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Julio Urias Arrested – but That’s Not The Dodgers’ Biggest Problem

LA Dodgers pitcher Julio Urias was arrested for domestic violence. That would be bad enough, but this is not an isolated case. This is, unfortunately, the latest and most public in a line of ugly incidents involving young Dodger players.


Oscar Martinez

I was born in the shadow of Dodger Stadium and immediately drenched in Dodger Blue. Chavez Ravine is my baseball cathedral, Vin Scully was the golden voice of summer all my life, and Tommy Lasorda remains the greatest Dodgers manager ever. My favorite things are coffee, beer, and the Dodgers beating the Giants. I also blog about my baseball card hobby at All Trade Bait, All the Time.

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Oscar Martinez
I was born in the shadow of Dodger Stadium and immediately drenched in Dodger Blue. Chavez Ravine is my baseball cathedral, Vin Scully was the golden voice of summer all my life, and Tommy Lasorda remains the greatest Dodgers manager ever. My favorite things are coffee, beer, and the Dodgers beating the Giants. I also blog about my baseball card hobby at All Trade Bait, All the Time.

13 thoughts on “Julio Urias Arrested – but That’s Not The Dodgers’ Biggest Problem

  1. Urias placed on administrative leave by MLB. No corresponding roster move announced so far.

  2. Sad. Absolutely no excuse for domestic violence.

    Easy for these young minor leaguers to get into mischief. Urias, somewhat typical for these young players who luckily made it, are not mature enough to handle money and success.

    MLB and the Dodgers say they have zero tolerance for such behavior, yet if you say is true, they are guilty for thinking they can sweep it under the rug and get away with it, if they can. MLB also does not have a severe enough punishment. These violators should be banned from baseball, or at least given a hefty 5-year suspension. They somewhat condone it when they just give them a token slap on the hand, or allow these players to continue to be picked up by ignorant and greedy owners, and get paid millions in the process. MLB and its’ owners should be punished for contributing to the delinquency of minors (leaguers), or being “enablers”.

    Similar hypocritical actions, with regards to MLB’s ‘roids and PED’s policies. They allow players to continue playing, tarnish the record books, and allow these players to still earn a comfortable living in baseball. Also still be considered a candidate for Hall or Fame too… what a joke.

    Certainly would miss Urias, but if he is guilty, he deserves as sever a punishment as possible or banishment from Baseball altogether.

    I’m tired of all these professional athletes thinking they are above morality add fair play, and not just in baseball.

  3. I don’t know. He pushed her in a parking lot. I’ve never done that to a woman, but I’ve certainly come close a couple of times. Fortunately I’m not an argumentative guy when I’m drunk.

    I’m more concerned about episodes in closed confined spaces, like an elevator or a garage, or in a home.

    Urias seems like someone who will learn and grow from this. Hopefully. Aroldis Chapman seems to have grown from his much uglier incident. So far.

  4. I have never pushed or struck a woman and I have never sucker-punched a man. I’ve seen both happen (and yes did give a beat down to a guy that hit his wife in front of me, ah what fun at the lake). People are jerks sometimes, it will never end either regardless of punishment. Typically alcohol is involved in the most stupid of accidents. I watch our politicians pulling stupid moves on just about every level of stupidity and vindictiveness, it won’t stop either. IF you want to see stupidity just get humans involved.

    If Urias is quilty, he needs to be punished, however I don’t think it should be a 5 year ban, I don’t think our judicial system even punishes someone for that long for assault. In fact, it probably is a slap on the wrist for a first-time offender, however I don’t know.

    Don’t look now but Joc, a part=time player has 13 HRS and Bellinger, a full-time player has 15 Hrs, just saying.

    1. To play in MLB should be an Honor, not a privilege.

      Players have a responsibility to live up to moral and ethical standards, being highly paid ambassadors for the sport…. not just in MLB, but any professional sport.

