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Home > Dodgers > Urias Beats Brewers 6-5, But Pederson Beat By CF Wall

Urias Beats Brewers 6-5, But Pederson Beat By CF Wall

Julio Urias was on the road against the Brewers tonight. There were rumors this would be his last start. Let’s pull up a screen and see how the game turned out.

Spoiler Alert: It was a doozy!

1st inning
Dodgers defense straight up handled their business. Julio Urias tried to pick off a runner at first, and the call was overturned on replay. It looked to me like the play was too close to overturn, but NY did.
On his very next set, Urias picked the runner off a second time. This time, no doubt about it – OUT!

Adrian Gonzalez speared a screaming line drive heading for right field, but it popped out of his mitt. Gonzalez then bobbled the ball, but he recovered quickly enough to toss it to a covering Urias, to get the third out.

2nd inning
Adrian Gonzalez led off the ending with a base hit. Trayce Thompson followed up with a single. He stole second, and the catcher overthrew second base, sending Adrian Gonzalez home on the error. 1-0
Yasmani Grandal hit into an out that scored Trayce Thompson. 2-0
No runs, no hits, a walk.

3rd inning  Dodgers 2-0
Urias walked two, and then Ryan Braun hit a two out, two run double. 2-2

4th inning  2-2
Corey Seager led off the inning with a triple.

Adrian Gonzalez followed up with his own double deep into the right field corner, scoring Seager. 3-2

Following a Grandal  double-play, Joc Pederson singled in Gonzalez. 4-2

Julio Urias helped his cause with an RBI single (his first ML hit and his first run batted in). 5-2

Julio Urias pitch count: 65

5th inning  Dodgers 5-2
Bases loaded with no outs.
Trayce Thompson: K looking.
Yasmani Grandal: FC RBI (second time) 6-2
Urias pitch count: 85
With an 11-pitch walk this inning.

6th inning  Dodgers 6-2
Urias staying in the game. He led off the inning with a K.
Urias gave up just his second hit of the game on a double. That man never scored, and Urias ended the inning at 100 pitches.

7th inning  Dodgers 6-2
AGone led off with his third hit of the night.
Trayce Thompson followed with his first hit of the night.
Urias out. Adam Libertore in. 1,2,3 inning. Job done.

8th inning  Dodgers 6-2
Pedro Baez bit by a Corey Seager error, ended up with two on and nobody out.
He then gave up a double into left field that scored both runners. 6-4
Baez out. Joe Blanton in.
He gave up a monster blast to center field. Joc Pederson ran it down and made the catch, but he crashed hard into the wall. He laid on the warning track, obviously in pain. Replays showed his right shoulder took the brunt of the collision.

Pederson walked off the field with the trainer, wincing in pain and touching his shoulder. At one point he touched the trainer on his upper right collarbone where it meets the neck, probably showing where he was experiencing pain. BTW, the runner on second scored. 6-5, one out.

At the start of the inning, the Dodgers we’re cruising with a comfortable 6-2 lead. Quickly it turned into a one-run game, and their young centerfielder was injured.

Blanton threw a pitch that got by Grandal. Perez headed home from third, but Blanton was waiting with the ball to make the tag at the plate, mercifully  ending the inning.

9th inning  Dodgers 6-5
Kenley Jansen vs Brewers
Ramon Flores: K
Jonathan Villar: K
Aaron Hill: PF6

Julio Urias and the Dodgers win! 6-5

Young southpaws have a history of being wild pitchers. Julio Urias has a history of high pitch counts driving him early from games. In the early innings tonight, he had the same type of control problems that we saw in his New York debut (missing wildly, 6 walks in 6 innings).  However, Urias managed to survive, only allowing two hits through six innings. Bulldog Hershiser said Urias was “effectively wild”. He was certainly good enough to pick up his first major league win.

Elsewhere on the bright side, the offense roared back to life. Corey Seger hit his second triple of the season, and extended his hitting streak to 12. Adrian Gonzalez showed the benefits of some time off with three hits, including a double and an RBI (also a walk and HBP). Eight Dodgers in the starting lineup, including Urias, all had hits.

Julio Urias (w 1-2) went 6 innings with 2 hits, 2 runs, 6 walks, 6 K’s.  ERA 4.09

Triple: Seager

Doubles: Gonzalez, Kendrick

Team with RISP: 3 for 14  They sure could have scored a lot more tonight.

Oscar Martinez

I was born in the shadow of Dodger Stadium and immediately drenched in Dodger Blue. Chavez Ravine is my baseball cathedral, Vin Scully was the golden voice of summer all my life, and Tommy Lasorda remains the greatest Dodgers manager ever. My favorite things are coffee, beer, and the Dodgers beating the Giants. I also blog about my baseball card hobby at All Trade Bait, All the Time.

