Friday, March 28, 2025
Home > News > The Dodgers Held an Open House for Bloggers, and LADR was There

The Dodgers Held an Open House for Bloggers, and LADR was There

About two weeks ago, the invitations arrived in Dodgers blogger’s email boxes across the Southland. The Dodgers were going to have a luncheon, with a VIP tour afterward, and as loyal fans/writers/opinion makers/P.R. allies, we were all invited to attend. I may have missed the USA v Japan semi-final, but wild horses couldn’t drag me away from this event!

I was so excited to be there today, I arrived at the stadium gate 45 minutes early. The no-nonsense guard told me to turn my car around and return in a half hour, a scant 15 minutes before the scheduled noon start time.

Fast forward to 11:50 a.m. and my first 2017 view of that magnificent structure in Chavez Ravine.

They checked us in, handed everyone a complimentary Dodgers baseball cap, and we gathered in the Baseline Club.

How many Dodger bloggers can you spot?

We heard a presentation about all the fun theme nights and promotional giveaways coming up this season. Did you know that over 60 of the Dodgers 80 home games have a theme or a giveaway? With 40,000 fans receiving gifts at those special games, the Dodgers top all the other baseball clubs in giving back to the fans who come out to the stadium.

The special night that generated the most buzz in the room was April 15, Jackie Robinson Night. On that evening the Dodgers will unveil their first stadium statue, none other than ol’ Number 42. They also mentioned the giveaway – to 40,000 fans – will be a replica of that statue. “Wow”s and “Ooooh”s broke out all around the room.

While details about the statue were scarce, we bloggers pushed and here are the extra tidbits we were able to garner:

  • The statue will be larger than life, and made from bronze. It will rest on a granite base with inscribed quotes from Jackie.
  • It will be situated on the Reserved Level, and will be set with the Downtown LA skyline in mind.
  • The Robinson family was consulted and had input on the pose, features and the chosen quotes.

Then the Dodgers introduced their new Executive Chef, Ryan Evans. He told us all about the new foods that he’s created for this season.

Check out those bloggers’ hungry faces. They heard lunch was being served, not displayed.

The food all looked mighty good.

This is tuna poke. It was my favorite.

Above is an extreme bacon wrapped dog and some type of extreme burger with hot dog and tater tots all included in the mix. The burger is infused – or something – with Budweiser.

I don’t want to tell Chef Evans how to do his job (he doesn’t tell me how to write), but for the love of Lasorda, with so many excellent local craft breweries surrounding Dodger Stadium, was Budweiser really the best beer to go with on that one?

We finally got to sample the food, and from what I was able to taste in the 10 minutes or so before the tour left, the eats were very good. I just wish we’d had time for dessert, because I really wanted to taste that Dodgers funnel cake.

The tour was the best part of the day for me. We began in the dugouts.

They still bear the WBC markings.

I looked down at the spike marks on the bench and I wondered how far back they went. Could these be scuffs  from Koufax’s spikes? Gibby’s? They’re at least the marks from WBC Champions, Team USA, and that was awesome enough for me.

We passed into the bowels of the stadium and through halls lined with memorabilia, retired jerseys and awards.

An almost endless display of Golden Gloves
The World Series Trophy case – awaiting one more.
Here’s the view from the Vin Scully Press Box
Shown above is Vin Scully’s headset, last scorecard and notes. I kid you not, I felt a tear welling up as I looked at this.

There’s something special about this place, this stadium. Its walls are saturated with legendary baseball feats, lazy, sunny Sunday games, and deeply personal history.

Thank you very much, Los Angeles Dodgers, for inviting us out to a very special day.

The next time I’m at the stadium, the Dodgers will be taking the field, and we’ll all – all of us – be starting this wild and crazy, wonderful and frustrating, nail-biting ride that is much more than just a game.




Oscar Martinez

I was born in the shadow of Dodger Stadium and immediately drenched in Dodger Blue. Chavez Ravine is my baseball cathedral, Vin Scully was the golden voice of summer all my life, and Tommy Lasorda remains the greatest Dodgers manager ever. My favorite things are coffee, beer, and the Dodgers beating the Giants. I also blog about my baseball card hobby at All Trade Bait, All the Time.

