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Ryu Lackluster, B-Squad Punchless, Nationals Over Dodgers 4-2

The Dodgers dropped the series opener to the Washington Nationals on Monday evening by a 4-2 score. Southpaw veteran Gio Gonzalez shutdown the Dodger’s makeshift lineup and the Dodgers lose a half game in the standings to the idle Rockies. The boys in blue are now 35-24 one game behind Colorado in the NL West.

My main beef is not that the Dodgers lost, they’re not going to win every game. My problem was that they didn’t put their best players in the lineup. Once again the backups and utility players were in the lineup as Yasmani Grandal, Adrian Gonzalez, and Cody Bellinger all sat for no apparent reason. Kike Hernandez played first base for the first time in his professional career, and Brett Eibner played in center field batting eighth. Did the Dodgers really believe that this lineup would be able to score more than two runs against Gio Gonzalez and the Nationals?

Nationals 4 7 0

Dodgers   2 6 1





I don’t know, but there was no reason to not play three of your best offensive weapons at the same time. It seems like the Dodgers think they have to constantly outsmart their opponent by shuffling the lineup every other day. It usually doesn’t work, especially when you have Kike Hernandez batting fifth, or Eibner playing center field. Franklin Gutierrez batted cleanup because why wouldn’t you want your gimpy fifth outfielder batting cleanup against a premier left hander?

The Dodgers managed just two runs on six hits and were 1 for 10 with runners in scoring position. They left seven men on base and three of their six hits (Taylor, Seager, Bellnger) were doubles. The Dodgers only real threat came in the bottom of the sixth when they plated their two runs. Logan Forsythe started the frame with a walk, and Corey Seager singled him to third. Then Chris Taylor’s double scored Forsythe and put runners on second and third with nobody out. The gimpy Franklin Gutierrez’s grounder scored Seager to cut the Washington lead to 4-2. Kike and Barnes grounded out to end the inning.

The Dodgers did get a lead-off double from Seager in the bottom of the eighth, but of course they wasted it. Taylor and Gutierrez both whiffed and Kike grounded out. The Dodgers had the tying run at the plate with two outs in the bottom of the ninth after Bellinger doubled, but Grandal (who came into the game as a pinch-hitter) struck out. Gio Gonzalez tossed six innings allowing two earned runs on four hits and struck out five to earn the victory.

On the pitching side left hander Hyun-jin Ryu turned in yet another lackluster performance. He allowed four earned runs on seven hits and struck out four. On the bright side he did pitch seven innings and didn’t walk anyone. Still he was lousy. He gave up a second inning home run to Anthony Rendon and then two more runs in the top of the fourth. In that inning Ryan Zimmerman singled and was erased at second base on a Daniel Murphy force out due to a botched double play. Then Rendon doubled and Matt Wieter’s two-run single brought in two. The Nationals added one more in the fifth on a Trea Turner single, a wild pitch, and a Bryce Harper ground ball run scoring single.

On another note, the Dodgers seem to be getting irritated with Kenta Maeda’s horrendous pitching and it doesn’t appear that he’s going to make his next start. No word on whether this is injury related or lousy pitching related. Probably both. On the bright side Justin Turner is going to be activated from the disabled list this weekend. Sorry Brett Eibner but the pink slip tolls for thee. At least Tommy is feeling better.

The series continues on Tuesday night as the Dodgers look to even the series behind Brandon McCarthy. The Nats will send ace Max Scherzer to the mound to counter.

Scott Andes

Scott Andes: Longtime writer and Dodger fanatic

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Scott Andes
Scott Andes: Longtime writer and Dodger fanatic

58 thoughts on “Ryu Lackluster, B-Squad Punchless, Nationals Over Dodgers 4-2

  1. I continue to think that Ryu belongs in the bullpen, but who can take his place, at this moment? We need Wood back. With two very questionable SP’s like Ryu and Hill, it’s K, Maeda, McCarthy, and Urias. Add Maeda and Urias to the questionable list, we’ve got K and McCarthy healthy and ready to go. We should be used to this scenario as every year it’s the same thing.

    Ryu wasn’t awful, but with this kind of no-support batting, we don’t stand a chance with our mediocre pitchers.

    Taylor is one of the worst fielders I’ve seen. He is not major league material except for his batting. And, his batting has been clutch, so I guess we’ll have to put up with his poor fielding. Dodger pitchers are also poor fielders. We used to pride ourselves on our lack of errors. That has changed dramatically this season. FAZ has conceded this area. When they got Rollins & Hendricks, they pushed the upgrade on fielding. It’s amazing they have won as many games as they have this season.

