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Latest on Vin Scully, Dodgers Zoom Party, Community Work

With a global Pandemic on our hands and a crumbling economy things are as bad as they can get right now. But you know what would make things a hell of a lot worse? Something bad happening to Vin Scully. We don’t need anything like that happening right now. The 92-year old hall of fame broadcaster fell in his home and had to be taken to the hospital earlier in the week scaring millions of Dodgers fans. Thankfully the legendary broadcaster is back home and according to reports resting comfortably. Here’s a message from Scully himself.


In other news, the Dodgers are having a little Zoom Party on April 27 at 6PM PST (That’s tomorrow) with about 10,000 Dodgers fans. If you are invited you’ll get a nifty little RSVP and will be able to catch up with players, broadcasters, and special musical guests. Of course I did not get an invite, but that is probably because I am not cool enough.

Last but not least, the Dodgers continued their great work within the Los Angeles community by helping a bunch of high risk people buy groceries. This was at one of the Smart & Finals and it is a wonderful thing to do for people who are most at need during the pandemic. Great job Dodgers.





Scott Andes

Scott Andes: Longtime writer and Dodger fanatic

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Scott Andes
Scott Andes: Longtime writer and Dodger fanatic

11 thoughts on “Latest on Vin Scully, Dodgers Zoom Party, Community Work

  1. It is good the team is staying connected with the fans. With all the uncertainty right now, they need some sort of baseball fix.

  2. Well Covid19 buried the Cheating Astros and Red Sux stories. Everyone will be so glad to have baseball back they won’t even give a shit about cheating (rule does not apply to our politicians however).

    1. ESPN is close to a deal with the KBO to broadcast their games. So at least there will be some kind of baseball on the tube soon. Cannot expect MLB quality play, but close to AAA level anyway. And some of those guys are from the majors. Got some good news this morning anyway, I am getting my stimulus check on Wednesday. I went to the site, entered my info, and it said the check would be in there on the 29th. Great! I can go get some TP !!!

  3. Well, I am still wondering if a season is possible and I believe that it is. I do hope it is not some made up season. I think it would always be viewed as just exhibition.

    1. Not really Pack. 1981 was a strike shortened season and everything counts. Just as long as we get to see baseball we should be happy about it. No matter what, it won’t be the same, but it is baseball.

      1. I would just not be happy with changing divisions and such but of course would love to see some baseball. I want to see the new Dodgers as well as the rest but I am afraid some players will not want to participate.

        1. Simply the change would not be permanent. And since travel is so restricted right now, it makes perfect sense. A little change can be a good thing. Fans want games, the country needs the games. Now, if it meant extended time away from family like the original plan to just play in AZ and Fla, yeah, I can understand why guys like Kersh and Trout were not down with that. But they are talking multi states and multi stadiums. So just wait until the entire thing is worked out before totally condemning it.

          1. Multiple states? And which states might those be? New York? Georgia?

            The 14 Day Gate 1 is being ignored. I checked every state day before yesterday and none had more than 3 days with numbers going down. With states now opening up, that pretty much guarantees virus numbers will continue to go up.

            Players aren’t going to want to travel and I don’t blame them. They may be able to be talked into a Grapefruit and Cactus League with the World Series being between the 2 winners played in a domed Stadium as late as November. But honestly, from my couch nothing looks feasible. This country is being strangled and the way out of this is a long disciplined road of staying away from social contact until testing and a safe vaccine are available. I heard yesterday they may have one as soon as July. Yeah, right. Tell you what, let the White House and Congress test that one.

  4. Badger

    Why do you insist on making this thing political? Whether or not you or I thinks one way or the other doesn’t matter. This is a baseball question. If the states open or not is a politcal question. Doing it your way pretty much destroys the U.S as we know it. The economy cannot take it. Also, throwing money at the problem does not fix it. How long do you think that should happen?

    1. It’s NOT a baseball question pack, and my post is NOT political. That is YOUR interpretation. I’m addressing the real issue and that issue is the pandemic. As long as there is a pandemic there will be no baseball. Pretty easy to figure that one out.

      As for your take on the economy I find it wrong headed. It sounds to me like you want to open the lid. I believe what the scientists are saying, you do that and hundreds of thousands will die. I find that unacceptable. That tells me you value money more than you value life. I certainly know what side of the political fence that falls on. I find that both unconscionable and sad.

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