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Happy Holidays From LADR!

As we anxiously await the start of spring training with sugar plums dancing in our heads, we here at LADR want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Looking back on the 2017 season reminds me of how thankful I am to be a Dodger fan and writer. Last season was one of the most memorable seasons in a long time.

The 2017 season will always be remembered as the year where the Dodgers finally broke their World Series drought and winning their first pennant in 29 years. Now they didn’t break their nasty championship drought which has now reached 30 years. But one ugly drought at a time.

Hopefully next year will be the year where the Dodgers win it all. Over the next week we’ll take a look back at some of the greatest moments from the 2017 Dodgers season. Until then have a wonderful Christmas/Holidays everyone! Thank you all for your readership!

Maybe if we are all good boys and girls Santa Clause will bring us a World Series championship in our stockings this year. I know I can say that I’ve been good this year. Not sure about all of you guys though. Anyways, Happy Holidays!

Scott Andes

Scott Andes: Longtime writer and Dodger fanatic

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Scott Andes
Scott Andes: Longtime writer and Dodger fanatic

52 thoughts on “Happy Holidays From LADR!

  1. Merry Christmas everyone. I truly enjoy reading everyone’s comments and insights. Some good, some bad, some questionable, and some downright hilarious. We are one big blue family and I love all of you. Cheers everyone!!!!!!!!

      1. Space junkie….Star Wars and Star Trek…love the characters. If the film had a fault, it was a little long. But Solo comes out in May, the Han Solo saga….Special effects were great…..Go see the Darkest Hour. Gary Oldman as Churchill…..outstanding portrayal

      2. Anybody see 3 Billboards? I so looked forward to it but was disappointed. I’ll wait on Star Wars.

        It’s almost next year. I wonder if the Dodgers wait til then to do something.

        1. Looking that way for now. Did not see 3 Billboards. Going to see Jumanji later this week. Waiting for 12 Strong, and a movie called Alpha. My sis wants to go see The Greatest Showman.

          1. I want to see The Post just for who is in it, Molly’s Game because anything written by Sorkin interests me and Star Wars I’ll rent and watch at home. I know I’ve seen trailers of others that look interesting but don’t recall what they are. The Shape of Water is one. Looks interesting. Could be sappy.

          2. The Post looks excellent. Hanks is always great in that kind of a movie. I love Bridge of Spies…..I got Dunkirk, Boondock Saints and The Kingsman part 2 for Christmas and Das Boot.

  2. I am probably the only one who hasn’t seen one Star Wars movie.

    The movie Michael talked about, seems like it would be good.

    All of the Money in the World, looks like a good movie too.

    Just that one scene they show on TV, makes this movie, look so authentic.

    I am not a big movie person, but I like movies that are based more on true stories, and true people.

    1. I like all type of movies, mostly those that are well written, unique and don’t rely strictly on special effects. But Sedona’s theaters are old and worn out. If they would update we might go more often.

      1. I love true story’s like Heartbreak Ridge and the new Darkest Hour. But I want them to stick to history and not turn it into a love story or some other tripe like Pearl Harbor did.

        1. It’s beautiful. But we need some snow pack or it could be a dangerous summer. We usually have a few inches by now. It’s been warm and sunny for quite a while. I’ve only built a few fires so far.

    2. Movies and music MJ. I can even enjoy a chick flic now and then. I like action movies, but love movies that are historically based also….

      1. Michael

        It sounds like you love the arts, and there is nothing wrong with that.

        Because that makes you a more balanced, type of guy.

  3. Didn’t see this posted, but Zaidi did a radio interview after making the big trade.

    He references how it helped to have Alex A. on the other side.
    About the Braves trying to clear up spots for young OF.
    Calls it almost solely financial, references the baseball penalties about not getting draft pick compensation and International spending caps as more impactful than the financial penalties.
    Understand fans unrest about a lack of off-season moves, but says “reality is we’re very good… Don’t want to rest on laurels, we didn’t get to our ultimate goal… don’t want to block younger players.”
    ON LEFT FIELD: “with Taylor in CF and Puig in RF, the team only has one spot for Pederson, Toles and Verdugo.”
    Doesn’t, obviously, mention Kemp as a potential fit there.

  4. Didn’t see this posted, but Zaidi did a radio interview after making the big trade.

    He references how it helped to have Alex A. on the other side.
    About the Braves trying to clear up spots for young OF.
    Calls it almost solely financial, references the baseball penalties about not getting draft pick compensation and International spending caps as more impactful than the financial penalties.
    Understand fans unrest about a lack of off-season moves, but says “reality is we’re very good… Don’t want to rest on laurels, we didn’t get to our ultimate goal… don’t want to block younger players.”
    ON LEFT FIELD: “with Taylor in CF and Puig in RF, the team only has one spot for Pederson, Toles and Verdugo.”
    Doesn’t, obviously, mention Kemp as a potential fit there.

    1. I read the story about not blocking the kids, and it has been almost a given since the day the trade was made that Kemp was not a part of the long term plan for this year and if they do no find a taker, they will probably just DFA him. What is weird is that there has not been one single word out of Matt Kemp’s camp…..

    2. In other words – exactly like what was said here. The only part of that that I hadn’t heard was clearing a spot for young outfielders. But I really don’t care about that. It was a money exchange that worked for both clubs and it happened because Alex, our guy, was in that chair. Does anyone believe that happens if John Coppolella is still there? John who?