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Oscar Martinez
I was born in the shadow of Dodger Stadium and immediately drenched in Dodger Blue. Chavez Ravine is my baseball cathedral, Vin Scully was the golden voice of summer all my life, and Tommy Lasorda remains the greatest Dodgers manager ever. My favorite things are coffee, beer, and the Dodgers beating the Giants. I also blog about my baseball card hobby at All Trade Bait, All the Time.

76 thoughts on “The Dodgers Held an Open House for Bloggers, and LADR was There

  1. Pretty cool!
    A Jackie Robinson statue, over Vinny? Interesting.

    What do those black bats in the world series trophy case represent?

    1. It was very cool, Artieboy. The answer to your question is something I didn’t know until today.
      The trophies were not given out until 1967. Before then, the WS winners got one of those black bats.
      So the two trophies are from 1981 and ’88. The other four WS wins earned bats. (1955, 59, 63,and 65). There are six bats altogether because now the champs get both, a bat and a trophy.

  2. Chili: “Oh hell……Badger, you forgot another 6 future all-stars. Let’s not forget Alvarez, Stewart, Oaks, Sheffield, White and May.

    Thank you Michael… point of referencing the names I did is because someone that posts here and on the other site had mentioned those 6 plus Urias and Buehler of which Badger had already pointed out. I’m hanging onto these ‘intelligent’ posts about these great prospects. But yeah, I could add Oaks and Sborz to that list but in my little bet those 2 were not mentioned.”

    Good, I am glad you are holding on to those “intelligent” posts. Let’s me know you took our bet seriously. What was it, my Civic for your Porsche? You’re holding on to those posts while I am making reservations to Trump’s 2024 Farewell Extravaganza to settle up. See you there!!

    In the meantime, It sounds like you are predicting “Dodger Disaster” this year. Is that correct? Sounds like you believe FAZ has put together a big lemon. Correct? What are we betting on that?

    While you might believe you are “unmasking” the evil FAZ. You would be wise, to contemplate the situation Obozo and Co. are in for “unmasking” the wrong people!

    2020’s Studs: Urias, Bueller, Alzarez, White, Stewart, Oaks, Sheffield, May, Sborz and More!

    1. Boxout

      Are you sure that you are lucid after that 2024 remark?

      Never mind, I will let you dream, about that.

    2. Funny.

      I’ve had my own issues with typos, and maybe you have the same inability to edit from your iPhone that I had, but mistakes aside, this is one of your more objectionable posts, of which there are many

      I don’t think Trump will live to 2024, I’m betting Obama is laughing outloud at the numerous ef ups we’ve all witnessed while at the same time troubled at what these investigations might expose. As for your projections on the pitchers, again, misspellings aside, there may be 4 of those guys that give measurable contributions to a championship. They are all unproven prospects.

  3. Jackie over Vinny is a no-brainer. Although Vinny is a National Treasure, and our very own, Jackie did something of social significance and he did it with a dignity and courage that not many have. Vinny is the greatest announcer that ever lived. No question about that, but breaking a barrier that had been around since the game was invented, that was something special. Vinny has many monuments to his greatness, and most of them walk around in replica Dodger jersey’s singing the praises of the man with the velvet voice.

    1. Michael

      I still think they should have a statue of of Vinny, but I think your right about Jackie.

      That poor guy had to go through so much abuse, and just take it.

      Can you just imagine?

      I often wondered if everything Jackie had to go through, shortened his life.

      He died very young, but he and his spirit, will live forever in baseball.

      And I imagine there are a lot a players, with real uniforms, that will verify that, about Vinny too!

      1. Vinny’s day will come. I think this is more for Jackie’s family who are still alive. Maybe they have one for Vinny in a year or so, but to me, the statues should be for the players, and the Dodgers have a bunch in the hall….Campy, Duke, Pee Wee, Big D, Koufax…..take your pick….

  4. Hill got issues. He doesn’t look ready yet. Maybe he will in the second inning.

    How many statues we talking about? Koufax for sure. Lasorda? Drysdale? Zack Wheat?

    1. Badger

      Vinny should have one, because he will always be the greatest baseball announcer, and with no debate, what so ever.

      I just wish that Kershaw could dominate in the post season, like Koufax did.

      And I wish I was old enough to see both Koufax, and Drysdale pitch.

      I remember at a very young age, knowing who Koufax was.

      1. I had the privilege of seeing Sandy pitch many times. No Dodger was better in my opinion. 137 complete games, 40 shutouts in 12 years while compiling a career 2.76 ERA 9.3 K/9. Amazing. Statue worthy. There’s enough room around that park to erect several.

