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Will Rich Hill and Josh Reddick Be Enough For Dodgers?

Rich Hill

The Dodgers finally broke through on the final day before the trade deadline ends to make a large move. The club announced that they have acquired left handed starting pitcher Rich Hill and left handed hitting outfielder Josh Reddick from the A’s in exchange for reliever Frankie Montas, and minor league pitchers Grant Holmes, and Jharel Cotton. The club just officially announced the deal about a half an hour ago.

What the trade signifies is the Dodger’s need for starting pitching and another outfielder/bat. Although you would think they would need a right handed hitting outfielder more than a left handed hitting outfielder. Especially true if they end up dealing Yasiel Puig.

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On the surface the deal looks appealing. They get two good players for cheap salary and they don’t have to offer either of them a qualifying offer in the off-season. Both come cheap as Reddick is being owed 6.75 million dollars this season and Hill just over 6 million. Both are free agents at the end of the season and theoretically if they are rentals, they come very cost effective. We all know how much Andrew Friedman loves cheap controllable assets.

Reddick is a good player and a fine outfielder. He’s slashing .296/.368/.449 with 8 home runs and 28 RBI in 272 plate appearances. Reddick’s defensive metrics have always been favorable as well, although his glove work is ranked slightly less this season than his usual career norms.

What Reddick brings this year is a good bat with great on-base skills and some pop. His .368 OBP makes up for his declining power. Reddick once slugged 32 home runs in 2012, and 20 home runs last season. He’s posted an .816 OPS and 124 OPS+ which are well above league average. What the Dodgers do get with Reddick is a solid overall player. He can hit, get one base, hit for power, play solid defense and run the bases well. If the Dodgers are trading Puig, Reddick could fill in at right field, or play left field which would push Howie Kendrick back to second base.

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As for Rich Hill the Dodgers are getting a guy who has pitched very well for Oakland this year. That’s one thing I like about this trade. The Dodgers are trading for players who are having good seasons. Unlike last year when they traded for guys who were struggling (Mat Latos, Alex Wood). That’s an important thing when you are making trades.

The problem with Hill is that he’s old and injury prone. Hill is 36-years old and currently on the disabled list with a finger blister. It’s nothing serious but the Dodgers are going to have to wait a few days to be able to use him. He had a groin strain earlier in the year that seems to have healed.

Hill does not have an established history of success or health, although he seems to be relatively healthy this season. Overall Hill has posted a 9-3 record and a 2.25 ERA in 14 starts. He’s struck out 90 and walked 28 while allowing just 6.5 hits per nine innings. He’s only allowed 2 home runs as well which indicates his heavy four-seamer and curveball are able to keep the ball in the park. Spin rate loves his curveball which basically means his curve spins a lot.

The Dodgers are giving up a pretty decent haul of prospects for these guys. Frankie Montas was the fireballer acquired in the Jose Peraza trade last offseason that netted the Dodgers Trayce Thompson and Micah Johnson. Montas never pitched this year for the Dodgers after suffering a rib injury. He had another setback and it appears he probably won’t pitch this year. So I don’t care about the Dodgers losing him. He’s 22-years old so I’m sure he’ll recover.

Losing Holmes and Cotton stings of course. Holmes was a first round pick and Cotton is a 24-year old power arm. Cotton is struggling in Oklahoma City though. He’s posted a 4.90 ERA in 97.1 innings pitched while racking up a lot of strikeouts. His run average is 5.46 and he’s allowed 17 home runs. However his strikeout to walk ratio is good.

Holmes was still at the single-A ball level with Rancho and probably several years away from being able to contribute at the major league level. Holmes had posted an 8-4 record with a 4.02 ERA in a little over 100 innings of work. Both were considered top ten prospects within the Dodger’s organization.

Again it sucks losing those kids, but you have to give up guys to get guys. Hoarding every prospect doesn’t make sense unless you have no desire to go for it. The Dodgers are in position to win the division and at least make the postseason. The Dodgers had glaring holes in the rotation and outfield. A move had to be done. Don’t cry Argentina about losing prospects. Prospects come and go and the majority of them will either never reach the majors or become role players. I would trade 100 Grant Holmes’ if it meant a shot at a World Series. I would trade 10,000 Julio Urias’s for just one pennant.