    1. Taylor is actually a very good SS. Part of the reason they traded for him was to have a solid backup for Seager. You play CF 6 games in a row, and then move to the infield it is not as easy as you think and he was pretty good in CF. He is way better than Kike in the field, and a solid hitter. Everybody makes an error now and then. He has made 7 errors this year. 5 of them at 2nd base, 1 at 3rd and 1 in the outfield. None at SS. 2nd is obviously not his best position. Ryu is not really a reliever. His problem has been lack of run support lately. If the offense does not get off their ass and score, no one is going to win. Kershaw gave up 1 run Friday and did not get a win.

  2. The Nationals are a scary bunch, clearly the best hitting team in baseball. Their starting pitching is very good too. We lost to their #3, and now face #1 and #2 with our #2 and #1. This is a good test for us. I’m looking forward to the matchups.

    The Cubs won again. I think it’s safe to say they will cruise to the playoffs. In fact, I think it’s safe to say that the Central and the East can be called now. The West could be a dog fight to the end. The bookies still like us. I wonder if the reason some don’t like the Nats as much is because of their bullpen. It’s the worst in the Majors.

    Slow footed squat bodied Willie Calhoun had a double and a triple yesterday. He also has 3 stolen bases. And he has a .981 fldg % and 3.78 RF, collectively better than all the current Dodgers second baseman. He’s hitting .294, OPSing .865. I think he’s trade bait. Use him and Verdugo, with some lower arms for a 6 inning starter. There will be a few on the market soon.

    1. Badger

      We played our b team against the Nats, and that is the problem.

      It is so ridiculous when they do this.

      Sometimes are b team can beat one of the teams in our division, because we see those teams more, but not a team like the Nats, that have pretty good starting pitching.

      Pitchers are not throwing fastballs to Kike anymore, and that is why he isn’t hitting now.

      The only fastballs Kike got, was from the Nats fill in closer.

      And I wouldn’t throw Kike a fastball until he can prove he can hit off speed stuff.

      And that is why Kike didn’t hit last year.

      And Puig is just the opposite, he can’t hit fastballs, so I wouldn’t give him many off speed pitches, until he proves he can hit a fastball.

  3. There have been more HRs hit in the first third of 2017 than in the first half of 2014.

    Loft angle itis.

    Not sure why there is any reason to have Gonzalez play against lefties right now, but Scott needed something to write.

    Uriah and Alvarez with nice starts.

    The wonderfully named Ibandel Isabel with more power.

    Turner should(?) return this weekend. Joc to take an extended rehab to work on his swing.

    Every mock seems to have the Dodgers taking Bubba Thompson.

    The Ogden minor league team embarrassed themselves.

    1. Bluto

      What I read about Joc is that he is going to have to prove he can hit, before he comes back up.

      But it said Joc will have to prove he can hit, for a good week.

      But hitting only for a week, is not a lot of proof.

      And remember Joc only has one more HR then Agone has, so Agone isn’t the only one with a power loss.

    2. Urias is still having control problems. He gave up 3 runs in 5 1/3 innings. Luckily his team scored some runs. The kid is no where near ready to come back up. Having a lot of power is one thing, doing it at AA and AAA is something else. Isabel is at RC now. We will see if they promote him sometime this summer.

  4. Scott

    When I saw this line up, I thought about you.

    You are right, it is very hard for our b team to beat the Nats everyday line up, and I don’t think Roberts, thinks any differently, then we do.

    And it is even harder right now, because the Nats have three guys, that have really been hitting, since the begining of the season.

    Murphy, Harper, and Zimmerman, are all hitting the cover off the ball, right now.

    And our best hitter, is rehabbing and getting ready to come back.

    And I know any team can beat another team in baseball, but I wouldn’t take our utility players, over Harper and Murphy, most of the time.

    And I know Ryu allowed those runs, but I still think he is pitching better, then both Maeda, and Hill.

    Ryu made only a few bad pitches, and that cost him, but I think he is getting stronger, and better, each time he pitches.

    You have to remember that Hill and Maeda, are only pitching five innings, or less, most of the time.

    Ryu was at 93 snd 94 at times last night, and I believe he is going to get better, he just needed to bare down a little more, in those RBI situations.

