Monday, February 17, 2025
Home > Opinion > I Bet Zack Greinke Has Plenty of Regrets

I Bet Zack Greinke Has Plenty of Regrets

Zack Greinke

The Dodgers and Zack Greinke parted ways during the winter after he signed a huge 206.5 million dollar contract with the Arizona Dbacks. His annual average salary this season is 34.4 million dollars and so far he has not yet lived up to that type of income. I would offer that he has not been as bad as everyone thought he was. He has shown glimpses of his past self. Certainly a 4.17 ERA over 136 frames is not Greinke like at all.

Ken Rosenthal of Fox Sports is reporting that the Dodgers touched base with the Dbacks on trying to reacquire the right hander. It’s not going to happen this season but Rosenthal speculates that there is a possibility of it happening in the winter. The Dbacks could be looking to offload his huge contract.

If you look at his numbers, they are closer to his career averages than you may think. A terrible first month of the season (5.50 ERA in April) is what’s skewed his numbers. Overall Greinke has posted a 12-4 record and has struck out 114 against 29 walks. He’s allowed 140 hits and posted a 3.64 ERA. His walk rate has increased slightly and his strikeout rate has also decreased, but only slightly.

The real problem has lied in his hits allowed per nine innings. Basically Greinke has allowed way too many base runners this season. Last year with the Dodgers he allowed 6.0 per nine, and that has gone up to 9.3 this year in Arizona. Home runs are slightly up too.

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I still believe that Greinke is a good pitcher so it is not a surprise to me that the Dodgers discussed reacquiring him recently from the Dbacks. It seems as if the Dbacks are regretting signing him to that mega contract and perhaps Greinke is regretting signing on with them, especially considering the train wreck of a season they’ve had.

Of course many people will say “we told you so”, or “long term contracts never work”. I would advise against using Greinke as an example of this. While Greinke has had a down year in comparison to his 2015 with the Dodgers, he hasn’t been terrible as many people have said he has been.

If you look you’ll see his ERA+ at 105, which is slightly above league average. There was no way he was going to reproduce his historically great 2015 season and switching from pitching at Dodger Stadium to the airport hangar like mall of Chase Field is probably a big reason for the regression. Greinke also missed a month with an oblique injury.

I would never count Greinke out. I would bet that he rebounds next season. Greinke is a smart and savvy athlete and will make the adjustment to pitching in Arizona. With an athletic frame and sharp pitching mechanics, I think he will have a better year and pitch more towards his career norms in 2017.

The Dodgers still wanting him back should tell you something. Greinke is still a very good pitcher. One down year does not change this. Maybe he’s not worth 34 million a year anymore, I don’t know. That would depend how he pitches over the next several seasons. He’s still preformed well enough to be considered.

But boy don’t you think he regrets signing with the lousy Dbacks? Enjoy your October golfing Greinke!

Scott Andes

Scott Andes: Longtime writer and Dodger fanatic

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Scott Andes
Scott Andes: Longtime writer and Dodger fanatic

112 thoughts on “I Bet Zack Greinke Has Plenty of Regrets

  1. This has played out quicker than I thought it would. Zack Greinke will decline every year… if only a little, he will decline. He is at an age where that just happens. You will see it from Cueto in the next year or two as well. That was why I was against signing them.

    Of course, Stewart and LaRussa were not going to send him back to the Dodgers and pay some of his salary, but after they are fired (and they will be), the guys who take their place might! Someone told me the Dodgers offered to take him back if the D-Bags paid $75 million of his salary. Of course, they couldn’t do that and keep their jobs.

    I would let Greinke crawl back if the D-Bags paid $75 mil of his salary, but it’s not a given that is a bargain. Do we really need him next year? We could have used him now.

  2. “With an athletic frame and sharp pitching mechanics, I think he will have a better year and pitch more towards his career norms in 2017.”

    He might, but the question is how he’ll pitch in the years after. He’s almost 33. He’s regressed this year. He’d been mostly injury free in his career, but had a stint on the DL.

    It’s intriguing, but his stock is down. Maybe that makes him a buy low candidate, but AZ would have to eat a lot of that contract to make that true.