The Dodgers are going for it this year in Andrew Friedman’s own small market way. Let’s see if this trade becomes another underwhelming move, or if this pays dividends for the Dodgers. There’s about an hour left before the trade deadline ends. Let’s see if Friedman pulls off another move.

Scott Andes

Scott Andes: Longtime writer and Dodger fanatic

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Scott Andes
Scott Andes: Longtime writer and Dodger fanatic

138 thoughts on “Will Rich Hill and Josh Reddick Be Enough For Dodgers?

    1. Chavez 1 -2 , 4.56, 9 HR in 41 innings. Great.

      He was a swing man for the A’s last year (see the connection?) and pitched better for the A’s then he has for the Jays.

      Dodgers gave up Bolsinger.

    1. Mark has obviously lost touch with reality………………Reddick and Hill and Chavez????? That’s your idea of ELITE players??? Rangers and Giants and Indians are going for it…..they got better…the Dodgers moved sideways…….Bolsinger was never going to be that big a help, but Chavez is mediocre at best. Hill is on the DL, and Reddick is ANOTHER LH bat……please……

  1. The only way this made sense is if they could trade Urias, Kazmir, Puig and lower level prospects for Sale. Hasn’t happened yet.

      1. Michael
        But the Giants had already traded for a guy that plays third base, and all over the infield.

        That was the Giants first move, so they could let Duffy go.

        1. Yes, they are already listed on the 40 man roster, but in order to play they need to be on the 25 man which as of right now they are not…….so someone needs to go down or go on the DL>.Norris a candidate for that……..

  2. And the Giants win the day. They upgrade their rotation big time while picking up a lefty that just make the Dodgers look pathetic. So down the stretch our offense that can’t hit lefties will be facing Bumgrabber and Moore while overpaying for two rentals. Thought the Dodgers could have packaged Deleon and Holmes for more than they got. At least they still have Urias, Alvarez and Bellinger.

    1. Well, you thought they could have packaged whomever you want for whomever you want, but the truth is what the market will bear. Clearly, this is best you can get for the price. You can criticize, but you also have to live in the real world and not one based on wishful thinking.

  3. The Giants basically got JP Howell and Scott Kazmir. Are we really scared of that? We have like 6 versions of that ourselves!

    yeah, Matt Moore beat us the other day. Hell, we beat the hell out of Strasburg the other day too! It happens.

    The Giants didn’t get Chris Sale, or even Chris Archer. They got a #4 starter. We’ll live

    1. He’s their #3. He’s an upgrade over Shark and they can move one of the bums that they have at the back end out of their rotation.

      1. Hawkeyes
        That is exactly what I thought.

        They now can get Peavy out of there rotation.

        And the Giants did this with Friedman’s old team, and the team that Friedman has been talking the most to.

        Maybe Friedman will get a clue now, that is former team doesn’t want to deal with him, after he left the Rays for the Dodgers.

        Why else would they do this with the Giants, of all teams?

      1. yeah. those drives he gives up in the gap will now be triples instead of doubles

        I really liked what I saw of Matt Duffy last year; he took over for Pablo Fatoval. I think he was injured this year, but just came back. He’s a good hitter, and plays very good D. I guess SF either has a replacement coming up soon, or they trust that dude they got from Minnesota (who’s a very good player himself).

        BUT, they also gave up shortstop Lucious Fox, who was a guy we really wanted to sign in that international signing period before June 30. Young, but supposedly big time prospect. They also gave up their top pitching prospect and top catching prospect for Will Smith.

        1. He is better than Norris………and less than a year removed from TJ surgery……and the Giants have some pretty decent OF’s to chase down those drives…….Moore will help them…and Duffy was ballast after the trade with Minnesota…..

        2. Any left handed starter going to the Giants this year will kill us, unless and until Doc finally stops using the all righty lineups against lefties.

          Last year, my personal opinion of course, I felt it was Joc’s HR against Bumgarner that reallg put the Giants away.

    2. Bobby
      The problem is the whole team can’t hit lefties, and now the Giants can take Peavy out of there rotation.

      And the Giants already have both Bumgarner and Cueto.

