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Maeda Goes Six, Offense Goes Nowhere, Dodgers Shutout 0-3

When the season began who knew Kenta Maeda would be the workhorse of the Dodgers rotation? Maeda took the mound today for the 27th time, seeking his 15th win, after winning 7 of his last 8 starts.

On top of all that, who knew it would take this long for Captain Clutch, Andre Ethier, to make his first start? It happened today.

Just as in yesterday’s match, both starting pitchers kept the game scoreless through the first three innings.

4th inning
24-year-old Marlins pitcher Jose Urena was perfect through four.
They rallied with 4 hits and scored two. 0-2

6th inning
2 hits + 2 errors = 1 more Marlins run.

7th inning 0-3
Coming into this inning the Dodgers had just one base runner.
Corey Seager and Adrian Gonzalez opened the inning with back to back hits. The Dodgers left them there.

9th inning
The Dodgers only had 3 hits to this point, and none since the seventh. They collected one more hit, and that was the extent of their highlights for the day.

Dodgers lose 0-3

Despite the loss, the Dodgers’ pitchers were not bad today. If not good enough for the win, they sure kept the team within striking distance. Maeda kept the fish scoreless until the fourth, and it took two errors for them to get their third run in the sixth. We can’t lay this loss on the pitchers.

I will, however, tell you the two places where I’m going to lay this loss. 

  1. The continued starting of Josh Reddick over Andrew Toles. Reddick has been getting the lion’s share of starts over Toles all September. So far he has a grand total of two RBIs to show for it. He went 1 for 4 today. Toles hits for power, he has speed on the basepaths, and he energizes and excites the team. Reddick does none of these things.  Honorable mention: Batting Reddick second.
  2. Do you remember how lackluster and unfocused the team was the day after the A.J. Ellis trade? That’s what this game reminded me of. Can you think of anything that happened yesterday that might have seriously affected the team’s mojo?

The offense simply could not get going. They allowed a 24-year-old to throw a perfect game through 5 innings and only had three hits after eight. That was, to coin a phrase from Scott, pathetic.

Kenta Maeda (L 14-9) went 6 innings with 8 hits, 3 runs, 1 walk, 3 Ks.  ERA 3.28

Team with RISP: 0 for 2

Oscar Martinez

I was born in the shadow of Dodger Stadium and immediately drenched in Dodger Blue. Chavez Ravine is my baseball cathedral, Vin Scully was the golden voice of summer all my life, and Tommy Lasorda remains the greatest Dodgers manager ever. My favorite things are coffee, beer, and the Dodgers beating the Giants. I also blog about my baseball card hobby at All Trade Bait, All the Time.

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Oscar Martinez
I was born in the shadow of Dodger Stadium and immediately drenched in Dodger Blue. Chavez Ravine is my baseball cathedral, Vin Scully was the golden voice of summer all my life, and Tommy Lasorda remains the greatest Dodgers manager ever. My favorite things are coffee, beer, and the Dodgers beating the Giants. I also blog about my baseball card hobby at All Trade Bait, All the Time.

41 thoughts on “Maeda Goes Six, Offense Goes Nowhere, Dodgers Shutout 0-3

  1. I can’t really say they were flat today because of what happened to Hill yesterday. They are supposed to be professionals for crying out loud.
    I’m not one to look for excuses only reasons. Could it be their pitcher was just “zoned in” today? He looked very sharp as did Hill yesterday and Fernandez the day before.
    I absolutely do agree that Toles should be playing instead of Reddick until he(Toles) can prove he can’t hit and, yes, Toles does bring energy to the team.
    At the end of today will be either be 3 or 4 games up and that’s not a bad place to be. Certainly better than the hated ones are.

    1. Richie
      If the Dodgers don’t get there act togther and beat the Yankees, the Giants could be even by the time that the Dodgers get home, to face the Giants.

      I don’t think Reddick should get most of the playing time either, and I wouldn’t bat him second.

      Like Oscar said, Reddick isn’t a run producer he has only hit in three runs since he came to the team.

      And Puig was even played over Toles in this last series.

      I believe the Dodgers will be facing two lefties, when they play the Yankees this week, so Toles won’t be playing much in that next series either.

      And I don’t think Ethier should play over Toles either.

      The Giants look like they are going to win there game today.

      So the Giants will have gained two games, on the Dodgers just from this last series.