    Our utility players are over exposed right now, and that is because they have been playing to much, because of Turner, Logan and Joc being out, in the last few weeks.

    Utility players shouldn’t be playing and getting that many at bats, unless someone is out, but Agone and Cody could have played yesterday.

    I know Logan is back, but he has only been back for a couple weeks, and he isn’t producing yet.

  5. 59 games in and they are 11 games over .500 and one game out of first. They have played well at times and been lousy at other times. They are not hitting a lot of HR’s but lead the NL in doubles. Guys you would expect to provide punch have not. Taylor has been a pleasant surprise with the bat, and so has Barnes who has the 4th highest BA on the team. In my estimation Taylor’s emergence has made Kike expendable. Since he is not really hitting all that great I would trade him as soon as a good deal was found. There are plenty of guys with his skills in the minors. We should be getting Turner back by the weekend. I think it is time they ended the Gutierrez experiment, which has been a huge bust so far. Eibner can be sent down anytime and it would not hurt my feelings one bit. Bullpen is solid so far, even though they had a couple of hiccups the last road trip. Morrow is also pitching well and moves ahead of Romo and Hatchet man. If they dump Eibner, I would bring Dickson or Verdugo up to see what they have got. A little youth out there might light a fire under some of the vets. The starting staff is still very perplexing. One day, great job, the next look out, baseballs flying all over the place. If the BP holds up the rest of the year with all the work they are getting, I will be totally surprised.

  6. Taylor has a two week slash line of .298/.353/.489. Have we missed Turner that badly?

    I like the idea of Ryu and Maeda pitching on the same day. They can alternate who starts. Same with Stripling and Hill. Maybe doing that will give our bullpen a break every few days.

    Ever heard of Fabio Castillo? How about Wilmer Font? Both are starters and have respectable numbers at AAA. Maybe rotating them in using what Jeff so eloquently calls the questionable list. I shall take that lead and call it the DQ list. We artfully move those guys who can go 4-5 off on and on the roster to come in after starters go the now accepted 4-5 and we Do it by alternating the DL with the DQ for the rest of D-season.

    Forgive me, it’s already over 90 here and I just came from pulling weeds. I may not be making sense.

    1. Badger

      Have you been picking weeds, or weed?

      If it is the later, who cares if you make sense, as long as you are feeling better or higher.

      How has Oaks been pitching?

      I still think Ryu is getting better and stronger, and I don’t see that, with Maeda or Hill.

      Look who Ryu was pitching against, and for seven innings!

    2. Great idea, Badger. Those two SP’s always give up their runs in the first few innings. With 3 innings each, we should be in a good hole allowing our superb batters to come back and champion the day.

      1. Let’s not hang the lineup on Taylor.

        Wouldn’t it be more prudent to expect him to revert closer to past performance and then be pleasantly surprised if he does better?

  7. Kike has five more extra base hits, then Puig has, and Puig has had 70 plus more at bats.

    And they both are only hitting 230 something, so Kike isn’t the only problem, on this team.

    It is just that the utility players have been playing more, because of the injury issues.

    Gutierrez was doing well at the begining of the season.

    But now, Gutierrez looks like the time off, and his injury issues, are catching up with him too.

    We just need Turner to come back, and that will help a lot.

  8. Turner, Seager, Taylor, Forsythe and AGon. That’s a helluva starting infield. We can go with that and two outfielders. Set a new trend. One of those guys can be a midfield rover, placed strategically by up to minute algorithms sent from FAZ directly to Roberts in the dugout. New position. Innovation is what we be about.

    I think Bluto is right about Taylor. He’s been great, but is he an .842 hitter? I doubt it.

    I still think the Dodgers will look for more starting pitching in July. Maybe sooner.

    1. Badger

      Bluto also said Joc was the third best hitter on the team last year, even though Joc was mostly platooned, and only hit well, for half of the season.

      And before that, Bluto said Joc was the second best hitter on this team last year, until I called him on that, and said Turner was the second best hitter, on the team last year.

      Bluto has a bias too, he isn’t always a number guy.

      1. MJ,

        What in the world are you talking about?

        I do remember writing something about Joc arguably being the 3rd best hitter last year, and YOU replied he was the 2nd best.

        BTW: Relying on numbers is not having a bias.

        This is the second time recently that you are aligning me with things and/or conclusions that I never have come to.