      We only have Kershaw when he comes back.

      And what makes me the most mad, is that Friedman spent all of that time, talking to his former team, and nothing happened.

      And the Giants swooped in and got a pitcher, from Friedman’s former team.

      Obviously Friedman doesn’t understand that his former team, isn’t that happy, with him leaving.

      Why else would the Rays trade with the one team, that can hurt Friedman’s team.

  4. Maybe Friedman is waiting for the Sept 1 deadline for adding players to the playoff roster…another waiver wire deal for someone like Ruggiano again……but ELITE?????? These pickups are marginal at best……

    1. I also think they needed a RH bat, but they weren’t willing to go after Braun. As for getting Elite players, it takes two to tango and if the White Sox were asking for Seager and Urias my answer is no thanks. It was a huge sellers market this year. I’m not a fan of giving away Montas. If they weren’t willing to deal Urias for Hamels a year ago we shouldn’t be shocked they wouldn’t deal him for Archer.

  5. So the non-waiver deadline is up.
    The Dodgers made some moves but not “premium” players in my view. They did get a necessary starting pitcher and an outfielder. They gave up 3 top-13 prospects to get them so they did give up a lot.

    Moore may be better than Hill – and he’s not a 2 month rental. And of course Hill is on the DL (at least until Saturday). The Giants gave up Matt Duffy but were able to do so because of their other deal which netted them Nunez from the Twins and he is probably an upgrade over Duffy.

    Rangers got Lucroy and Beltran; Mets got Bruce; Cubs got Chapman; Indians got Miller.

    Does anyone think that Hill or Reddick are premium players?

    1. Not no,, but HELL NO……….and both are rentals and now the OF is overcrowded again and all your big power hitters are LH, except Turner…..sideways move at best, and Chavez is worse than some we have in the pen now…..but he only cost us Bolsinger…no big loss.

      1. Michael
        The Giants front office made much better deals, then the eight former GMs for the Dodgers!

        These moves are a joke, and especially a pitcher, that seems to have been on the DL as often as Anderson.

  6. Two rentals (one who looks like the classic FO dumpster dive – how old is the guy? 39?) for three good up and coming pitchers? Sorry I’m not buying the cool-aide.
    This team has needed elite SP’s (more than one after ZG left), an 8th inning BP piece, and a RH power hitter, not to mention a catcher who can actually catch……. For the last three years plus. I’m still waiting.

    A of lot of fans here stating the Dodgers project out to win 90-94 games. Big deal, who cares about number of wins for the regular season. What is the FO doing to build this team into a winner for the playoffs and WS?
    As constructed this team will not survive a 7 game series with the current SP’s, lack of an 8th reliever and the lack of a RH power hitter.
    I understand not giving Chicago 4-5 top prospects for Sale, but giving Oakland 3 good arms for another DD (Dumpster Dive) pitcher – pathetic!
    2018 is looking more & more like a real possibility, but then again, maybe not.

    1. It is classic dumpster diving…no way anyone in their right minds thinks any of the 3 players they acquired is a difference maker or that much better than the player they will replace on the roster. They are far from the elite players the front office said they were targeting and Hill and Reddick are rentals. Sorry this is classic FAZ BS…and classic FAZ junk yard dog mentality…

  7. I’m copying all of this and saving it to paste later!

    Make you words, short and sweet… in case you have to eat them later.

    I’m not nearly as smart as most of who are able see the future. Like when you saw that this team was going to be crap! Yet, you still continue to spew venom!

    OK, forget what I just said. Your eyes are brown for a reason. Mine are blue…

    1. You mean like this one….. ‘For the record, Julio is not going back to AAA – he’s here to stay!’

      1. I was wrong about that. But, at least I don’t let my alligator mouth overload my hummingbird ass like you!

        1. Wow. Now that sounds like something a second grader would say. I’ll try going back a few years so I can relate.

    2. Yep, go ahead,…..if you think these 3 guys are going to put this team over the top and past the Giants, you are nuttier than I thought you were in the first place….