        Well, Hill got better, but 4 earned in 3.2 ain’t good. We’re hitting again, though I don’t know who these A’s pitchers are. Well, I know Hahn I guess but he isn’t all that.

        1. They lit Hahn up. He used to be a Padre. You are right about Sandy. He was the best I ever saw and I have seen some of the greats. Arizona fans used to tell me no one was better than Randy Johnson, but I always stuck to my guns and stuck with Sandy, and he only had 6 decent years. Think if he had found himself in 1955 instead of 1961. He would have had well over 200 wins. But I was grateful for the Sandy we had. Big D was the enforcer, but Sandy was the Ace. Dodgers win…11-6……Taylor had 2 more hits. Joc had a BUNT single. Puig looked lost up there today…..guess that extra work he did yesterday was not helpful……9 more days…..

        2. Badger

          Even today, most baseball pitchers, are honored to meet Sandy.

          That is probably why I knew who he was, at such a young age.

          I loved when Toles hit that grand slam.

          I remember when this team use to have a lot of trouble hitting, with the bases loaded.

          Not everyone hit Hahn!

          Joc had a bunt single, but he struck out, at least twice.

          And Puig struck out three times.

          I think Puig might be over thinking.

          I don’t see him as being success, when he over thinks.

          He may just be a see ball, hit ball, type of guy.

          He needs to have better at bats, that is for sure.

          But I think patience might be the key there.

          1. I agree on the patience……but 2 of the pitches he just sat there and looked at were right down the middle. Both very hittable. The 3rd strikeout was iffy. That 3rd strike was not in the zone, as for Joc. His approach was good, but the results were not. He only chased one bad pitch. And that was his 2nd K. He could not have hit that ball with a long pole.

      2. Koufax was 4-3 in the World Series despite an ERA of 0.95. He pitched in 8 games total, with 7 of those being starts. His first World Series appearance was in 1959 where in his only start he lost a 1-0 game. He had 57 total innings in those 8 games with 11 walks and 61 strikeouts. Pretty dominant. Kershaw is 4-7 with a ERA of 4.55 in 18 games, 14 of which he started. In 89 innings he has 27 walks and 106 strikeouts. He has no complete games…..Koufax had 4. Sandy did not pitch in the 1959 playoffs or the 1962 playoffs….In 1962, he was injured and out for the year. Had the Dodgers made it to the 1962 series, they would have had to beat the Yankees without him. Koufax was 0-1 Vs the White Sox, 2-0 against the Yankees, 2-1 against the Twins and 0-1 against the Orioles.

          1. In 1966 the Orioles played the Dodgers in the series and swept them 4-0. Drysdale started 2 of the games, Koufax 1 and Claude Osteen the other. Drysdale pitched game 1 because Koufax refused to pitch on Yom Kippur. At the time there was a big deal made out of it because Sandy usually took the ball every time he was asked. But this was the first time the series opened on that Jewish holiday. The Orioles were clearly the better team. The only game the Dodgers were even in was game 1. Dave McNally walked the bases loaded. Then Moe Drabowski came in and although he allowed a run on a walk, he shut the Dodgers down with 6 2/3 innings of scoreless relief while striking out 11. Palmer beat Koufax 6-0 in game 2, the Willie Davis 3 errors in 1 inning game. The O’s won the series by taking a pair of 1-0 games in their home park. Wally Bunker out dueled Osteen and McNally beat Drysdale and the series was over. The Dodgers set a World Series record for futility by only scoring 2 runs the entire series. The 6-0 game was Koufax’s last major league game. He retired due to his arthritic left arm. From then until they finally broke through in 1974 the Dodgers were pretty mediocre. Drysdale retired in 1969 because of a bad rotator cuff, Maury Wills was traded after the series to the Pittsburgh Pirates for ….Bob Bailey…….Rosey was in Minnesota along with Perranoski, and the Dodger SS was Julio Versailles. Mike Kekich replaced Koufax and ended up being traded to the Yankees. Those were the years that saw guys like Len Gabrielson and Ron Hunt, and Gene Michael in the lineups. Opening day 1967 starting lineup……W. Parker CF….R. Hunt 2B…L. Johnson RF……R. Fairly 1B…J. Lefebvre 3B… J. Roseboro C….. B. Bailey LF….G. Michael SS and Bob Miller was the starter……what is interesting about this lineup is the number of guys playing out of position. Parker we all know was a gold glove 1st baseman, Fairly a decent RF….Lefebvre was a natural 2nd baseman, and Bailey was a 3rd baseman…..very strange. the next year Rosey was in Minnesota and the catcher was exe Giant…….Tom Haller…..Another oddity, Koufax had exactly 1 opening day start in his career. That honor usually went to Drysdale.