    Four years at the annual 31.5 salary I think the Dodgers originally offered. AZ has to make up the rest. They don’t get our SS prospect. AZ is in more of a bind. They want to extend Goldschimdt and need to free up the money.

  3. He could decline every year and still be better than the hosers brought in to replace him.

    Personally I believe if there is a guy out there who can be counted on to pitch until he is 37 it’s him.

    1. Always liked Zack, did not blame him for taking the cash. I think he is a better pitcher than anyone they have signed who was supposed to replace him. And I think his ERA would be a little lower pitching half his games in Dodger Stadium which is a pitchers park compared to the launch pad that is Arizona’s home field…the former BOB.

  4. I agree. Zack is such a good athlete and so precise with his pitches that I think he’ll age well. His control is similar to Greg Maddux, but he throws harder. He can definitely pitch well for several more years.

    If we can get AZ to pay a nice chunk of that K, he’s worth bringing back. He’d be our 2 next year, and eventually as Urias and De Leon grow, Zack becomes a great vet as a #3 and 4 in 2020 or so. Plus, as our crapload of #5 starters start to ween out, injure themselves again, or get waived or not resigned, we’ll have less of a jogjam, both on the mound and in finances.

    But for now, we have Urias, TBD, and TBD going this weekend. I”m excited to see all 3 of them throw!

  5. I doubt if Zack regrets much when he checks his bank account after the electronic deposits. As far as Zack aging well who can know. Already has elbow considerations and every pitcher loses velocity and spin rate as they get older. He is not a junk baller like Gaylord Perry. I would have to think he’ll have the same age problems as most pitchers have, in fact I have to think it’s already showing this season. Changing speeds from the 80s MPH to the 70s not the same as from the 90s to the 80s.

    1. Which means you want him just where he is at: pitching for a division rival.

      Is he the right handed version of Barry Zito? Probably not.

      But it is hard to believe that the guy who pitched so great in 2015 is now declining. If that is the case, WOW! But I think he’ll improve on this season’s performance next year. Hopefully not against us.

  6. All predictable:
    He wouldn’t repeat 2015.
    His numbers would take at least some hit from pitching in that launching pad.
    He would never finish that contract in AZ because they can’t afford it when they avg. 23,000 per game

    He’s had a couple of bad outings especially his first game off the DL, but for the most part he’s pitched like a very good #2. I’m not sure how much regret he has, but has spent the first year of his contract in the seller, on the DL, and wearing some embarrassing looking uniforms.

    I have to believe that their minor league system is somewhat depleted. I’m only guessing that is the case, but after the Miller deal the Dbags may be looking to re-stock their system and he’s the best way to do so. They want to make Goldy a lifer in the desert and no one is going to give up squat for Miller. So, Zack is going to have to win with the current young nucleus or he isn’t going to win down there. He will never see the end of that deal in Arizona.

  7. Just wanted to let you all know that my room mate and friend, Richard A. McClain, US Army Viet Nam Veteran, passed quietly in his sleep this morning. I will be taking a break from this site for a while for obvious reasons…..thanks to all for your support.

    1. sorry to hear man. stay strong.

      and please come back soon; i think this group of nutjobs and our wacky team will do u good!

    2. Michael
      I’m sorry to hear that.

      It is never easy to go through that, even though you know it is coming.

      Take good care of yourself, and I hope you find a place to stay soon.

    3. So sorry to hear that Michael. As a veteran I have a special place in my heart for my brothers in arms whether I knew him or not. It’s a sad state of affairs when veterans are NOT paid the highest compliment and do NOT get the best care available.
      I sincerely hope his life was full of joy and happiness and that everyone in this great nation salutes those who have served regardless of race, sex, color or creed.

  8. Courtesy of True Blue LA

    “But the strain of continued short starts — the rotation averaged 4.63 innings per game in August, with a 5.48 ERA and 5.39 FIP — put an extra strain on the bullpen that began to show, with a 4.56 ERA and 3.80 FIP from the relievers, the highest marks of any month this season.”

    The ‘pen will break down unless the starters pitch more than 4 or 5 innings/game.

    Who is the rotation right now?

