Monday, October 21, 2024
Home > Dodgers > Dodgers Manager Dave Roberts Discusses Joe Kelly Incident With Jim Rome

Dodgers Manager Dave Roberts Discusses Joe Kelly Incident With Jim Rome

It’s unbelievable to me how the Astros ruthlessly cheat for years, and get a slap on the wrist from MLB. Yet Joe Kelly accidentally throws behind a couple of guys and makes a frowny face and gets an 8 game suspension. The commissioner’s office is so corrupt it’s sickening. Kelly wasn’t throwing at them, he just has command issues. Manager Dave Roberts also received a one-game suspension due to the benches clearing I’m guessing. He appeared on the Jim Rome show to talk about the incident. Check it out.

Dave Roberts on Joe Kelly and the Astros from The Jim Rome Show on Vimeo.

Scott Andes

Scott Andes: Longtime writer and Dodger fanatic

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Scott Andes
Scott Andes: Longtime writer and Dodger fanatic

4 thoughts on “Dodgers Manager Dave Roberts Discusses Joe Kelly Incident With Jim Rome

  1. MLB just hates the Dodgers.

    The whole thing started by Baker and his foul mouth. Then, crybaby Correa and his ego. Kelly gets 8 games, DR one game for doing nothing. Correa absolutely nothing, and Baker Just fined? I guess “cheaters do prosper”.

    Where is the justice.

    Redemption today, with a sweep, but not by the Dodger Vets (0-15 RISP) with pop ups and KO’s. Seager and Betts were all the Vets could muster. Dusty knows the Dodger MO… put rookies on the bump. Even Actually put up one named CY. The Dodger kids hold down the fort. Santana and Rios were the heros tonight.

    Extra inning format is very intense. I don’t like it.

    Go Blue.

  2. MLB power move. Coward Manfred rules on Joe Kelly appeal, just as Kelly goes on 10-day IL. So essentially, Joe’s 8-game suspension turns out to be a 15-day suspension. Manfred took advantage of IL situation, and rubbed salt in the wounds.

    Bench clearing incident between A$$-tros and Athletics results in “No A$$-tro player suspensions? What is up with that? At least their coward coach got what he deserved.

    A$$-tros have Manfred in their dugout, that is for sure.

  3. Team starting to come together hopefully with Bellinger’s HR being the primary magnet.

    I try not to put too much weight into anything until Trout’s at or near the top of the WAR stat. He’s still tied for 7th, so it’s still formative.

  4. Kershaw pitches a gem, vs. the Triple-AAAngels. I liked the way he attacked the hitters and got ahead of them.

    3 game winning streak…. BTW who is that leadoff batter for the Dodgers? Just leave Mookie there. He belongs there. Also leave Bellinger 5 or 6. Looks like DR finally got the memo. Barnes maybe snapped out of his coma, but still would like to get Russell Martin back.

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