will take him and several prospects, maybe Urias. Do it. The only question is Gray’s health. In the 2-3 years it will take to get Urias up to speed, Gray could help us win the title. I’m not big on talking trades, but this one makes sense to both teams. After seeing Puig in A ball, the guy has no chance of being a productive ballplayer for the Dodgers in the near future. With the A’s and lack of spotlight there, he could continue to mature as a person and ballplayer and might be good at some time. We can’t wait any longer. Billy Beane might just bite if the prospects are right. I don’t consider trading Urias to be mortgaging the future. With the way they are handling him, most of the plusses are offset by the minus of him not being ready to pitch in the big leagues every 5 days for several more years. And what if TJ surgery comes along? Another delay. There are some minuses there, having to do with the kid glove approach to pitchers’ development.

    1. I understand why you say this Bobbie. But do you believe giving away top prospects (I won’t use the ridiculous term “mortgaging the farm”) for one good pitcher is enough to make it happen this year?

    2. Urias will be ready to pitch 180+ inning next year.

      There is no way I would trade Urias, Seager or Kershaw.

      Which Sonny Gray would the Dodgers get? He has been horrible this year.

      I’d rather go for Terahan of Atlanta. Atlanta might take a flyer on Puig.

      How about Puig, Holmes, Montas or Barlow for Julio?

      1. How about “hell no”.

        Keep everybody. This is our team. Ryu, McCarthy, Wood, Urias, Maeda, Kazmir, Anderson, Kershaw, Stripling, Montas, Bolsinger, Frias…….who am I missing ….. 95 wins. Lord Timmons done spoke on this issue. His will be done.

        This is our team. Live with it – maybe choke on it. The future ain’t now. You can quote me on that.

    3. “The only question is Gray’s health.”
      That’s talking right down the Dodgers’ alley. I wonder how many time they have said that about their acquisitions?

  5. Roger, nice story about your time in the service. Thanks for your service.

    I coached a kid by the name of Ken Schrom in High School. He pitched for the Angels, Indians, and Toronto. He was a 500 pitcher. In today’s world he would be No 4 starter. He made the all-stars from the Indians. He had a 9-3 record at the time. He hurt his shoulder and that ended his career. I watched the Indians play Seattle when Ken was pitching. Ken got us tickets right behind home plate and down low. Nice place to watch a game.

  6. Yadier Alvarez – “$16 million crown jewel”, “high quality ball of clay”.

    Rookie League? Hey, he’s older than Urias, why isn’t he on the mound in LA?

    1. Patience, Grasshopper. He’s not ready to throw eighty pitches yet. And Urias may well be ready to pitch 180 innings next year but odds are they’re not going to let him. Boras wants us to save that golden arm for free agency.

      1. It was a joke.

        Urias might be able to start 30 games next year, and he might be able to to average 6 IP per start. But why push it? 125 this year, 150 next year, build strength, build stamina and unless the beast in 2018.

  7. I expect that the Dodgers will make some kind of deal at or before the deadline, but it won’t be a game changer. It will be enough that they can say that they are trying to win now. They won’t trade any of the crown jewels and won’t get a big star of any kind who can make a big difference down the stretch.

    Just like last year.

  8. There are a lot of “First Priorities” in play right now but I think upgrading the catching department is as important as any of them. Grandal is injured or just incompetent, AJ is toast, Barnes is a mouse once more, just a No.2 catcher who can play some infield positions but probably not hit. Lucroy is the largest target. I still like Derek Norris at San Diego. Who else could be had?

  9. Well Friedman said that they had scouts scouting the elite players, that they are targeting, that could help the team, at the trade deadline.

    1. Some maybe.

      Scouts out scouting. I don’t know that means much. Scouting is what scouts do. We need offense, but we may have enough if certain players start to do what they are paid to do. I would scout inning eating starting pitchers. Guys like Samardzija, Cueto, Price, Hamels. 200+ innings guys. I wouldn’t trade for Latos again. I would also try to find 3 more 6-8 inning guys – like Chapman, Abad, Neshek, Rodney or Boyer. All those guys might be available.

      Or, maybe I just wait it out with the couple dozen arms we already have.

      1. Badger
        He said they were targeting elite players.

        And they were
        having scouts, scouting elite players.
        That the Dodgers would trade for.

        And he basically said, that they can trade now, because the farm is stocked enough.

        And this came from Friedman.

        He didn’t say complementary players, so we will see.

        I have my doubts too.

        But those were his words.

        And Latos being released, proves that he wasn’t the best pitcher, to trade for last year.

      2. Badger
        I hope that because Turner is hitting now.

        This doesn’t stop the front office, from getting another bat.

  10. They said on ESPN game last night that Sonny Grey has some shoulder concerns. And a poor season this year so far. Maybe the A’s are looking to move him before they say the word: knife.

  11. There were a bunch of saber metrics people in MLB Now, and they are not to empresses, with what Faz has done.

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