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Home > Regular Season Recaps/Previews > Logan Forsythe Gone, Rob Segedin Gone, Enter Minor Leaguers and Journeymen

Logan Forsythe Gone, Rob Segedin Gone, Enter Minor Leaguers and Journeymen

Kike Hernandez

The Dodgers lineup against the Rockies tonight in the home stand finale is almost entirely consisting of minor leaguers, journeymen, and utility players as the club shockingly places two players on the disabled list. Logan Forsythe will miss several weeks with a fractured right toe. He was hit in the foot with a pitch on Tuesday night by Kyle Freeland and the initial x-rays were inconclusive. Now we know why.

The Dodgers also placed utility man Rob Segedin on the DL with a right toe strain. I have no idea why toe problems have plagued the Dodgers suddenly. In order to replace them the Dodgers have called up Chris Taylor and Brett Eibner from Oklahoma City. Justin Turner is also still out after getting hit on his wrist with a pitch. Andrew Friedman’s wildest dreams have now come true. No not the dream for players to get hurt of course, but the dream of fielding a lineup populated almost entirely of utility players. Check it out below and have a good laugh.

Dodgers lineup vs. Colorado

Tyler Anderson-1-2 vs. Clayton Kershaw-2-1

Game Time – 7:10 PM – TV-KTLA 5 – SNLA

At least Clayton Kershaw is pitching tonight.

Scott Andes

Scott Andes: Longtime writer and Dodger fanatic

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Scott Andes
Scott Andes: Longtime writer and Dodger fanatic

70 thoughts on “Logan Forsythe Gone, Rob Segedin Gone, Enter Minor Leaguers and Journeymen

  1. I have heard for so long, that the Dodgers’ strength was it’s depth. I never saw it and I still don’t see it. The holes that exist on this roster, both 25 man and 40 man, are huge.

    Los Angeles, we have a problem!

    1. Depth is relative. To an infant, 3′ is the deep. To Enzo Maiorca, 300′ is deep. Not sure about our depth, but it aint 300′.

      1. I have a driver, actually, so I wouldn’t know, but he prefers a Porsche over a Beamer. I don’t think he owns even 1 Yugo, although he could get 5 of them based on how much money he is making off me.

          1. Yes, The SUV. I often have to give my client(s) a ride to meetings and such as they’re from out of town, and the Porsche 4 seaters are too cramped for that (actually the real reason is my wife vetoed Porsche sports cars as some of my clients are female investment banker types – ha ha).

        1. I just happen to have both a beamer and a porsche. Beamer is something you ride in (even if you are the driver), Porsche is something you actually drive in (even if you are a passenger). Hard to beat a Porsche with the top down, in my opinion. Both cars are completely different experiences.

          BTW, Van Stank really doesn’t belong in the MLB, his time never really quite arrived and now has definitely passed him by.

          1. When I was 25 I bought a Beamer, I had 325es, sports model with the air dam, and the spoiler.

            They are made very solid.

            The first time I saw the Porsche SUV was at Dodger stadium, one of the players had one, but that was quite a while back.

            My friend, and her husband have one too.

        2. Just returned from China. I also think they prefer Cayenne over BMV. Porsche far outnumbered any other luxury SUV I saw except a Chinese domestic model, something like Hallat. Can’t remember.

  2. This lineup is so comically pathetic, at 1988 levels, that I am fully expecting a 8-0 beatdown of the Rockies! Let’s see some fire today (surely Chris Taylor can bring some after being sent down to AAA in favor of Kike despite having a scorching ST).

  3. Depth is great. The Dodgers are on what? Their 7th or 8th OF with Eibner? In many orgs he’s be a 4th OF.

    Taylor people were very bullish on out of Spring Training. What’s the problem with him?

    The biggest issue is Gonzo! Well, Gonzo and lefties. I mean he looks just inept and horrendous against hard throwing lefties, and Joc might look even worse!

    1. Let’s see how they do first before calling our “mid-layer” of depth great. I would venture that most organizations have plenty of AAAA outfields in their system, or can pick one up, and Eibner is a AAAA player, as are Kike, Segedin, Taylor and Culberson.

      Also, most organizations would call up Bellinger at this point (who plays 1st base like Gonzo plus a decent OF), or O’Keya (sp) Dickson, except with our great depth, they are stuck behind Kike, Segedin, Taylor and Eibner.

      1. YF,

        It must be fun to make up stuff and treat it like reality.