  8. Don’t know enough about the players acquired and those traded away to have any firm opinion about these deals.

    Seems to me that the addition of Reddick and the retention of Puig, that the Dodgers outfield will include both of them, with Puig remaining in right, and Reddick moving over to left. If so, Kendrick will now probably end up platooning with Utley at 2B, and will likely fill-in at 3B and the outfield when needed. When he gets off the DL, Rich Hill will likely slot somewhere into the rotation. Without acquiring another starting pitcher, I suspect that we will see Urias return to the rotation, and it’s possible that De Leon will eventually join him.

    Don’t know the first thing about Jesse Chavez, so I don’t know exactly where he will fit in the pen.

    I expected more, but I’m willing to look at these new guys and hope for the best. Maybe I’ll be surprised, maybe not. Maybe there’s a waiver deal down the road, but for now I can’t imagine what it might be.

  9. I think Yasiel Puig should move to left-field. I think Toles, avilan, and taylor are gone. As far as getting Fields from the Astros. He will probably be in the minors. I know they will call up someone to pitch to for Hill while on DL and maybe for Norris if he isn’t ok.

    1. Getting rid of Taylor leaves us without a back up SS for the days you give Seager a break. I guess we could use Kike. Or bring up Culberson for a day.

      Puig in LF????

    2. Puig is a much better outfielder than Reddick. Toles down for sure. Reddick and Puig will probably platoon. But FAZhole will probably make Charlie McCarthy play Reddick every day whether he hits or not.

  10. After reviewing the deadline deals, there is a common theme. Buyers bend over!!!

    Matt Moore giving some of you heartburn? He is addition by subtraction.

    There was lots to like about 25 yr old Matt Duffy, if you are a Midget fan. As a Dodger fan, I am very glad he is gone.

    4.9 2015 WAR
    1.6 2016 WAR

    Nunez, 29 yr old

    -1.5 2013 WAR
    .3 2014 WAR
    1.5 2015 WAR
    1.4 2016 WAR

    Moore for Duffy (and top prospects), It gives us an idea of Archer’s price. I think I would have said “PASS” also.

    For those message board GM’s who wanted “elite” players at any price. Do you even know the status of Kershaw returning this year? Does that issue have any influence on your thinking? Just curious.

    1. Sure – if Kershaw isn’t coming back then they shouldn’t be going for it. Trading 3 top 13 prospects for 2 two month rentals makes no sense at all if Kershaw is out for the year.

      I have been saying for the past 2 weeks that the only way I make a big trade is for someone who will be around for the medium term (2 years) at least. So they’ve lost Montas, Holmes and Cotton and received 2 guys for 2 months. The only way that makes sense is if they are going to make a serious run for it and that only happens if Kid K returns.

      So – to trade 3 chips without an elite player coming back and no Kershaw? Wow – does that make sense to you? We can only hope that he is back soon – unless you are like Mark and thing that the Dodgers are better without him. (If so, then let’s hope he doesn’t come back this year and maybe we can trade him in the offseason.)

      1. It looks to me that Friedman didn’t learn a thing, about getting starting pitchers with long injury histories to fill a rotation.

        The pitcher Hill’s injury history, looks much like Anderson’s injury history.

        How did that work this year?

        Also the fact that Friedman made it be known, in the press, he was going after elite players, how should we feel, after Friedman said that?

        Obvious he had been with the Rays way to long, because he doesn’t know what elite players are, or how to run a big market team.

        Why wouldn’t anyone feel like this is a joke, after Friedman stated that he was going after elite players?

        Is this the best that eight former GMs, can do for the Dodgers?

        Sorry I am not impressed at all, and I’m very disappointed.

        And I bet all of the players, are too, especially after how this team has performed since Kershaw went out.

        The Dodgers owners, better show some of these former GMs the door!

        1. Yet everyone is praising the Giant’s pickup? He’s not been the same since his Tommy John surgery, and has been a mediocre pitcher for most of the year. But somehow ATT Park will miraculously transform him.

          Hill’s injury is a blister on his finger. Let’s not put him in the Anderson category. He hasn’t had a stellar career, but he’s been one of the best pitchers in the American League this year.

          The Dodgers gave up a lot for a definite upgrade, but they didn’t without having to give up Urias, DeLeon, Bellinger or Verdugo. ANY other trade scenario would have required some or all of these names.