      2. All I said was I think he was right about Taylor. I’d be surprised if he continues to OPS .842. I would also be surprised if Bellinger OPS’d his current .899 into late September. Taylor has never OPS’d .700, or played more than 47 games before this year. If he and Bellinger keep it up – great. But I don’t expect it.

  9. Scott: You and MJ have got to get over the blues about platoons.
    You’re making consistent noise, but not sense. If Adrian and Yasmani
    had demonstrated in the last year or so they could hit lefties, the
    temptation to platoon would be less. But they have not done that.
    Last week, Yasmani was in the .150 range for the season against
    southpaws, e.g.
    The problem is the right-handed hitters are not all that against the
    opposite arms (possible exception Barnes, and the more you play
    him, the more you find out if he can handle the load, the more rest
    Yasmani gets to hit righties, and POSSIBLY actually contribute some-
    thing when the Real Season starts (assuming they make it:-), because
    he’ll be less worn out.
    The lineups you two are always yellin’ for stunk it up often on the
    recent trip. I join you in not being a fan of Dodger lineups as a
    rule, but the platoon switches are at least somewhat grounded in
    evidence, if not consistent good results….

    1. Dud

      Don’t you remember that this platoon team, was last in offense, in all of baseball last year?

      The addition of Gutierrez was working earlier, but he is not the same right now, after going out on the DL, and with his injury issues.

      The only other new addition to this platoon line up, other then Gutierrez, is Logan.

      And Logan has missed a lot of time too, and he hasn’t produce much at all, since he has been back from the DL.

      And other then the players I just talked about, we still have the same players on this platoon team, as we did last year.

      And they ranked last in offense, in all of baseball last year, all year long!

      And about Agone, maybe you don’t realize this, but Agone hit better against lefties, then most of the team, last year.

      And that is the problem.

    2. Dud,

      I’m fine with platoons if

      A), they made sense,

      B), they didn’t consist of mendoza line hitting utility players or guys that are career minor leaguers that have no business being in a major league lineup

      C), don’t sit half the regulars at once

      I’m fine with Barnes and fine with Grandal getting some rest, but when does it ever benefit the Dodgers to play Brett Eibner? You have a 230 million dollar payroll starting .220 hitting journeymen in their lineup almost on a daily basis. It makes such little sense. Franklin Gutierrez batting cleanup? Brett Eibner? Kike Hernandez playing first base? This is the Dodgers here not the Tampa Bay Rays. In Tampa or Oakland it’s ok to start utility players and independent league players because they have no other recourse financially. But for the richest and most powerful club in baseball like the Dodgers it’s infuriating and confusing. those guys are awful hitters, that’s why they are backups, subs, and utility players. They’re not meant to be starting players unless there is an emergency.

      Leave your backup infielder and fifth outfielder on the bench. Pinch-hitting and late inning defensive replacements only. And for god’s sake cut Brett Eibner from the roster.

      Just play the regulars because overall they are better hitters than the utility guys. If they do this then more often than not they will win. Did anybody really believe that Brett Eibner, Kike, Gutierrez, would hit Gio Gonzalez and the Nationals? Please.

      1. Yes this is the Los Angeles Dodgers. They are now run by people trained in Tampa and Oakland. This is who we are now.

        Hopefully when some payroll clears we will be platooning with more guys like Zobrist and Carpenter and fewer guys like Eibner and Hernandez. But, platooning is here to stay.

        1. That is about as accurate description of the LA Dodgers as I have read in a long time. The LA TAMPAOAKLAND DodgerRayA’s. Ruggiano is a free agent. Surprised they have not signed him.

        2. Badger

          The problem is that they say they go with the numbers, but this platoon team is looking more like the platoon team from last year, that didn’t have good offensive, numbers.

          And Quas on the other site brought your name up the other day, and he is talking about Planet X, he seems to be stressed, he posted something today too.

          I thought if you had his email address, maybe you could give him a text, but that is only if you want to.

          1. I’ll go check it out. I live in Sedona. I’m fairly familiar with the Planet X talk.

            I don’t have Quas’ email. I’m not clear why he chose that site.