      A series against a team that had been struggling before they met the Dodgers.

      1. MJ:
        We play the Yankees 3 games while SF plays SD 3 games so yes we could be tied but I don’t think so
        SF then plays Cards 4 games while we play the DB 4 games before SF plays us. I’m sure we’ll pickup some games there.

        1. Lets remember the Gnats HAVE to win a majority of their games to catch us. Evertime they lose when we lose drops the magic number down one game. When we win and they lose the magic number is reduced TWO games.
          The pressure is on THEM. The pressure we may have only comes from within ourselves and should have nothing to do with what the other team does To do so is folly as we can’t control what the other team does when not playing us.
          I don’t remember ANYONE saying this is going to be a “cake walk” but I’D LOVE TO BE UP FOUR GAMES WITH THREE GAMES TO PLAY when we play the last series against them in their HOME PARK!!!

          1. In theory the Giants only have to win 4 more games than the Dodgers. I.E. IF the Dodgers ONLY win 5 the rest of the way than they ONLY need to win 9, etc.

            The fact that the two teams play each other 6 more times…..well you can see the importance of those games to the Giants. IMO the Giants will need to win 4 of the 6 at minimum to win the Division. Anything less and I doubt they overcome the deficit.

      2. Puig needs to be in that lineup. He’s proved himself over and over again since coming back from purgatory. His sins have been incinerated and his purity restored. Play the dude!

        But, the algorythm reigns supreme, MJ. HQ presses the button, DR delivers the message.

  2. Well one thing is certain and that’s the Dodgers are capable of handing the division back over to the Giants if the Giants go into a voodoo win streak. It’s not like that hasn’t occurred at an earlier time. I don’t believe the Dodgers`are going to cooperate and lose for them, but I’d say odds are likely better Dodgers losing division than Hill completing the perfect game. I’m just glad that Hill most likely is more of a threat as is rather than how two more innings of stress would tax his talents. In the last three days the Dodgers gave back 40% of their 5 game lead and 60% isn’t removed from possibility for tomorrow. I am fairly certain Roberts has to be influenced elsewhere to keep playing too much Reddick for our own good, dammit! Don’t want to gamble with Hill and I understand, but I can’t understand the gambling with playing Reddick.

  3. Dodgers kill the fastball but are killed by the old change of pace. They’re not gonna see much of anything but off speed stuff till they show they can handle it.

  4. Reddick was a major league mistake. Ethier was on his way back for crying out loud. Picking up an international slot or a low round position prospect would have made more sense (or a failed starter with some closer potential … if we were going to trade Montas then get some potential replacements even if some adjustments are needed. If we we’re forced to take Reddick, which I don’t believe, then take some low end prospects at positions of need.)

    1. Right on. It’s too early to call Hill a success or a failure but Reddick not only hasn’t played well for us but he wasn’t the right handed power hitter we needed in the first place. They neglected to sign the bat when plenty were available last off season, forcing themselves to pay too much now for the wrong player. I kept pushing for Dexter Fowler and Ian Desmond but of course FAZ didn’t listen.

      1. I kept pushing for Braun and, yes, I know all about his baggage but with a .310 BA, 27HR’s and 82 RBI’s, he would,ve been tied or led the Dodgers in all three of those categories. He also kills LHP.
        I don’t care what his past is. He was(is) the absolute answer to our LHP problems. I just wonder how many MORE games we would be ahead in the standings if he was in the lineup instead of Reddick.
        The name of the game is to WIN WIN WIN and let the other teams try to catch us.

          1. Richie
            Did you see what the Brewers wanted for Braun?

            I saw an article where they
            said that the Brewers wanted Puig, McCarthy, and a prospect.

            I hope Roberts learned not to put Reddick at the top of the order anymore.

            Reddick has now made more errors, then any of our outfielders, since coming to the team.

            And he still only has three RBIs since joining the team.

            I know he had a single in the top of the ninth, but that is the problem, he has hit mainly singles when he has hit.

    2. So you believe that FAZ could have traded a lot less and got Hill?

      Maybe Zaidi just wanted to overpay his old boss?

      So, if they were buying a house that was for sale for $700,000, they would just give up a million?

      Usually negotiations like this revolve around several teams and the trading team takes the best offer.

      … and at the trade deadline, it appeared that Ethier may not make it back.

      I find it incredible that people believe teams just like to over-pay!