      2. Dodger rick
        Didn’t Mark say that Montas would be are closer, when Kenley leaves?

        Who is going to close out games next year?

      3. Does it make sense?

        Not really. Reddick is another guy that has trouble with lh pitching and Hill is lh pitching that has trouble pitching left handed. He didn’t pitch at all in June and his second half stats read zeroes across the board. He’s thrown 6 innings in the last 28 days. How are we supposed to know if he is going to help? And oh by the way, Kershaw hadn’t picked up a ball yet.

        I like Reddick. But knowing how FAZ runs things I see him as just another platoon player.

        1. Badger
          I think Reddick will play really well, especially because he is going to a team that is in the pennant race.

          But he doesn’t have much power, and can’t hit leftie pitchers, like you said.

          And even if Kershaw wasn’t hurt, who besides Kershaw, was going to pitch in the post season this year?

        2. Reddick it appears is an upgrade over Puig offensively. Now that Puig is going down, he won’t be a platoon player.

          Hill is higher risk because of his history of mediocrity, but he’s been one of the best pitchers in the American League so far this year. For everyone who keep referencing his injury, just note that it’a a blister. He’s due back as early as his next start.

      4. No one knows that Kershaw is not coming back, actually Kershaw did say he was coming back.

        That makes me think, that Kershaw didn’t hurt himself further, so we will see.

    2. Boxout7
      Elite players didn’t come first from us fans, those were Friedman’s own words.

      He made a point with the press, that he was going after elite players, and he made that point loudly!

      He has once again, brought a starting pitcher to the Dodgers, that has a very long injury history.

  11. I’ve seen Roddick play a lot. Always hurt and always inconsistent. Hill is almost as old as I am. Terrible trade. Billy Bean is laughing all the way to the Coliseum. At least we started to get rid of that nuisance, depth. Worse part: Moore to the giants. We couldn’t swing that deal? Our suits suck. When this season is over, front office clean house……again.

    1. Bobbie 17

      If Friedman’s former team still liked him, why would they trade one of the pitchers that Friedman wanted, to a team that is in direct competition with Friedman’s team?

      Friedman better stop wasting his time, talking to the Rays anymore.

  12. You really have to let these things play out. Here’s someone who isn’t too thrilled with what the Midgets did.

    “Who is going to close out games next year? – I don’t know. But what I do know is that Jansen, Chapman and Melancon are all potential free agents next year. I suspect that the Dodgers might have a chance of signing one of them.

    1. Thanks for posting that Brooklyn Dodger.

      Looks like things aren’t happy in Midgetville.

      “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence” certainly applies to many on this board.

    2. Yes, that SF Giants FO sucks. The Giants have lost out on the Championships 3 of the past 6 years. Any FO that does that should all be canned. One question though….what would that guy write if he was writing and critiquing the Dodgers? I can only imagine.

    3. Brooklyn
      Friedman doesn’t believe a team should give a reliever or a closer, a multi year contract for millions of dollars.

  13. Everyone Puig didn’t go with the team to Colorado today.

    When Puig came to Dodger stadium today, they told him he was going to be traded, or sent down to minors, and Puig stormed off.

    1. MJ:
      I read that too. The Puig era may have come to an end. What must his team mates think. So much promise but nothing between his ears.

  14. I am going to take some time off from the lunacy of this board.

    Most of you are so silly. You have no clue.

    There are a lot of people from the start of the year who are not here anymore because the stuff they wrote was so stupid they were branded as derelicts!

    This is why I stopped my block – IDIOTS!

    I have saved your drivel and I will be back.

    Damn, don’t you have any sense?

    You are so Times New Roman!

    1. Thank goodness…now we do not have to put up with your incessant drivel on how smart you are and how dumb the rest of the world is simply because they disagree with you……

      1. He’s not going anywhere. That cryptic nonsense is what happens when you down antipsychotic medications with bathtub hooch.

        At least Moore isn’t on the disabled list. He might be a good fit in that ballpark and on a much better team. Who knows. It’s still up to the players who have been here all year and that goes for both teams.

    2. Again with the ad hoc, and ad hominem attacks. Everyone who disagrees with you is an idiot – the whole world must be populated with idiots since I seriously doubt that most people agree with you.