  10. Actually as a team, the Dodgers are hitting lefty’s much better this year at close to a .240 average. The problem as I see it is too many redundant parts. They have too many guys who can do exactly what another player is doing. Taylor is Kike’s equal as a super sub and right now a much better hitter. Gutierrez and Eibner are both equally lousy. Neither one is hitting worth a damn. Logan Forsythe has been set back by injuries. Kike may have more extra base hits than Puig, but he is not nearly as productive with his hits. Puig also provides SUPERIOR defense, something Kike does not so even comparing them is not really logical. Puig is a starter, Kike is a scrub. I read that Joc has to prove he can hit. So I see maybe some time at AAA to see better pitching. Neither Font nor Castillo are on the 40 man roster. And the two guys with MLB experience down there are pitching pretty well. Turner will help stabilize the batting order. I put Bellinger in LF and let him play against all comers until he either gets the job done, or proves he cannot. Taylor has done pretty well in CF, and Puig is the 2nd best run producer right now. That is a decent everyday out field. Utley has always hit lefty’s pretty well and has good at bats. He can spell anyone on the infield except Seager pretty handily. I hope Wood comes off the DL pretty soon because that makes the rotation that much better. I do not trust Maeda or blister boy. A trade may be in order for a starter, and rumor has it they may look into Matt Harvey of the Mets. Time for FAZ to spend some of that money he has wasted on mediocrity on someone who can actually contribute.

    1. Michael

      The fact is that Kike is more productive with his hits, then Puig is.

      Because Kike has more extra base hits in fewer at bats, then Puig has.

      And that is why Kike has a higher OPS and slugging percentage then Puig does, even though Puig has more, at bats.

      Puig isn’t even hitting 200 against lefties, and that is a problem.

      And Puig is not even close to second in run production on this team, he ranks about eighth in run production.

      Puig’s OPS is 724

      1. Excuse me, but how do you figure that? He is tied for the RBI lead and has scored 25 runs. Your logic is illogical. And from all I have read, the Dodgers are very satisfied with Puig right now. Puig has a higher BA than Kike, a better OBP than Kike he walks more and is a far better defender. Kike has scored 24 and driven in 18. that is 42 runs he has accounted for, Puig has accounted for 56. Yasiel is hitting .261 vs RHP, Kike less than .210. Kike is hitting lefty’s at a .250 clip. Nothing to write home about. Yasiel is under the Mendoza line against them. But it is not really a huge problem since he is killing RHP and they have faced more RHP than Left. He is actually 3rd on the team in run production behind Seager and Bellinger and they are the only guys with over 50 runs produced. Taylor has exactly 50. Run production is based on the runs you score and drive in, so sorry, your boy Kike is not even in the conversation. You just dislike Puig. What ever you are calculating your argument on, you have just been blown out of the water and SUNK.

          1. Ah, Mister Font.


            Font was a prospect of note with Texas years ago, but it never clicked. They even tried, and failed to convert him to a reliever to untap his talent.

            Good FB, great FB control.

        1. First Kike isnt playing everyday like Puig is, and more is expected from Puig,
          who is making a lot more money.

          Even with Kike not playing everyday he has still been more productive then Puig!

          Kike may be only hitting 250 against lefties, but that is still almost a hundred points, above Puig, who is getting consistent at bats!

          Puig is hitting 180 against lefties, and he is only hitting a few points above Kike against righties, because Puig is hitting only 239!

          And he isn’t killing right hand pitching., that is a joke.

          He sure wouldn’t be hitting eighth, if he was killing any pitching.

          Bellinger has hit three more HRs then Puig, and has hit in the same amount of runs as Puig , but Bellinger did it with forty less at bats.

          And he is just a mere rookie, and he isn’t hitting eighth, like Puig is!

          Puig is now in his fifth year, but he is hitting at the back of the line up, because he doesn’t hit well, in the clutch.

          The truth is Puig isn’t a good run producer, because he isn’t good, in clutch situations!

          You can say want you want about Puig, that doesn’t make it true.

          Puig is eighth in OPS on the team.

          And that tells a players true production!

          And it is ridiculous to blame a part time player like Kike, when your guy, is not doing much better.

          And Puig is playing almost everyday, and having more consistent at bats, then Kike is.

          Puig is now in his fifth year!

        2. Michael

          Like I said above it doesn’t matter what you say, it doesn’t make it true’

          The numbers are the truth, and that is why Puig is hitting eighth!

          Like I already said, if Puig was killing any pitching, he wouldn’t be hitting eighth!

          And his OPS wouldn’t rank eighth on the team.

          It is pathetic that you even blamed Kike, when your guy is not doing much better, after five years!