      There is really no way to know, but it probably went something like this.

      Friedman: “We will give you Holmes and Cotton for Hill.”

      Beane: “I want Holmes and De Leon.”

      Friedman: “OK, I’ll throw in Montas.”

      Beane: “He’s injured – you have to give us more. You have to take Reddick off our hands too.”

  5. I just hope the team come out hitting tonight, and get Urias some runs to work with.

    It is really hard to watch this team, when they are just not hitting.

    I don’t know what it is with the Marlins, but we have looked terrible against them this year.

    I don’t know if Wallach just knows our hitters to well, so there pitchers are well prepared, or is this just a one game.

    And I know we lost to them, at the begining of the season, but we are a different team now.

    I don’t know why Maeda re adjusted what he was doing, because when he has used his fastball more lately, he has pitched well.

    And I think that would have worked better against the Marlins.

    But he only really allowed two runs, so the team still should have won this game.

    1. MJ, it has been hard to watch this team all year. Especially after Kersh went down. It is no fun watching your starting pitching struggle to go 5 innings every night. The last few games at least they have gotten some innings out of them. Also, the Dodgers struggle against good pitching, and rookies they have never seen before. I never really understood why. That kid last night had them totally baffled. Corey Seager, Gonzo, Turner, Kendrick and Utley have been the most consistent hitters, and even they sometimes cannot get going against those kinds of pitchers. I think Hill has been better than I thought he would be, Urias has shown a lot, but is still very young and on a innings limit. Maeda continues to be if nothing else steady. Deleon’s first game was an eye opener, but lets see what he does against a good team. Stewart has improved a little, but needs to be more pitch efficient in the early innings. Stripling pretty much the same thing. Pederson has perked up some the last week. Kike Hernandez should be used as a defensive replacement only. He looks totally lost at the plate, and has not really hit well since April. Rob Segedin is showing that when you sit long enough, you will go cold at the plate. I think that is the same thing we are seeing with Toles his last few appearances. My OF at this point would be Toles in LF, Pederson in CF and Puig in right. That is the best defensive OF they have, and the speediest. I bat Toles leadoff when Kendrick plays 2nd, and in the 8 hole when Utley starts. I rotate Kendrick and Utley at 2B, and when Turner takes a day off, I move Kendrick to 3rd. Like his defense a little better than Segedin. The biggest conundrum in this lineup is Grandal. Yes, he has hit for great power, and he has had some clutch hits lately. But, he still hits for low average, strikes out too much, and really, for the amount of homers he has is not that great an RBI guy. He also hits a lot of his dingers when they are ahead by a good margin. Not often does he do it when they really need it. But that is beating a dead horse. He is FAZ’s wonder boy, and there is no one really on this team who can match his power as a catcher.

      1. Michael
        That would be a really good outfield.

        I just didn’t like Roberts sitting Toles, after he struck out three times against Fernandez.

        Because a lot of players struck out in that game.

        And because Roberts has went out of his way, with Reddick.

        And like you, I know a player can’t stay sharp sitting on the bench.

        That is why I don’t like that platoon line up.

        Because Segedin, Kike, and Culberson are not going to do much, because they are not having consistent at bats.

  6. Whoa there gang. The Gnats are not out of this yet. There is an old military adage, when your enemy is down, stab him again and make sure he is dead. They give the midgets some life, and this could get ugly very quick. The Yankees are playing very well, and are in a struggle for their playoff lives. The Dodgers cannot assume that the Giants are going to continue to play as bad as they have been. They get 3 against the Pads. Then they get St Louis. The Dodgers need to win 5 of these next 7 games and go home with a 6-4 road trip at least. .500 is not cutting it. Roberts needs to be playing the hot players. Ethier is rusty, so why start him? Toles has had a mini slump here, but I think it is more related to not being in there enough. I have seen enough of Reddick. He has played a lot more games than Toles, and only has 2 RBI’s for his efforts. The pitching has remained pretty good. But the bats take a night off now and then. They need to be really active the next 3 games for sure. By the way, if the rotation stays the way it is now, Kersh will open the SF series against Bumgarner in LA> Fun stuff………

  7. I wouldn’t say we’re letting the Giants stay in this. We played AZ, and swept 3. Then SF went to AZ, and swept 3. That’s a wash. We both played a crap team and we both swept that crap team. We go to AZ for 4 starting Thursday. There’s our chance again vs a crap team. We can go pee in their pool for good luck if we need to.