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Oscar Martinez
I was born in the shadow of Dodger Stadium and immediately drenched in Dodger Blue. Chavez Ravine is my baseball cathedral, Vin Scully was the golden voice of summer all my life, and Tommy Lasorda remains the greatest Dodgers manager ever. My favorite things are coffee, beer, and the Dodgers beating the Giants. I also blog about my baseball card hobby at All Trade Bait, All the Time.

22 thoughts on “Urias Beats Brewers 6-5, But Pederson Beat By CF Wall

  1. The Dodgers are what bring us all together, but let’s never lose sight of our brethren who are fighting battles we don’t understand:

    Roger Dodger

    Dino Chavez


    Dodgerrick’s wife

    Badger’s stepson

    If I missed someone I apologize!

    Our prayers are with you.

    We are all brothers (and sisters)!

    I’ve been around many of you for 15+ years! You are family!


    1. I came on board just before ownership changed hands. Very kind words from the former CEO.

      Cheers to you Mark!

    2. I want to wish the best, to everyone Mark mentioned!

      And to Quas, who we only hear a little from lately!

    3. Mark
      I like that I don’t know what your going to say, from one day to day!

      I also like to hear different points a view too!

      If we all felt the same way, it would be boring.

      And we wouldn’t learn as much, as you can learn from many different points of view.

  2. Thanks Mark!!!! Your the best. Come on guys, the name calling is not right. We all LOVE our DODGERS. URIAS and SEAGER are going to lead us to the promised land. I just hope I’ll be around to see the DODGERS win it all. GOD BLESS ALL MY FELLOW DODGER FANS.

  3. Being a newer participant here, I have no history with the posters. The only bone I have to chew is my own disbelief in the present front office and with the new manager, Dave Roberts, who at times seems like a clone of Mattingly whom I instinctively didn’t care for but respected him as a baseball man.

    With regard to Mark, whom there is a decidedly polarized reaction to by many, I can understand the feelings. Mark is pro FAZ and somehow believes in their vision or at least allows himself to imagine their ‘plan’ working. As I’ve said before, the FAZ plan is theoretical and judging by the present circumstance, is definitely on a downward trend. Those that react to Mark and the FAZ regime are mostly looking at the present circumstance and makeup of the team. It’s not such a pretty picture and we don’t see how it can become prettier in the near future. I guess this would place me automatically in the dissenting camp. All I can do is watch what happens no matter what I think.

    As far as Urias goes, there’s a lot to like because he’s 19. There’s also a lot to criticize because he’s 19. I agree with Mark and that I think Urias will stay in the rotation, not because he is a dominant pitcher. He’s not. But, because he’s better than some of the other bozos we’ve got. Unless my eyes deceived me, I was never impressed by McCarthy, or the other arms that are sitting on the shelf at present except for Ryu who actually had something. I don’t know if he still has it and I don’t think anyone else knows either. We’ll have to see.

    I’m glad to see Urias get his first win. It wasn’t pretty and he gave up 6 Walks!!!!!! His efficiency is pretty bad. Throws more pitches than he should and reaches his limit at around the 5th inning. But, he’s 19 and you gotta love a kid like that. I guess the Cheap Charlies are hoping that their trash bin acquisitions will yield a pearl or two to make them look good. I hope they do, but I’m not holding my breath. Cheers.

    1. I disagree with both you and Mark that Urias will stay in the rotation. He is 19, he is also on a innings limit, which the FO set at 100 innings. I see no need to burn out the kids arm when he has such a bright future ahead of him. The Mets limited Harvey, and he still had arm trouble, the Nationals limited Strasburg, and he too had arm problem’s. Urias is still a kid with a lot of upside. Lets not waste it on a year that I believe they do not have the horses to contend.

  4. I see that Marks favorite FAZ acquisition after tonight’s game is hitting a robust .173. He was 0-5 with 2 ribbies and a strikeout. He drove in one run grounding into a double play. How much longer are Dodger fans going to be subjected to the folly at catcher who is Yasmani Grandal. This hoser needs to be gone. The sooner the better. He did hustle on the wild pitch by Blanton to get Perez at the plate, but that does not make up for the dismal performance at the plate. He is the worst trade the Dodgers have made since Pedro went to Montreal for DeShields.

  5. Thanks Mark. I appreciate that.

    The plan for this year has unraveled, but it’s not too late to weave it back together. That is of course the plan as I see it. Yes, there are two perspectives here, the one that believes Freidman and Zaidi are the answer to the 28 year drought, and those that look at what has been done and aren’t so sure. That divide will likely continue as ’16 progresses.