          1. +Okay MJ, I’ll bite….what do you base run production on? You can only produce runs when 2 things happen, you score, or you drive them in. Now I did make one error when I was righting down the stats. I should have removed the home runs from the total because you score and drive in a run on the same play. You take away Kike’s 4 HR’s and his run production is 38. You take away Puig’s 9 homers and his is 47. That is their run production. Extra base hits, OPS has nothing to do with run production. It is how many runs you account for. That’s the stat whether you like it or not, and you are comparing a reserve player like Kike to a legitimate 5 tool player like Puig. Shows you clearly have no clue what you are talking about.

  11. I just checked the stats of the starters at OKC. None of them are doing all that great. Urias has a 2-0 record and a decent ERA but is still walking a lot of batters. Oaks has been very pedestrian. Masterson and Jurjjens lead the team with 4 wins each. So to the eye, there is really not that much help down there at all.

      1. Okay, I can do that, but the walk to strikeout ratio of all those guys is pretty pedestrian. Nobody has been outstanding except Broussard in the bull pen.

  12. Okay Badger, I checked their WHIP’s. Castillo, Masterson and Font are all down around 1.00. Urias is at 1.13. But Font has only pitched in 8 games. Oaks is at 1.21 and Jurjjens at 1.39. Best reliever is Younginer, he is at 0.99. But even Heston is at 1.21. So according to that stat they are pitching well, but not doing very good in the results column. There still is the BB problem with a few of them. But do you really want an untested AAA pitcher in the rotation? Urias, Masterson, Jurjjens, Oaks, and Heston all have MLB time. Although it has been a while for Masterson and Jurjjens. Calhoun is playing LF tonight. First time he has ever started in the OF>

      1. I hear ya there, but I think they may go the trade route, and hopefully not the waiver wire route.

        1. We have AAA players for a reason. Is not that reason to have replacement players at the highest level of minor leagues preparing themselves to play at the ML level? We’re not asking them to pitch complete games every 5th day. We’re asking them to pitch 5 innings every now and then. I’m sure they’d love the opportunity.

          That said, I too expect them to do what they have a history of doing. Who is the ’17 version of Rich Hill or Matt Latos?

          1. Got me there buddy. This FO does thing bass akward. But I am sure Masterson, Heston and Jurjjens would all love another shot in the bigs.

  13. Okay gang here is some stat info. Team batting splits. Dodgers BA vs LHP .243. Way up from last year. BA vs RHP, .255. They have 49 homers vs RHP and 19 vs LHP. OBP vs LHP is .326, .337 vs RHP. They have had over 1300 AB’s against RHP and only 588 against LHP. They are hitting .185 so far in June, and .210 over the last 7 days. They are 6 games over .500 during the day, and 5 over at night. They hit 23 points higher at home with almost twice the homers as they hit on the road. They hit .265 in May and had a slugging pct over .400. The best BA comes out of the 3 hole at .303. But leadoff, 6th and 7th spots in the order have produced the most HR’s. 3B is producing the highest average, thank you JT, and CF and LF the lowest. The 4-7 slots have produced the most RBI’s. Pretty interesting stuff, and proves they have improved vs LHP.

  14. Starting lineup. Utley 2B Seager SS Grandal C Gonzalez 1B Bellinger LF Taylor CF Forsythe 3B Puig RF McCarthy P. No scrubs tonight……

      1. Good Bellinger and Agone are back!

        It was hard for Corey and Taylor, to do it all themselves, last night!

        1. MJ, I read Quas’ posts. Not much I can say about it. There are many who believe it’s happening. Science confirms there have been pole shifts in our earth’s history. I’m living in an area that is an ancient sea bed. Who’s to say if we’re living in the time of a 3600 year orbit? It’s an interesting read if you care to bother

          1. Badger

            Thanks for answering me!

            I will check it out sometime.

            Quas was talking about this before, and when he posted again, I just wanted to say something positive to him, since no one else, had answered him.

            We all have those bad days, and sometimes a few kind words, can mean a lot, during those times.

            I can’t wait until Thursday to see what is going to happen, with Comey.

            But it is to bad that things are like they are now.

            But it had to take this, to get more people involved.

          2. It’s all unfolding as it must MJ. Whatever the outcome, I just want it done.

      2. Again, Puig is not the top guy, he is in the top 3, Seager has the highest total of runs scored and RBI’s Learn to frippen read.

        1. To whom do speak Michael?

          Well, it’s a new morning and maybe the world will begin making sense again today. I’m not holding my breath.

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