    Hill – 1 start – blister apparently not healed, so NO
    Kazmir – On DL
    McCarthy – On DL
    Wood – On DL
    Anderson – On DL
    Kershaw – On DL
    Ryu – On DL
    Norris – Yuck
    Maeda – That’s 1
    Stripling – On innings limit
    Urias – On innings limit
    Stewart – ?

    So – who is going to start games for the Blue other than Maeda? And will they be able to go more than 4.6 innings/start?

    1. Another way to address this problem: On Wednesday, Roberts specifically mentioned Luis Avilan, Austin Barnes, Louis Coleman and Josh Ravin as those who will be part of an initial wave from the Minors.

      1. It’s going to be something like a 10 to 12 man relief crew. Modern baseball.

        They are going to need more chairs in the bullpen.

  9. For all of those Kenley Jansen doubters, here is from

    “Sure, the big right-hander has six blown saves, but he is having one of the best seasons by a relief pitcher despite it. He has been as valuable as any reliever in the game this year, entering the week with a major league-leading 0.69 WHIP. His .150 batting average against was second in the NL and his 80 strikeouts ranked fifth among NL relievers. He has only walked nine batters. This season alone, he not only set the Dodgers’ career save record, but he also set the club’s strikeouts record for a reliever.”

      1. Badger
        That stat you listed, is the stat that I care about, when it comes to closer’s.

        And if Kenley pitched as well, as he did last year, are lead against the Giants about seven games.

    1. Those are nice sabermetric stats, but I sometimes prefer to use the “eye test.” Kenley has snatched defeat from the jaws of victory six times. Count ’em :6 times!

      Sometimes it all boils down to “Did we win?” His stats are great, but the results aren’t.

      He has blown 6 of the toughest games of the year – all one run games. We lost 5 of the 6 games. The other top 3 closers have 6 blown saves – COMBINED! I remain unimpressed with his impressive stats.

      1. 6 blown saves is not good. I’m sure it has to play big in the mind of the man who’s job is based solely on preventing those losses. I would think Mariano Rivera would had to have been questioning his own future in MLB after blowing 6 saves in 2003. He still had 10 more seasons in his reserve. I don’t use anything but my gut and eyes with a tad ‘what brung em’ and a left hander pitching right handed salvaged from catcher I take as sign 2016 is likely not the most correct way to look at Jansen. But you can throw in 2016 with the previous 4 seasons then count blown saves and Jansen’s my pick of any. It’s even most likely 2016 he’ll blow 7 games but the one I hope Dodgers don’t blow is letting Jansen go elsewhere.

        1. I too often word things opposite to what I’m intending to say. To clarify, I think it would be bad if Dodgers let Jansen slip away.

  10. The Shark having a tough first inning against the Cubs …

    Problem with Kenley Jansen scenario is that we don’t have a good prospect to take his place now, but we could get one next year, as you never know year to year which back-end starter ends up turning into a great reliever. I see a QO for Jansen.

    As for Greinke, I’d love to have him back if the D-Backs eat some of his salary and they take on Ethier. We may have to trade one of De Jong or Oaks. Or Stewart, but he’s less of a mystery and therefore less sexy, and I love Stewart as a back end, innings eating starter.

    1. How about in the offseason: Zack Greinke to the Dodgers for Scott Kazmir, Andre Ethier and Alex Wood? The D-Bags take some salary back spread over two years and get 3 serviceable players. The only question is whether Andre would approve the trade…

      He’s been a Dodgers all his career – maybe he doesn’t see himself as a D-Bag!

    1. Well, the objective also is to resign Kershaw when he opts out. A team needs money to to that. Not that the team can’t afford to sign both, but assuming Greinke’s contract… resigning Turner….plus resigning Kenley… all adds up. Yes, the Dodgers have money, but there does have to be fiscal responsibility.

  11. One comment on Toles. He’s got some psychological issues and he needs his meds. Roberts said however that Toles is probably, pound for pound, the strongest player in the house. Not Puig. This actually makes sense to me given Toles’ psychological profile – he probably needs to get tired so that he can truly rest.