        1. Michael

          It look like Puig was over thinking, or why would he let those balls go right down the middle of the plate?

          He swung I think at the first pitch once and it was some kind of off speed pitch, but he and these players, need to protect the plate,with two strikes.

          When Joc has two strikes, he needs to shorten up his bat, especially if anyone is on base.

          Most hitters have more trouble with two strikes, but Joc has even more trouble with two strikes.

          1. MJ, in reality they are still babies where it comes to plate protection and understanding, and they are still learning. Both are still very young baseball wise. Duke Snider had the same problem as Joc when he first came up, and he struck out way too much. One spring they would not let Duke swing at all, just stand in the batters box and tell the coach if the pitch was a ball or a strike. It helped him and he became one of the best. I doubt Puig is overthinking anything. You have very little time to react to a fastball, and in all likelihood, Puig did not think he could drive those pitches. I think he is working on things that at this point are not totally comfortable to him, and I would also guess he is pressing. He is pressing because I am pretty sure he knows what is expected of him and he wants very badly to be that guy. He could be squeezing the bat too tight, or almost anything. When you are facing MLB pitchers, you do not have time to think, only time to react, and that is the key. You can bet, Turner Ward is working hard with him. But I do not worry too much about spring results. When the regular season starts, that’s when it counts.

  5. Pretty much one week to go, most decisions are made. Who do you think will fill out the pen?
    Who opens in LF, who backs up CF and SS?

        1. That’s getting pretty close..I think the only locks on the staff right now are Kershaw, Maeda, Hill, Jansen, Romo, and Dayton. Everything else is a stew…..just stir the pot and see which kind of meat surfaces. Fields did a good job today, so he is definitely in the mix…..Hatcher is a gas can and should be deported.

    1. LF will be a platoon, SVS and Toles with Gutierrez in there too. Backup CF in my estimation will be Taylor. Because he is the best backup SS option and has out played all his competition. Kike and Culberson. Toles and SVS can also play CF and RF, and SVS can play 1st. They will carry 5 on the bench…SVS…Gutierrez, Taylor, Barnes and Utley……..BP after Jansen, Romo and Dayton is a crap shoot, so at this point are the 4-5 starters. I give the edge to Wood and McCarthy with an outside shot to Hyun Jin Ryu. Kazmir is toast for now. Utley can also play 3rd and 1st base……he is tearing up the league with his bat right now……Toles is also hot.

    2. Michael

      Snider in his first two full years, in the majors, might have struck out a lot, but he also hit for a very decent average, unlike Joc.

      1. Different talent levels and different types of coaching. I believe you expect too much out of these kids too early. Joc hit for average in the minors, but the mentality in the big leagues now is totally different. Strikeouts do not carry the stigma they did back then. They love his power potential, and if he hits .250 the Dodgers will be over joyed.

        1. Michael

          He still needs to learn how to shorten his swing, especially with people on base.

          He strikes out to much, in those situations.

          That gets old, especially when he and Grandal, hit right after each other.

          At least Grandal is working on his hitting, and not trying to hit the ball out.

          If Joc isn’t batting eighth, he might try swinging at the first pitch, because that might be the best pitch he will get.

          So he can stay out of those two strike situations.

          You are patient with Joc, and not others, so we all have our stuff.

          At least Puig got that double to right center today, and he is trying to stay up the middle, instead of trying to pull the ball.

          I give him credit for that, because that might be the key with Puig.

          I just hope he can lose that pressure he puts on himself, because that is when he swings at bad pitches.

  6. BP decisions getting easier. 3 pitchers sent down, Oaks, Geltz and Sierra…..Geltz has actually pitched pretty well. Oaks ticketed for OKC starting rotation along with Sierra I am pretty sure.

    1. The wild card is Hatcher, because we don’t know why he is even still around.

      I bet he gets a injury to go on DL, because he doesn’t have options, and that is what they have done in the past, when he has pitched badly.

      I’m glad to hear Fields has turned it around.

      He wasn’t good when he first came to the team, but after a couple of games, he started pitching pretty good.