      If they do not properly represent, they are sending the wrong message to their fans, especially the kids, who idolize these professional athletes. How often we see kids mimic the players. Do we want our kids to think abusing women is an acceptable part of the game? I don’t think so.

      If they cannot control themselves, then they do not deserve to make $$millions$$…. PERIOD. They can go play Independent League, live in Motel6, and eat at McDonald’s… they certainly do not belong in the Big Show, regardless of how talented they are. To just slap them on the wrist, is condoning this type of behavior.

      MLB needs to hit them where it hurts, so they will think twice before they act inappropriately.

      1. I see lawsuits aplenty if the MLB steps beyond the bounds of the judicial system. There are rights regarding someone’s ability to earn money.

        Don’t get me wrong, I am totally against anyone assaulting anyone, man or woman. Hell, I favor strict enforcement of the death penalty (kiddies, that was a penalty that was imposed on people who killed others, yeah I know you have never heard of such a crazy thing). The MLB just can’t set itself up as an extended penal system, if so they should be having MLB jails set up for punishment (hmm, that might work). Nah, the MLB has to be harsh on such naughty players, but in our liberal society today where criminals really have more rights and privileges than the law abiding citizens, over the top sentences by the MLB won’t be allowed to stand. So don’t be looking for MLB firing squads any time soon, however what a promotional night that would be (Bobble heads with nooses around their necks)

        1. See your point, but all MLB and owners have to do is put it in the player’s contracts. Nobody would be twisting their arms to sign the contract.

          Nobody is preventing them from making money. They can play for minimum wage in Independent League, or they can get a “real” job…. just not entitled to $$millions$$.

          Also, for MLB and owners to sweep junk under the rug should be stopped, as well. Like giving drugs to a junkie, or pouring a drink for a drunk alcoholic. Condoning and enabling should be punishable, too.

          That is all I am sayin’

      2. Oh please. Moral and ethical standards? Those vary by your station in life. Baseball history is littered with scoundrels and degenerates. Some are in the Hall of Fame.

        A lot of opinions flying around here and elsewhere on the internuts. We don’t know what happened so unless Urias went Ray Rice on this woman there is no need for talk of a ban. I’m assuming this is a woman with whom he has a relationship. What’s that relationship like? I have no idea and neither do you. Any of you ever been involved with a woman who got physical with you? I have, and my advice to anyone in that situation – get the ef out before it’s too late. And I don’t want to hear “it’s never acceptable to put your hands on a woman”. That’s bullsh*t. You never strike a woman but sometimes you have to wrap them up to keep them from clawing your face off or taking scissors to your private parts. It happens.

        And he can always take the police position on the “violence” accusation. Just say you were in fear for your life. Works every time.

        1. I will have to bow to your personal knowledge on such things, Badger. I’m happy to say that I have no personal experience with such matters and don’t ever plan on having that experience. Like I said in my previous post, I’n not big on assault of anyone, but there is assault and there is defending yourself. I do have experience at defending myself as well as others who are getting assaulted, I am a big advocate of defending yourself and defending the weak and defenseless (actually even enjoyed it in my younger years, now I have a bad back and I recover more slowly, but if pressed Hell Yeah! I’m in!).

          So Badger, I’m guessing you are against firing squads before baseball games but possibly like the idea of bobbleheads with afixed noose as a promotion, lol.


  6. Never read anywhere that he had been drinking. This happened in the Beverly Center which is an upscale Mall. They were seen arguing and he pushed her. He was arrested even thought the woman said there was no physical contact because the eyewitness statements and video evidence proved otherwise. He made a bad choice and now, one way or the other he is going to pay for it in some way. Could be a lengthy suspension, or something along the lines of the 40 games Russell got. Striking a woman is not good in any sense. But, I do not think taking away his ability to make a living is an equitable punishment either. He will definitely be forced to have some counseling. But to judge him before the judicial system does is just a waste of energy. I hope he learns a great lesson from this mistake.

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