    Anyways, you know another “slap” hitter that has similar issues but managed to harness it without meds? Ichiro. The guy’s a nutcase and it was a miracle that his father loved baseball and basically made his son work of his emotional issues via baseball. Some say that Ichiro’s upbringing was rough and contributed to his emotional problems but I think his father knew what he doing with his son, and Ichiro’s turned out the better for it. It doesn’t seem like Toles had the right people around him before, but maybe Roberts should take the same tack with Toles. Let him work off his issues with baseball.

    1. Any link to Ichiro’s backstory? I’d not heard much about his personal life or issues….nor those of Toles for that matter.

    2. YF
      What I read about Toles, is he had an anxiety problem.

      And if you have seen him interviewed on more then one occasion you can tell he doesn’t like talking about himself.

      His father was a pro football player, for the Saints.

      I read a comment that said his father had just recently died, but I don’t know if that is true.

      I haven’t seen anything about that though.

      And I don’t think he is really a slap hitter myself.

      We don’t know Toles whole story, and I don’t think anyone should label him.

      I am glad Puig is getting a chance, and I hope he behaves himself.

      I don’t want him messing with Toles.

      I just want Puig to play hard, and play well, and show everyone he can get with the program.

      And I don’t want to see Reddick played over Toles anymore.

      Reddick has had plenty of time, to break out of his slump, considering the time that is left in the season.

      And I don’t want him played, because he had that one RBI.

      Because they played him first, to get him started, and this lasted for a month, and now I don’t want him played over Toles, because he had one RBI.

      I heard on the MLB Channel, that either Friedman, or our GM said that Reddicks RBI was a big RBI in that last game.

      I don’t like when players, are played over other players, that are really contributing, because of politics.

      And especially when someone like Reddick, is just a rental.

    1. When Lucille and the Drunk are fired, they may want to unload him. I was only partially joking when I said the Greinke deal would cost LaRussa and Stewart their jobs and I had no clue it would be so quick. Former Dodger Derrick Hall is on the hotseat in AZ and to save his job he will fire LaRussa and Stewart and maybe Watson and hire Alex Anthopoulos as GM or President of Baseball Ops.

    2. And the comments at the bottom of that article are pretty good. There was some good insight among three posters in particular.

      1. Yes, there are some good comments.

        Something I haven’t seen mentioned very often though, which adds to the stupidity of the contract is the 15 team no-trade clause. Of course, Zack could probably be talked into waiving the no-trade clause, but, it won’t be cheap.

        1. Stupidity of the contract? Are you saying adding 1 year makes the offer go from genius to stupid? Wouldn’t it likely be more nuanced than that?

  12. Puig has shown he can stay focused for a few weeks at a time. Can he do it again? Will he have a chip on his should to show everyone he belongs here and that they made a mistake? I hope so. This could be fun.

  13. Wondering: “MLBTR: Dodgers To Recall Yasiel Puig, Send Clayton Kershaw Out For Rehab Start”.

    Well it looks like FAZ got us a right-handed masher and a top starter for the stretch run and without giving up any top prospects, Excellent job FAZ!!!

    1. I hope Puig can hit lefties better and have better at bats, in clutch situatuions.

      I think maybe Puig gaining a little confidence in AAA, might help him do that now.

      And to give this front office credit for Kershaw and Puig, sounds like pure desperation to me.

      1. “Pure Desperation”?

        The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, the air a delightful bouquet of pine and spruce. The Midgets in Wrigley with the Cards a coming, the Dodgers home with the Padres a coming, Puig & Toles a mashing, blisters healing, and Kershaw Chucking.

        Desperation? Nah, I love it when a FAZ plan comes together!!!

          1. They sent Puig to his room to give him something to think about and now they need him to do some work in the yard so they are letting him out. I know the drill. Happened a lot at my house.

  14. Ooh, more gutter tripe snipe from our uncouth. I’ve come to expect it now and then.

    Just read some local articles on the dbacks. Good reads. Requires open minds so, those who have them can find the info on their own. Bottom line is changes will be made, but trading Greinke isn’t one of them, nor is removing the CEO. Hale will be fired, and probably Stewart. La Russa is likely safe. It was mentioned Zack respects him, ostensibly more than the nerdy gnats that landed in the LA office. Zack’s a smart guy. And he will do what’s best for him.