      I think he is a pitcher with good stuff, so they will continue to work with him, and use him.

      He probably has options.

      I think Hatcher and Avilan are the pitchers in the pen, that don’t have options.

    1. Favorite number?

      What about 538?

      What about Baez?

      Have we actually improved against lhp? Maybe. I’ll believe it when I see it.

      1. Baez still nursing that thumb….he threw a BP, but has not faced live hitters yet. He could conceivably be ready. But it does not look like he will.

      2. Badger

        I just heard that number, but I was just teasing you.

        About Baez, we need more then just one reliever, other then Romo and Kenley, and I didn’t think that Baez was ready.

    1. Baez does have a great arm. He still works way to slow and gives up too many HR’s. But with the thumb issue I would say mid April to early May before he is ready. He has only thrown 1 BP. I think they had better watch out for the Rockies. They get any kind of pitching and they will be tough because those guys can mash. Desmond being out will hurt them a little. The D-Backs have a pretty decent starting staff, question with them is defense and offense. But Goldy and company have some pretty solid bats. It is just that balls fly in that ball park, so pitching is vital to them. Most of their BP guys, I have never heard of. Giants are dinged and will be coming out of spring, but I never count them out until we eliminate them.

  7. Kazmir on the bump against the Rangers today and they are actually going to show it on TV so we all can get sick to our stomachs watching this FAZASTER pitch. Hopefully he gets out of there with his life and no runs………we all can dream……Oscar, great story, but I remember when Dodger Stadium was fun and affordable. Back in the good old days I could buy two tickets and a Dodger dog for what they make you pay for parking nowadays. To me the menu was better when it was hot dogs, beer, soda, peanuts and those frozen malts. French fries and nachos. That was all we needed to have a great time. That huge hot dog you have a picture of is a rip off of the Bang Stick they sell in Texas at the Rangers ball park. Sells for 26 bucks. In the old days, I might have tried to eat that monster……….not now……..

    1. Michael

      Do you think he Dodgers are sending Kazmir out there to fail, so they don’t have to hear for Kazmir, about not being ready for the rotation.

      1. MJ, I think Kazmir is out there to work on what ails him and for the Dodgers to see if they can expect anything at all out of the guy. Right now he has about zero chance to make the starting 5. And he is not looking all that good today. I do not think FAZ wants the guy to fail. He would love to see all the pitchers he has acquired in the rotation and pitching great. Chances of that at this point not too good. Only Maeda and Wood have looked ok. McCarthy, Hill, Hatcher, Kazmir, all stinking the joint up……..

        1. Michael

          What I was thinking that Kazmir is telling them, he can pitch in the rotation, so the Dodgers let him see, that he really isn’t ready now, or maybe never, because of his condition.

          Because he told the LA Times that he got frustrated that Roberts didn’t let him pitch deeper into games last year.

          He didn’t pitch well enough last year, most of the time, to pitch further then five innings.

    2. Yes, I remember when the box seats sold for $3.50 and the bleachers $1.50. As a college student, I could afford many Dodger games, including beers, hot dog, and peanuts.

      FAZASTER? Kazmir, who had a Greinke type season last year, and his contract was a bargain when compared to what AZ paid, EVEN if Kazmir never throws another pitch.

      In my younger days, my friends and I enjoyed hitting a buffet and putting fear into the owner’s heart and a dent in his pocketbook, but, $26 for a hot dog? Never would have happened.

      1. 10-6 4.56 ERA and that is Greinke like? I seriously doubt that. Last year for Greinke was an aberration. The previous 7 years his ERA was never over 4. And he had not won less than 15 games. I think Kazmir is over paid and over rated by a front office that loves guys who have injury history’s. Last year Greinke pitched in a hitters park. Kazmir pitched in a pitchers park. Sorry, he is in my mind another FAZ mistake, and in this case a Kaztastrophy. In 2 innings so far today he has walked 4 given up 2 hits and 2runs. Az paid for an ace…..we paid for an over ripe lemon….and he still sucks.,

        1. What? Greinke’s 2016 ERA was 4.37. Welcome to the PRESENT!! And Greinke’s future!!

          I agree with you, AZ paid for an ace, but they got GREINOCIDE.

          Bottom line: TODAY, would you rather be stuck with Kazmir’s remaining $32M or Greinocide’s remaining $170M?????

