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Don’t Panic, Dodgers Fans, and Enjoy LADRs Latest Youtube Video

The boys have dropped 3 series in a row and got crushed last night 13-0 by the red-hot Diamondbacks.

Is it time to panic? Are the Dodgers done for? Will the suck continue?

Plus, a Beer Review from Deschutes Brewing, Pacific Wonderland.

Enjoy our quick video before tonight’s game.

Oscar Martinez

I was born in the shadow of Dodger Stadium and immediately drenched in Dodger Blue. Chavez Ravine is my baseball cathedral, Vin Scully was the golden voice of summer all my life, and Tommy Lasorda remains the greatest Dodgers manager ever. My favorite things are coffee, beer, and the Dodgers beating the Giants. I also blog about my baseball card hobby at All Trade Bait, All the Time.

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Oscar Martinez
I was born in the shadow of Dodger Stadium and immediately drenched in Dodger Blue. Chavez Ravine is my baseball cathedral, Vin Scully was the golden voice of summer all my life, and Tommy Lasorda remains the greatest Dodgers manager ever. My favorite things are coffee, beer, and the Dodgers beating the Giants. I also blog about my baseball card hobby at All Trade Bait, All the Time.

9 thoughts on “Don’t Panic, Dodgers Fans, and Enjoy LADRs Latest Youtube Video

  1. The dodgers made the fatal mistake of screwing with success. Momentum is a mysterious thing, I think Doc is starting to see that. Now, the question is can they get it back, we will see.

  2. I don’t think it is about the momentum, as much as it is about losing, Cody and Corey, for longer then we would want.

    Because everything said when Cody was out, should be said, about Corey, and said just as adamantly, as people did, after Cody went out!

    Because really, Corey has been our most consistent hitter, in our line up all year, and like I have said before, if you don’t believe that, check out Corey’s splits, they are almost perfect!

    There was good, that came out of that game last night, and even in the game before, if you really think about it!

    Our number three and four pitchers, in our starting rotation, pitched almost as well, as the Dback’s number one, and two pitcher, in their rotation.

    Both Hill and Ryu pitched very well, in these two games!

    And Stripling pitched two good innings last night too!

    And Roberts needs to start thinking about the other players, instead of trying to get Baez’s confidence back!

    Because the truth is Baez has never pitched much with confidence, and any little thing, can shatter, Baez’s confidence, because the truth is, Baez just doesn’t have the confidence or mentality, to pitch in high leverage situations.

    And he has never had any real confidence, since he was brought up to the majors, and he is even worse, in the post season.

    Just like Joc shouldn’t bat second, Granderson shouldn’t be hitting second either.

    Roberts is doing a disservice to Granderson and the team, by hitting Granderson second!

    We need to see what Granderson can do, hitting at the back of the line up, because he can’t even get a walk, batting second.

    And Forsythe doesn’t belong in a game, when a rightie is pitching, he has been bad against righties all year.

    And he is not equipped to hit, and play, for big market team!

    He has ruined two promising rally’s, in these last three games, by hitting into a double play!

    And Chase never hit into one double play last year, I believe, and that wasn’t any coincidence, it is because Chase is a smart veteran player, so he tries to be more selective with the pitches he hits.

    And Chase is especially selective, when there are a couple runners on base, to avoid hitting into a double play, and ending a rally.

    The truth is Forsythe does not belong in the line up, when a rightie pitcher, is out on the mound.

    And if a pitcher throws Forsythe strikes, he doesn’t know what to do, so he eventually gets down to two strikes, and he strikes out more often then not, once he is behind, with two strikes.

  3. Momentum is a HUGE part of all sports, don’t be fooled, if you have played you would certainly know that . Ever heard of “winning is contagious”?

    1. TB
      I fought that battle when they put Cody on the DL. Some of these folks believe everything Roberts says and the FO, Roberts has done many things to dampen the momentum.

      1. Package

        First no one here believes everything Roberts says!

        We just don’t believe there is a conspiracy with Roberts and the Dodgers, to keep their best player, out of the line up!

        We all saw Cody get hurt, in rightfield, and we saw him hobble back, to the dugout.

        And that is because he sprained his ankle!

        It is silly to think the Dodgers and Roberts, don’t want their best player on the field, everyday.

        But players get hurt, I haven’t heard a thing from you, about Corey!

        And you were saying some outrageous things, concerning Corey too ,to try to help your story, about Roberts, trying to keep Cody out of the line up.

        But I haven’t heard a thing from you, now that Corey is out.

        1. MJ
          I have not followed Corey’s injury since Cody went out. I would like to know what I said that is outrageous? Whether or not Corey is hurt as bad as they say remains to be seen. I just know what I saw and heard and read about Cody. I will never believe what Robert’s has said about anything as I do not believe he tells the truth unless it benefits him and his job. Listen, you have an opinion and I have an opinion. I do not follow like little a lamb. Others do. As far as wanting the best player on the field, why does Roberts sit Cody even now to play AGon. They are friends, period. 2nd game of the DH against SD.

          1. Package

            Remember you speculated about Corey having to be on the ten day DL like Cody was.

            I don’t know where you live, but I live in Southern California, and I saw and heard Cody talk about his injury, and how far a long he was, almost the entire time he was on the DL.

            So I wasn’t only going on what Roberts said, I heard Cody, and everyone on the Dodgers show, talk about Cody and his injury, including Cody himself!

            And I saw Cody trying to move laterally, When his ankle was still not ready.

            And it is also outrageous to say Roberts put Cody on the DL, so Agone could play!

            Especially when Agone went out, so Cody could play first, when Agone was having back problems.

            Because Agone had managed in his entire career,, not to go on the DL, and that wasn’t because he was never hurting.

          2. Package

            Cody sat out for one game, in a time where the Dodgers had to play three games, in two days, and Cody had just came back.

            Every player gets a day off, because they don’t want to run their players, into the ground.

            They want to keep their players, fresh through the season, so they will be fresh in the post season!

            And Cody will have more days off, because of all of that.

            And it is a fact that Cody can play more then first base, so it isn’t even always about Agone!

            And during that weekend, Roberts wanted to take a look at Vergudo at the major league level.

            And if you like Cody as much as you act like, you would understand that Cody’s needs a day off, occasionally!

    2. True

      I played sports in high school, and in college!

      When a team plays 162 games, that kind of momentum, is hard to keep, especially if a team’s two best players, go out so closely together!

      And especially on the pace the Dodgers were on, for so long.

      Corey and Cody are this team’s top two players, and anything anyone of these two players have to go out, it is going to hurt the team!

      And they went out, one after another, and Corey is still out!

      If you don’t think Corey is that important to this team, check out his splits!

      I don’t like some of the things that Roberts is doing with the line up right now, because I think we need to clinch first, but to under estimate what Corey and Cody means to this team, would be a mistake!

      And this team was on such a delirious pace, they were winning more, then most any team, in the history of modern baseball, and that is a pace that usually catches up with any team, on the pace!

      That is why they are not but a few teams, that has done that!

      That is why there hasn’t been many teams that have done this!

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