    You know the biggest difference between the two teams? About $140 million availability in payroll. It allows the coverup up of mistakes to be more easily remedied. We can afford to pay hacks like McCarthy, Anderson, and Kazmir $40 million and not suffer, but that figure represents about 40% of the dbacks sum total for payroll. Their mistakes are magnified. Ours are easily covered up. It fell apart for them this year, but the dbacks should be ok going forward. And the giants? Ef them. I hope they all get mono.

    1. Badger: “Ooh, more gutter tripe snipe from our uncouth. I’ve come to expect it now and then”.

      Why you miserable “old polecat”, if I had stick that would reach to Sedona, I’d give you a good poke. On second thought, some here would probably try to sic PETA on me.

      1. Polecats are my brethren. Take a stick to one and see how it works out. Better be a big, sharp stick.

        Bums posting from Rumors was also a good read. Especially the comments. I found the Jane Mayer Dark Money reference there particularly interesting.

        The FAZ Plan, taking 300 darts loaded with $ and throwing them at the board, appears to be working. Only a few teams in MLB could do something like that. We are very lucky to be one of them.

  15. Box, I agree with you on this: we’re just about to add a potential impact right handed bat and a #1 starter to the team within the next 10 days! Didn’t cost us Holmes, Montas, or Cotton, either.

    Hopefully Puig’s mind is right. If so, he and Toles could make for a really fun September lineup! I have half a mind to drive to Rancho Cucomonga and watch Kersh pitch this weekend. God help his back (and Hill’s blisters)!

    Giants Cubs in the early game today. Suarez (whoever that is) v. John Lester. I like our chances!

    1. BoxHole is trying to stir up controversy by claiming credit for Puig and Kershaw for FAZ. Of course we all know better. Just ignore him…

      1. Good advice. The same could be said for the repeated juvenile utterance of Lucille and the Drunk. Ignore the ignorance. I shall make the attempt. Thanks Wonder.

          1. I was right about that. The winning bid was the #45, 3 hamburgers and an order of fries. And you said it would take the #2, the #5 and then some. Ha!

      2. i don’t really find it controversial. I took it as a joke, and Im pretty sure he meant is as a joke.

        Either way, let’s hope those 2 can help out

        1. If it’s a joke, why is repeated? You don’t keep telling the same joke over and over. Unless of course you have no understanding of comedic design and delivery.

          Hmm. Now that I think about it, that’s absolutely possible.

          You may be right Bobby.

          1. Jab? I think counterpunch is the better description.

            It’s what we do here. You and the FAZophants say something ridiculous, we point it out, you call us junior high names, we counterpunch with trenchant wit, you get squally and throw callow insults again. It’s a dance that’s been going on for years. Don’t tell me you’re tiring of it.

            Shall we stop?

    2. Bobby
      I am watching that game right now.

      I hope Puig can do well, and can hit lefties, this time around.

      Because if he can, it will help a lot.

      But he better stay away from Toles, when he comes up.

    1. Good read Bum.

      I was thinking that night Toles has a bright light on him now. Pitchers and pitching coaches are going to be watching a lot of film so .397 is as high as he will see. .274/.314/.403 makes sense, though I sure would like to see a .333 OBP out of him. What a find. One of those 300 darts that found its mark. Way to go FAZ. Keep chucking. It’s volume that seems to have a chance with your method.

        1. Bobby
          That would be better, then having him bat eighth, were he won’t get to many good pitches to hit, or they may put him on first, with the pitcher coming up next.

      1. Quite so. Only an idiot would claim that all of FAZ’S acquisitions are bad, some of them are excellent finds. But not enough. I think he should maybe spend more money and get better merchandise. Of course it’s not my money I’m asking him to spend…. And, of course, he doesn’t listen to me anyway.

        1. I’m for spending on stars, but with a $240 million payroll, you’d think we’d already have a a stringer full of Trout…..

          Ok, that one needs a little work.

        2. Wondering
          I agree with that.

          My biggest problem with them, is the pitching rotation.

          And I don’t care who brought Toles to the Dodgers, I like Toles.

    1. Going against Greinke is fun for me knowing that he told a few Dodgers that they were easy outs. Joc was one of those and he got to Greinke a couple of times and enjoyed it.