          1. It matters not because Greinke left. Kazmir was not signed to replace Greinke. McCarthy was supposed to be that guy. 32 million for a Swiss cheese pitcher is a pretty high price to pay. Greinke had a High ERA in a hitters park. I doubt it would have been that high had he still been a Dodger. But it is a moot point. I would not want either. But there were better options out there and considering what they gave up to get Hill the rag armed wonder, they could have gotten something better. Their so called minor league depth and they have traded 5 of them in a little less than 6 months. For what they gave for Hill, they could have gotten someone a lot younger with a bigger upside…..I would trust Zack a lot more in a big game than Kaztastrophy.

    3. Yup, Micheal. I’m old enough to remember two bucks for general admission tickets.
      That other stuff is still king of the menu for most of us. I love those frozen malts by the way.

      All that fancy food was from their new executive chef and food that will be offered in sections of the stadium I will probably never sit in. You know, the Hollywood seats next to Tommy.

    4. You’re right, Michael, I’m old enough to remember two bucks for general admission tickets.
      That other stuff you mentioned is still king of the menu for most of us. ‘m still a fan of a good ol’ Dodger Dog. I love those frozen malts by the way.

      All that fancy food was from their new executive chef, and food that will be offered in sections of the stadium I will probably never sit in. You know, the Hollywood seats next to Tommy

  8. Whatever it is, Kazmir doesn’t look impressive whatsoever today.

    Definitely doesn’t deserve a spot on this roster (or the AAA roster, for that matter)

    1. It looks to me that Kazmir’s condition is still bothering him, and that is why he is walking so many hitters.

      I don’t think he was pitching fluently, or with ease.

    2. Kazmir was his normal self….he stunk. He was lucky he only gave up 3. Bats silent today. Morrow looked good and so did Stripling.

  9. Cotton is dealing today. Last I looked he had thrown 33 pitches, 28 strikes.

    Kazmir or Greinke? That cannot be a serious question.

    $26 for a hot dog? Really? Just googled it. Yep. Family dog.

      1. It figures……..I always liked that kid and I think he will turn into one of the FAZMASTERS biggest boo boo’s.

      1. Yeah, I saw it. 2′ long, one pound dog smothered in cheese and grilled onions. Feeds 4.

        MJ- Cotton still listed as #4, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see him move up. Montas and Holmes won’t be far behind.

        1. Badger

          I think I read that at Dodger com, on the article after the game, when we faced the A’s in the game, before today.

        2. Badger

          I just looked it is in the Toles headline article, right below the last picture in that article, which is a picture of Turner.

  10. Kazmir’s line 3 innings 3 runs 3 hits 5 walks 2 hit batters and 1 K….awesome huh? topped out at 86 MPH………goodbye! Segedin another hit now at .407 and Bobby Wilson hitting .270…..

    1. Obviously, Kazmir is struggling. His remaining $32M might be a total loss. But the Greinapocalypse (some of us warned about) occurring in AZ right NOW with Greinke’s 6.2 TOTAL spring training innings is making many Dbag fans want to napalm their whole organization. Greinocide’s remaining $170M salary is enough money to buy every man, woman and child in the state of AZ one of those $26 hot dogs. What do you think they would rather have right now??

      Lastly, It was Kazmir and Maeda who were signed to replace Greinocide not McCarthy!! Good job FAZ!

      1. You don’t have a clue what you are talking about. Greinocide? Dumb. As are your other Trumpanzee childish rip offs. I’ll say 180 innings and between 3.6-4 WAR. Since wins are apparently irrelevant, no need to predict how many, but I say he will singlehandedly outperform everything Kazmir and MCarthy do combined.

        1. What part? The stupid comment that dback fans want to napalm their entire organization or that Greinke will have better stats than McKaz?

          1. Why the hysterics? Did you take your estrogen supplement today? Or are you just pissed you didn’t get your $26 hot dog from the Dbags?

            You willing to say Greinocide will singlehandedly outperform everything Kazmir, Mcarthy and MAEDA do combined like last year? Oh wait a minute, Maeda was a stud last year and won 16 by himself. Got to consider the whole body of work. Good job FAZ!

          2. I thought I was clear. Apparently not.

            Admittedly Maeda, who wasn’t mentioned in my post, surprised me last year. I worried about his tender elbow and new, more demanding routine. 175 IP, 2.4 WAR was unexpected. He did however fade lake an Osaka sunset and was terrible post season. I think it’s likely he will repeat last year’s numbers, which will be helpful getting to postseason. I don’t really see him as a post season starter. Not sure who that might be after Kershaw, but am sure it won’t be Kazmir or McCarthy.