      Yeah, I’m still waiting to hear from Kemp and his suits. I’m hoping he’s working his ass off with a team of nutritionists and personal trainers as well as our hitting instructors. If he listens to Ward and our other coaches he can cut down on chasing, reduce his K rate and still be able to hit 25 bombs – for somebody. Would anyone be surprised to see him win the left field job out of Spring Training? Of course we would. That was a truck question.

      1. Badger

        Exactly, look what Ward did with Puig, with those outside sliders.

        That is the one pitch, that fools Kemp, but if Ward could help Puig, he could help Kemp with that pitch, too.

        I don’t know if the front office will necessarily DFA Kemp, because the front office usually gives a player a long look, after they make a move for one.

        And that is a lot of money.

        I could see Kemp playing better defense, if he is in shape, and in the right mind set.

        1. I think it would be prudent to wait. I’m sure they have asked around. I’m also sure they’ve pow wow’d with Kemp and his team too. It’s a safe guess he isn’t in the plans, but, as long as they are paying him, if they believe he’s a better fit against lh pitching than the other options they may keep him around.

          1. I totally agree, and I also think if he is healthy and in shape 30 plus bombs and 100 ribbies not out of the question. He was injured some last year and that affected his production.

          2. 30 and 100 if he plays every day. I think the FAZ may be looking at a platoon. We have some interesting left handed options for left field.

            Honestly I still see Toles/Pederson/Hernandez ahead of Kemp. Don’t get me wrong, I’d trade Pederson and Hernandez in the right deal, I just try to look at it through FAZZY lenses. I think it would take a Herculean effort by Kemp to change our FOs opinion on him. And by Herculean I mean Kemp has to come to camp looking like Steve Reeves.

  5. Kemp will be on the Dodgers this season, I hear there is an opening in peanut vendors in the stands. They will give him a tryout there and see if he can cut it. Word is out that he has been training for it but lacks the necessary speed to land the job, plus he continues to drop bags of peanuts when holding more than 3 at a time as required. Maybe they can give him shot at the grill with Dodger Dogs.

    1. I know you are good with the money, as you have stated often you don’t care about any money spent since it is just a bunch of rich guys’ money, or it seems like you often say something to that affect. So 43 million for peanut vendor makes total sense. Hell, the soft pretzel vendors are making 11 million each easy.

      1. You are correct sir. Everybody in baseball, including the Jeter group in Miami, reside in upper tax break status, thank you Donald, so it is true I do not believe any of them are close to impecunity as they may claim. The Dodgers will be able to absorb that $43 million without having to sell the family cow, so yes, pay the vendor his money. The Dodgers are the ones that printed that contract, and they are the ones that traded for it, so unless they find another brother like Alex, and who knows, they might by getting creative with prospect giveaways, we will be paying that peanut vendor. A vendor that YOU hired by the way.

        How many days to pitchers and catchers?

  6. “3:53 Do you think the Dodgers are done?

    Steve Adams
    3:54 This Dodgers front office is always measured, patient and opportunistic. I’m sure there are forthcoming additions — and perhaps some weird/creative way to get Kemp off the books.”

    1. Bobby

      With a little cocaine, I am sure all of you guys, would have plenty of energy, especially in your twenties.

      I don’t know if you guys could play Major League Baseball, but cocaine has been known to make certain people feel like they are pretty, invincible.

      1. That’s the big lie with cocaine. When you first start using it the mind opens and the body responds with youth and vigor – then before you know it the downhill slide begins. I do not miss those days. Wish I would have invested that money in Apple stock. Oh well.

        1. Badger

          That is why I said, a little Cocaine.

          But you will probably say just like you can’t just eat one Lay’s potato chip, there is not many people who would be satisfied with just a little, Cocaine.

  7. Never used drugs and never will. I even hate taking the medicine the doc gives me now. Strawberry was an idiot. He had a lot of talent and wasted his prime years with drugs.

    1. What the kind of musician never used drugs?

      Strawberry was indeed an idiot. There were, and are, many of them that make it to the top.

      MJ, it only took a little at first. Another aspect of the big lie.

      1. Me Badger. I rely on real talent not some stupid drug induced stupor. I like to know what the hell I am doing on stage. I even quit drinking in 1990. I do not need chemical help to get up and entertain people. I enjoy being up there. A lot better rush than any drug could provide…also have never been arrested or spent any time in the slammer, not even in my reckless youth.

        1. Alice Bowie was higher than a satellite when he recorded Station to Station. All the really great rockers were stoners. Maybe that was their secret. Perhaps had you been high in the 60s and early 70s we would have been listening to Crosby, Stills, Nash and Norris.

          1. Not my thing my friend….I was in the Army then….just married and starting a family. That is a hell of a lot more important than drugs in my mind. Besides, I play country.

          2. Most country pickers that I have dealt with were not into drugs. A few alkys in there, but no drug users. Of course that was just my circle of friends. If the major stars I had a chance to perform with were using, I did not see it. that is not something you do in small bars. Maybe when they were on the bus. But I saw enough drug use in the army to last a lifetime. Especially in Germany.

          3. Heck, up in Eureka they were snorting lines ON the bar between sets. Mid 80s. Crazy time.

            Today something baseball will happen. I can feel it. Or maybe its just a flashback.

  8. It must be a no news time in dodgertown, we have devolved to coke discussions. Okay it was a very fun drug until it wasn’t!

    1. Not a thing going on and expect nothing til after the new year. Giants are discussing Hamilton with the Reds and there have been a couple of relief pitchers signed the last couple of days, but that’s it.

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