  16. I can’t wait until the game starts tonight, it is going to be interesting seeing what Puig is going to do.

    And this might be Urias’ last start of the season.

    I hope he can’t get three outs quick, and have a clean first inning this time, so he can keep his pitch count down.

    I hope he gets a decent ump, to help him do that.


    LOS ANGELES – The Los Angeles Dodgers today named right-handed pitcher Brock Stewart as the Branch Rickey Minor League Pitcher of the Year and infielder Edwin Rios as the Minor League Player of the Year.

    Stewart, who will turn 25 on October 3, completed a meteoric rise from Single-A to the big leagues this season, becoming the first Dodger since Hideo Nomo in 1995 to begin the year in Single-A and start in a Major League game the same season. He posted a combined 9-3 record with a 1.68 ERA (22 ER/118.0 IP) in 20 starts among Triple-A Oklahoma City, Double-A Tulsa and Single-A Rancho Cucamonga, while striking out a combined 126 batters against just 18 walks this year.

    Stewart posted a 2-0 record with a 0.82 ERA (1 ER/11.0 IP) in two starts for the Rancho Cucamonga Quakes and was named California League Pitcher of the Week for the period ending April 17. He was then promoted to Double-A Tulsa on April 15, where he went 3-3 with a 1.12 ERA (7 ER/56.1 IP) in nine starts and limited the opposition to a .188 average. Stewart earned a selection as a Texas League All-Star, but did not participate in the game due to his promotion to Triple-A OKC on June 10. In nine starts for the OKC Dodgers, he went 4-0 with a 2.49 ERA (14 ER/50.2 IP) and held opponents to a .217 average, while striking out 54 batters against just six walks.
    The Illinois native, who made his Major League debut with his first career start at Milwaukee on June 29, has appeared in four games (three starts) for Los Angeles this season, going 0-2 with a 7.94 ERA (15 ER/17.0 IP). Stewart was selected by the Dodgers in the sixth round of the 2014 First-Year Player draft out of Illinois State University, where he was primarily an infielder during his four-year collegiate career.

    Rios combined to hit .303 with 68 runs, 25 doubles, two triples, 27 home runs and 75 RBI along with a .344 on-base percentage and a .576 slugging percentage in 103 games for Single-A Great Lakes, Single-A Rancho Cucamonga and Double-A Tulsa this season.

    The 22-year-old left-handed slugger opened the season with Single-A Great Lakes in his second professional season, where he hit .252 with 17 runs, eight doubles, a triple, six home runs and 13 RBI in 33 games for the Loons. He was promoted to Single-A Rancho Cucamonga on June 4 and during his 42-game stint with the Quakes, he led the California League in batting average (.367), hits (65), home runs (16), RBI (46), extra-base hits (28), total bases (126) and OPS (1.105) from June 5-July 27. Rios was promoted to Double-A Tulsa on July 28, where hit .252 with 14 runs, six doubles, five home runs and 16 RBI in 29 games for the Drillers.

    The Puerto Rico native was selected by the Dodgers in the sixth round of the 2015 First-Year Player Draft out of Florida International University.

    Stewart and Rios will be honored in an on-field pregame ceremony on Saturday, September 24, prior to the 6:10 p.m. game against the Rockies.

    1. Man, I would love to hear some in depth scouting on Rios’ defense at 3b. I know most have said he’s avg at best, but I want to hear from his coaches, scouts, etc.

      If he can handle 3b, we’re set. If not, he’s likely great trade bait, as i still think Bellinger’s glove at 1b gives him the advantage over Rios

      1. I have seen him a little. Here’s what I see:

        1. Tremendous power and a good eye.
        2. An excellent arm.
        3. He does not move well – some of that can be fixed with agility training. He remonds me of Pujols when he was young.
        4. Not a great glove. It can be improved, but will it be enough to play 3B? I say no, but with the right tutoring… maybe.

        You could hide him in LF or at 1B. Bellinger can play OF.

        Seager will go to SS when Lux arrives in 3 years!


        1. Toles CF
        2. Verdugo RF
        3. Seager 3B
        4. Bellinger LF
        5. Rios 1B
        6. Grandal C
        7. Calhoun 2B
        8. Lux SS

        … never happen, but one can dream.