          3. Maeda has to be in any conversation about FAZ’s “bridge to the future” starting pitching strategy. He conveniently gets forgotten around here.

            I believe the bigger stronger Maeda will exhibit an improved “baseball kenjutsu” reminding us all of the Samurai if given the opportunity to start in this year’s playoffs. But the competition to get a start after Kershaw will probably be fierce between him, Hill, Urias and Ryu.

      2. How anyone with half a brain can call Kazmir a good signing is beyond me. Same as Anderson, they get one so so year and that is it. No I did not want to see the Dodgers spend all that money on Greinke. Maeda has been decent, but Greinke was 30 minutes from re-signing with the Dodgers for about 160 million. Arizona jumped in and went nuts, I get that….But Kazmir and Maeda, although good MLB pitchers are not close to being as good as Greinke. That is the point, not the fact that they have wasted a ton of money on injured and mediocre replacements. Maeda has a very team friendly contract that could pay him 100 million over it’s 8 year duration. But even comparing those guys to Greinke is ludicrous. Greinke is a far superior pitcher to either of them. My point from the get-go is that they could have spent the cash on someone else instead of taking a chance on oft injured arms. Luckily for them, Colletti and his guys had drafted some pretty decent arms before they got here. Apples to oranges whether it was Kaz or McCarthy….they both suck and they have really bit the big one with McCarthy. And by the way, the 26 dollar hot dog is a Ranger thing….not the D-Bags.

        1. Who said Kazmir was a good signing? You never answered the question above: TODAY, would you rather be stuck with Kazmir’s remaining $32M or Greinocide’s remaining $170M?????

          Only someone with half a brain would choose Greinocide, in my opinion. You do know its 2017 don’t you? If yes, look at 2016 stats before you say Greinocide is a “far superior” pitcher than Maeda! Hell, Greinke will probably make Crawford look like a bargain before his contract ends! I hear Greinke’s CURRENT fastball makes Kazmir look like Sandy Koufax!

          Has FAZ got every decision right? No, but the 2017 Dodgers are mainly FAZ’s guys now. They either acquired them or held off trading Ned’s best guys. The organization just keeps getting stronger and stronger.

          Lastly, I know the $26 hot dog is a Ranger thing. Was just making a point about Greinocide’s contract. I included delivery charges, when I said, “Greinocide’s remaining $170M salary is enough money to buy every man, woman and child in the state of AZ one of those $26 hot dogs. What do you think they would rather have right now??” You didn’t answer this question either!!

          1. “You didn’t answer this question either!!”

            I did.

            And do you want to bet? I got 100 push-ups on Greinke outperforming Kaz and McCart-him-off-the-field combined.

            “the 2017 Dodgers are mainly FAZ’s guys now. They either acquired them or held off trading Ned’s best guys.”

            You may want to re-think that one.

            Not trading and re-signing them does not make them FAZ guys. This team, and the prospects closest to stardom are not all FAZ guys. This was a two time Division Champ that had the top system in baseball when FAZ got here. They are now a 4 time Division Champion with the 5th best system in baseball.

            It’s going to be a few years yet until we see the true manifestation of a FAZ roster. Right now I look out there and I see Grandal is theirs, Forsythe, Toles, Maeda, Hill, Kazmir, Wood and McCarthy are theirs. How many All Stars in that group? Guess we’ll see.

          2. Well we will have to agree to disagree! As you know, there was a lot of pressure to trade Pederson, Urias and Seager at the deadlines. But the FAZsters held true to the organizational objective of “competing every year”.

            Here is a link to MLB farm rankings when FAZ took charge. They show them seventh. TODAY, the biggest farm studs, in my opinion, are Buehler and Alvarez. FAZ guys.


            Lastly, add Dayton, Romo, Morrow, Barnes and Thompson to your list. I seem to remember a lot of bitching about bullpens around here. Not so much, anymore.

          3. Almost missed this reply. But since you actually did some some research it’s worth noting.

            You post BR from ’14. Baseball America actually had them ranked 3rd in March of ’15, but that was before Seager and Urias moved up a few notches. De Leon, Holmes also moved up early that year. Pederson was still on several lists then too. The point is, all of those guys were here when Friedman joined the Dodgers. Yeah, we’ll see how well he drafts, but, not for a while.

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