        I didn’t see any posters on this board waiting to see how Eibner does before denigrating him. Did I miss that?

        1. I missed that too, but I do point out that calling Eibner a 4th OF on most teams is a stretch. I’m just being a realist there. He’s likely as much a 7/8th OF on most teams as ours. What I am saying is that our 9th and 10th outfielders should be called up, except for the mid layer of depth blocking them. This is not hindsight either.

      2. Okoye Dickson is the proper spelling there buddy. He is tearing it up at OKC, and so is Bellinger.

    2. Geez Bluto, every team has guys from the minors they can plug in. Those are what we call replacement players.

    3. Bluto

      Joc is having a problem hitting rigthties not lefties right now.

      And you know Agone took extra batting practice today, and he just hit a hard single up the middle for a hit just now.

      1. The team isn’t looking for singles from Gonzalez.

        I want to see a charge put into the ball off his bat.

        He’s a disciplined, smart hitter. I like watching him bat, but he plays a position that necessitates power and that’s his team role to boot.

        I hope it comes around.

        1. Same problem as last season, power outage for Agone. Undoubtedly he’ll hit some, but he’s lost something. Still support him, though.

        2. Bluto

          My point was that Agone hit it hard, his other singles were not hit as hard, so I thought that was an improvement.

          But you do know he is hurt.

  4. What happened? I saw CarGo get hit in the hand and he wasn’t awarded first base? I missed the audio on it.

      1. What? I saw the replay. The ball hit him on the hand as he was moving forward. Once the ball hits a batter it’s dead. Doesn’t matter where the bat goes after that. I’ll try to watch the video but I think they got that wrong. Big break for the Blue. Speaking of blue, this guy behind the plate appears to have a wide zone. It’s helped both pitchers, but obviously if Kershaw is pitching to a 24 inch plate it helps him a lot more.

    1. You sure Braun is the answer? He is barely above the Mendoza line and has only 3 homers. Who are you going to trade for him. According to the story’s that have been written, the Brewers want MLB ready players which translates to someone on the present roster or some players who are at AAA ball and are MLB ready, see Cody Bellinger, or someone like that. I am not trading Bellinger and I am not trading Puig, who is younger, cheaper and playing better than Braun at this stage of the game. He is a salary dump for the Brewers with over 70 million owed……Do not think he is a wise investment.

  5. Yeah Bluto, “it must be fun to make stuff up and treat it like reality”, but facts are also fun!

    Remember this VALUABLE guy, the guy we were told the Phils insisted on for Hamels?

    Peraza, .228 BA, .267 OBP, .281 SLG, .547 OPS. Can’t understand why the sabermetric guys don’t see the value there. Damn, FAZ really coughed up a hairball trading this potential MVP.

  6. I do not have a driver. I drive a pick up…….I do not have to worry about dents and I can actually haul things…..Beemers and Porsche, too much up keep.

    1. My Nissan pickup is a 2003, and I’m about to roll over 75,000 miles on it. It’s good for another 20 years but I doubt that I am…

      1. 2009 Toyota Tacoma with a shell. Great truck, about 28 MPG. Gas here is only 2.30 a gallon right now.

      2. Jonah

        I don’t know about that, I was reading men that don’t have more grey hair then not, tend to have healthier respiratory systems, and hearts, so don’t count yourself short!

        1. I have a Honda Accord right now, it is my third Honda.

          I had a Nissan 240, and I loved that car, they don’t make them, anymore.

          I would love to get a Z some day, but my next car will probably be a Honda Civic, SI.

          I like smaller cars, but all of these SUVs, make it hard for me to back out in parking lots, especially when I they are parked on each side of me.

          They are making cars bigger and bigger, and even in my Accord, I have to sit on a cushion to see well.

    2. I have a driver. TaylorMade.

      I have two cars, an Elantra and a Camry.

      Taylor with 110 exit velocity? Dang. That’s some bat speed.

    3. Michael

      I had a Beamer and I worked at a grocery store, and I parked it way out in the parking lot, and still had a cart hit it, three times.

      I was at a club with my car, and some drunk guy jumped on it with his butt, and dent my hood, so that can be a problem.

      1. They are well made cars. But like anything with a hefty price tag, the maintenance and up keep can be expensive. I had a girl friend when I was in Phoenix, she had a Mercedes Benz 300 series, and her tune ups were 300 a pop, she traded it in on a Lexus SUV. Those were over 200 a pop…Nice to have and drive, expensive to own.