        1. Wayyyyyyyyyyy too many left handed hitters.

          That’s actually an issue we have in our system. Most of our top hitters are lefties!! Another reason we really needed Puig to become elite…

  18. Freudy has posted another cathartic post on Dodger Therapy:

    The best points that he makes are that the team still spends the big $$$ but has the same or worse record as of 9/1 as previous squads, the teams still doesn’t hit in the clutch and has trouble playing small ball to manufacture runs, they would rather pay tons to the injury prone or to various Cubans than to actual major leaguers, that this year’s rotation is one of the worst in LA Dodger history, and that the deadline deals were not well considered.

    Of course, I don’t make the emotional Cri de Coeur that he does…

    1. What did he say about the Dodgers being in last place right now?

      What did he say about the unbelievable amount of DL trips?

      That dude must be old… really old… because someone can’t get that stupid unless they have a lot of time.

  19. I read in some comments from people, that Puig is starting in rightfield tonight.

    They said they heard Roberts talking on the radio, and that is where they heard this about Puig.

    I really hope Puig has a really good nite tonight.

    He can be a great help to this team, if he can hit lefties well, like he once did.

    He paid his dues in AAA, so I hope the kid does we!

  20. Great column. The man knows how to write and he’s daignosed the Dodgers perfectly.

    So many great lines – “the rotation is crap on a stick.” “It’s like explaining the sequence of events in Pulp Fiction to a Dalmation.” Beautiful. He can paint a picture with words, that’s for sure.

    And I think he’s spot on. We will march to the playoffs with this group and no doubt get the same result we have seen every time we’ve been there since ’88. This will probably happen and no doubt we will be made to believe the season was a success.

    At least get the tv thing worked out. You can’t get an ace or a thunderous RH bat, tell us you can at least put the Dodgers on tv. The 3 million plus tickets are already sold. FREE VINNY for the remainder of the year!

    1. The rotation’s failures have largely been obscured by the overworked bullpen, but in an era when offense is down league wide, here are the Dodgers’ starters’ group ERA by season, courtesy of Fangraphs:
      2016: 4.10
      2015: 3.24
      2014: 3.20
      2013: 3.13
      2012: 3.41
      2011: 3.41
      2010: 3.95
      2009: 3.58
      2008: 3.87
      2007: 4.43

      That’s right – you have to go back 10 years to find a rotation as bad as this year’s group – and here they are:
      Penny: 16 – 4, 3.63
      Lowe: 12 – 14, 3.97
      Billingsly: 12 – 5, 3.31
      Wolf – 9 – 6, 3.99
      Hendrickson: – 4 – 8, 5.21
      Tomko: 2 – 11, 5.80

      You have to go back this far (and this bad) to find a group of worse Dodger starters than this year’s bunch.

  21. I suppose I’m in the minority but I didn’t want Puig back. What he did in AAA has no bearing on what he’ll do now that he’s up again.
    He will be taking time away from Toles who has been a sparkplug for us so far. Will Toles continue to hit close to .400 the rest of the year? Of course not but none can say that Puig will do what Toles has already done for us.
    In the 25 games Toles appeared in we were 17-8. What was our record with Puig. How much of a clubhouse problem will he be again.
    I did read an article where Puig said he wants to play the game HIS way. HIS way? Excuse me??? You play as 1/25th member of the team and do what you can to HELP the TEAM, not YOURSELF.
    I hope he does GREAT this month and October for the only reason we’ll get more back for him when he’s TRADED!!

  22. Puig is NOT the answer to our LHP problems. This year vs LHP-.231; vs RHP-.271. LIfetime: vs LHP- .279; vs RHP-.291.

    1. If Reddick had hit for us what he did for Oakland this year, I doubt Puig would’ve been brought up at all this year.

      1. And if FAZ had signed Cespedes we wouldn’t have the travesty called Reddick and Puig would have been traded long ago. There is another world behind every “if”.

  23. By Ken Gurnick / | @kengurnick | 37 minutes ago + 411 COMMENTS
    LOS ANGELES — Outfielder Yasiel Puig has been recalled by the Dodgers and will be in the starting lineup, playing right field, in the club’s series opener against the Padres on Friday night at Dodger Stadium.

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