    It’s my understanding the plan for Urias was to send him back down, monitor innings and # of pitches, then bring him back late in the season. He threw 100 pitches to get through 6 innings last night. He’s pitched only about 75 innings so far. To go 140, with the remainder here every 5 days? I don’t know about that. I wouldn’t do it. That’s over 1,000 more high leveraged pitches and he’s too valuable in the overall down the road plans. Personally I think the Dodgers need to dial it back on Urias. We have plenty of other options for ’16. McCarthy will back before too long, De Leon, some guy named Stewart, Bolsinger is still pitching, and pitching well at OKC, Ryu might make a start or two, our $15.7 million marshmallow man is still somewhere rehabbing – if this team catches fire and actually challenges the gints then we can consider Urias in September. Frankly my opinion hasn’t changed, the season is unfolding as many of us thought it would – and that is one one wtf! after another from Spring Training until now. We actually picked up a game last night and are 7-3 in our last 10. Surprise!

    If we can play the Brewers every day for the next month we can catch those midgets.

  6. What a catch! That’s why Pederson needs to be in the lineup….brilliant!

    Perez tried to score from 2B, which was stupid of him. That is just bad baseball.

    Three cheers for Urias! It’s probably best if they stop his work load or at least reduce it. At 19 he is still growing. Maybe one more start?

      1. Badger, that wall was at an angle that made it almost impossible to do what you suggested. I don’t know why MLB allows teams to put all these weird corners in outfield fences; they seem like trips to the DL waiting for unwary visiting outfielders.

        1. You’re probably right. It got in him in a hurry. And it may not have been possible to leap with back to wall. But if you hit it like that, your shoulder is going to give. Great effort. He’s lucky he didnt separate that joint. Disgression.

  7. The headline almost read “Dodgers Zombie Manager Watches Bullpen Blow Game” until the Brewers ran themselves out of a big inning. Game on the line, a pitcher who can’t find the strike zone, and no one warming up in the bullpen. I thought Donnie had left. Let’s hope Joc’s injuries are not serious.

    No one mentioned that Oakland has been giving the Giants all they can handle. If we could sweep this series we might gain some ground. Howard Cole’s piece at Forbes points out that the Dodgers need to make some moves at the deadline aimed at 2017, when the free agent market looks pretty thin. Interesting stuff.

    1. Deadline 2017. Makes sense to me. Stack them up at Tulsa and OKC. That is the blueprint I’m staring at.

  8. When I saw Pederson and the crash at the wall — first thoughts were Matt Kemp and his crash to the wall. And it took him a long time to come back.

    1. Pederson seemed a lot better after the game, but I am always cautious when the X-rays are negitive, because they don’t show the soft tissue.

      We are all blaming Baez, because Baez has been bad, but Cory didn’t help much with his wild throw.

      Cory has to stop making a throw that isn’t there, especially with runners on base.

      He has done this three times, and it has almost cost us the game a couple of times.

      I hope Utley can get through to Cory, and tell him to just eat the ball, in those instances.

      1. Seager’s SS play is a work in progress. He is a rookie, and as the season stretches out, we might see more of this. He also may learn and not try to force it. You just never know with rookies. Expect the unexpected. Remember what happened to both Puig and Pederson. Yeah, I know, Seager is different. So were those two.

      2. Badger
        I think it looks exactly what you have said earlier about the Giants, and the Dodgers.

        Pitching is the big difference, between both teams.

        If the Dodgers had a decent number two pitcher, they would make it an even tighter division race.

        It is bad that the front office, didn’t learn what two number ones, can do for a team, in the long division race, even though they witnessed it first hand, last year.

        The Giants front office, learned how much easier it is, to win the division race, with two aces, by watching the Dodgers do this, three years in a row!

        And the Giants went out, and tried to duplicate what the Dodgers have had, the last three years.

        I think Dodger patch had a very good idea, about giving Cueto a front loaded contract, and a opt out, after two years.

        That would have probably cost the Dodgers less, then they gave Kazmir, because of the opt out.

        Because Cueto has pitched well enough to want to opt out.

        But I must admit I wasn’t a Cueto believer.

        But that would be a pretty decent risk, especially considering the risks this front office has made with MCCarthy and Anderson.

        It is obvious that the front office, sought out to sign former A’s pitchers, that they were familar with, more then looking at other free agent pitchers, that were free agents, at that time.

        Why else would they give MCCarthy, a multi year contract, and allow Anderson, to stay with the team, for a second year, by giving him a QO.

        I really don’t have much faith that MCCarthy will pitch well enough, to
        help the team, but we will see.

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