    Yeah, we lost 2 of 3 at Miami, to a solid team, but we’re 7-3 in our last 10. I’ll take it. SF is 5-5. I’ll take that too. The lead is down to 3 games. But it was 3 games 8 days ago too, so we’re right back where we started, and 8 games have come off the schedule. It’s time for us to go into the spotlight at Yankee Stadium and see how our top 3 pitchers for next season can fare!! (that is unless Hill comes back)

    SF gets the Pads at home for 3, but then the Cards come in for 4. Those 2 are in that battle for the wild card, so that will be intense!!

    Gona be another great week. I’d love to see JDL and Urias show their talents at Yankee Stadium the next 2 days

    1. We have allows the Giants and their pathetic post AS break record to remain close. We should have pushed them 10 games back by now. The worst record in the majors after the break? Only 3 back? As Vinny would say, the Dodgers have to do it the hard way. Should be fun!!!

      1. They had the best record in baseball at the break; yes, better than the cubs. And umm, we were like 8 games back in July. That’s an 11 game turnaround. How the hell do u want us to have a 10 game lead by now. We’re not gona play .800 baseball!

  8. Grienke wasn’t very good again yesterday. Too many walks. He has lost his mojo. For me, that was a must win game for the Dbacks on Sunday against the hated ones. Now the giants have the smell of success, and those aholes don’t need much inspiration especially against the Padres. I wish Kemp was still on the team. I look at the race as even at this point. We should all keep a scorecard to see the record AFTER Kershaw came back. I’m not a believer in the new Kershaw. He should have been shut down for the year. We could have taken our playoff chances with the bats and bullpen. Oh well. That ship has sailed. The Yankees might have a sniff of Dodger blue blood, and don’t be surprised if they jump all over DeLeon. What a challenge for him. If he can pull it off, it might be the highlight of the season. I think we will need 5+runs today. Go Padres.

    1. I realize the Yanks are still formidable but didn’t they move some top ML talent. Beltran gone. Chapman gone. Miller gone. A short right field porch. I’m thinking the Dodgers should be ready and wanting to show their stuff in the Big Apple.

        1. True MJ. But he is the only one left of the 3. They use to have 3 dominant relievers for the final 3, now it’s just the final 1 inning. Big difference.

    2. Wow! You want to write Kershaw off after one game back? The team drops two of three and you’re suggesting the team isn’t as good with him on it?

      Trust me, you don’t want Kemp back.

      1. DP-

        Just for clarification, I didn’t mention anything about Kersh (and I know you are replying to Bobbie17) but for some reason you always think I’m saying things that I do not say, err type.

        And I believe Bobbie17 was referring to Kemp still being on the Padres to maybe help them beat SF (which would benefit the Dodgers.)

        1. MJ, Im not concerned about Sunday’s game It’s baseball. Teams always look pathetic one day and then great a day or 2 later. I never focus on 1 game, unless the game shows a pattern.

          It’s all about series, and then 10 game stretches. We are 7-3 in the last 10. We have a 3 game lead with 20 days to go. Come Thursday morning, let’s see where we stand after we got to NY and they are home vs SD.

          1. Good stuff Bobby in your previous posts. I couldn’t have said it any better. My one concern is Joc swinging swinging out of his cleats for that short RF fence in Yankee Stadium.

  9. Last year, I think the players were ready for Seager to take over at short. A rookie replacing a veteran down the stretch is rare but Seager pulled it off.

    I guessing the players are not ready for Toles to replace Kendricks in left, at least not yet. I think Toles could get more playing time down the stretch though if Kendricks fades and Toles minimizes the one weakness he has shown and has a history of. He isn’t patient and will swing at pitches out of the strike zone too often.

    What’s funny about what I just said is that Toles has been a monster even with his propensity to swing at too many pitches.

    Joc tends to not swing at slow stuff that starts outside and breaks over the outside part of the plate. He gets behind in counts by doing this. His first time up against Fernandez he laid off fast balls that faded off the plate and he walked. Fernandez adjusted and threw more soft pitches that did the opposite, starting outside and moving into the strike zone. Joc didn’t adjust back.

    Seager seems to be the a cross between Toles and Joc. He swings at more strikes than Joc does and swings at less non-strikes than Toles does. Between the three of them the Dodgers could really have a stud offense.

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