        1. Michael

          Really my BMW check ups, were about the same price, as my Hondas.

          But a week after my five year warranty went out, I had a problem with my car, that I thought would be to much, so I bought a new car.

          Because I thought car payments sounded better, then having to pay for a major problem on my Beamer, that had hundred thousand miles plus on it.

          Unless you make pretty good money, it isn’t worth it, to get a car like that.

          I love my Accord because it only has 60 thousand miles on it, and it is paid off.

          And cars lose there value so quickly.

  7. I see the master plan there with Taylor. Send him down in favor of Kike (Kike!), and get him all worked up, frothing at the mouth and seeing red (and orange). Then call him up and unleash him on the league. Love it! 5 game winning streak coming up if he stays on the MLB roster while Forsythe’s out, then send down Kike once Logan gets back. Excellent!

      1. Forsythe will be out a month or more. This is the Dodgers. I’ll take the more.

        Kiké OPSn .958. You know that will cause FAZ to salivate.

        Did anybody notice the 110 exit velocity on Taylor’s double? That is Bryce Harper speed. Very impressive.

        Van Slyke with a squirrel impression. Trade him today.

        1. Yes it was nice to see Taylor keep up with Kike with the bat, last night, because he got stiffed, he should have been on the major league team, not Kike.

          I just don’t like stuff like that.

  8. I’ve got no problem there with Jansen coming in for the 4 out save. We’ve got a day off coming and this is a division game.

    Sergio really is just a ROOGY now. He’s not a 8th inning guy, and we still need that third long reliever (Rich Hill) with this pitching staff.

  9. Kike and Taylor get the job done. Offense does just enough to win and CK nails after that first inning. Nice to see SVS crank one, Eibner looked overmatched. Nice win, now 3 in Az and 4 with the Gnats, who are really playing badly, but you know they will be up for that series. Mad Bum gets beat by KC and Greinke loses a heart breaker 1-0 to the Pads.

      1. yep, and KC’s pitcher 0. Greinke only gave up 1. You don’t score, you don’t win……CK went off on the Rockies pitcher Anderson calling him disrespectful for his slow stroll from the bullpen that delayed the start of the game. Think that might have got CK a little off his game in the 1st inning.

  10. Kershaw wins. He’s the reason we’re favored to win the West. Bumgarner lost. He’s 0-3. Greinke pitched better than Kershaw and lost. 8 innings 1 earned. What does he care if he wins or loses, he’s got his money and probably lives in Scottsdale. Very cool place Scottsdale. Beats Hawaiian Gardens, where Greinke didn’t live before. I’m outta here.

      1. You have consciousness MJ.

        I just read an article in Psychology Today about humans insane penchant to kill each other. We do it at a rate 7 times any other mammal. The author, R. Douglas Fields, says we are genetically predisposed to kill each other because of 9 triggers in the brain that cause outbursts of sometimes uncontrollable anger. Interestingly the neural circuits of violence that cause us to explode in rage and violence are deep within the brain beneath the cerebral cortex where consciousness arises. Anger, violence and consciousness come from the same region in the brain. Fields also suggests Homo sapiens is wrong. Homo – bipedal primates and sapiens – wise ones, should actually be homo nudes – naked apes. You listening catbox?

        LIFEMORTS. Google it. We should pay attention to them. Especially during an election year!

        1. Very interesting BAAAAAAAger. I found something interesting also, you know how sometimes, somethings just make SOOO much sense, this is one of those.

          Badger Face Welsh Mountain (sheep)
          From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          The Badger Face Welsh Mountain (Welsh Defaid Idloes [ˈdevaɪd ˈɪdlɔɪs]; also known as Badger Faced Welsh Mountain or Welsh Badger-faced) is a distinct variety of the Welsh Mountain breed of domestic sheep bred for Sheep farming/sex in Wales.

          Totally explains your wardrobe choices!!!

          1. Is the only reason you come on here is to post that ridiculous picture of your self, which we have seen numerous times, or do you actually have some intelligent baseball knowledge to lend to the conversation?

          2. You obviously need to get in touch with your 9 triggers!

            By the way, what three lies does a cowboy tell?

            1. I own my own ranch
            2. I do have a pick up truck
            3. Honestly, I was only trying to help BAAAAAger over the fence!

    1. Greinke went 9 Badger. They were at home. They had guys on in the 9th and could not score off of Maurer.

        1. You are right…my bad, I thought they were in AZ..whooooooooooooooooops! Does get credit for a complete game though.

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