      When the Braintrust told the press that it was targeting elite talent, the fans took it seriously.

      Now the fans ask themselves if Reddick, Hill or Chavez are “elite”. I don’t consider any of them to be elite -do you?

      Then the fans ask if the cost of these non-elite players was worth it (Holmes, Montas and Cotton). We don’t know the answer to these questions At first blush, the cost seems a bit high, but I suspect that the Braintrust has decided that all 3 were marginal prospects and were willing to give them up for a better chance in 2016. Only time will tell.

      Only time will tell if this year’s deadline deals work out any better than last year’s (Latos, Johnson, Wood – yeah, that really worked out).

      Fans are disappointed that a Chris Sale or Chris Archer wasn’t obtained. Both would be big upgrades and would be with the team next year too.

      Stop with the name calling. Do you know what an idiot is? Per Merriam Webster “a person with extreme mental retardation”. That is a false statement and is patently offensive.

        1. Rather he frustrated, as I do, with this “damned if they do. Damned if they dont” type of thinking as it relates to any conceivable and actual move by this front office. You want elite takent? You want Sale? What do you think it would have taken to get him? Keyboard experts demand elite talent but don’t really grasp the notion that such elite prospects cost a lot, particularly in a market of limited supply and high demand.

          Those were some prospects I had some hopes for, but I think the point that most are missing is that those weren’t the top four in the organization. We still keep Urias, DeLeon, Bollinger and Verdugo..while upgrading the team.

      1. Spot on–front office brought higher expectations on themselves by their comments. Holmes and Cotton have not lived up to their top-10 preseason rankings, but who was it who said trading prospects for rentals was a dope-fiend move? This deal might help a little this year, but it does nothing for 2017 and beyond.

        Lets say your wife sends you to the store to buy the ingredients for dinner and you come back with beer and donuts. I don’t think she’ll be impressed with the argument, “but honey, it’s Michelob!”


      1. I am sincerely sorry about your health. My family has also struggled with heath issues and at times the days are difficult. This makes the Dodgers an especially pleasant diversion. My dad, who has a very serious condition, can’t do very much of anything but he can watch the Dodgers every day and it is one of the best parts of his day.

        But just because we are fans doesn’t mean we don’t criticize – in fact, we criticize because we are fans, because we care, because we want the best for the Dodgers and get frustrated when we don’t see it happening.

      2. Sorry you are ill….my room mate is dying of cancer and I am heading back home on Wednesday to take care of his business…..But as a lifelong Dodger fan, I am not convinced by any stretch of the imagination that this front office is doing a great job. As a person who has devoted over 60 years of my life invested in this team, I feel I have a right to complain, or criticize when they make what I deem to be questionable decisions. My negativity comes out of frustration with a plan that seems to be more intent on winning in 2020 than now. They had better options, and they went on the cheap. They signed injury plagued starting pitchers, and gave them stupid money. So naturally they got injured. Mark criticizes every ones opinion if they do not like a move he deems great. Hey the guy has good insight sometimes, but his holier than thou attitude just rubs people the wrong way…..

    4. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

      Everyone changes their attitude to be more accommodating to you and your supporters
      and you take it as an opportunity to walk all over them and continue your myopic sense of yourself.

      This is just a forum where anyone can express their opinions ( positive or negative ).

      And what are talking about? Baseball?! It’s not like we’re trying to invent a cure for what ills the world.

  15. Just heard an interview with Ned Colletti on KLAC. He was talking about Puig and the reasons for sending him down. He believes it is a message that this is the big leagues, and up here you need to produce. They are giving him an opportunity to go down, work on adjusting to what the pitcher is doing to you. He knows the Dodgers were trying to move Puig but they had no takers. So, it is up to Yasiel, who is still a pretty immature guy, to take the demotion like a man and get to work…

    1. I got the remedy that will add 75 points to his OPS – stop swinging at balls. The first rule of successful hitting – get a good pitch to hit. He breaks that rule every at bat.

  16. Updated report per Ken Rosenthal on Foxsports. His report that Puig stormed off after being told about trade or demotion was inaccurate. According to Puig’s agent, Yasiel never went to the park. He was informed prior to that time that the team was attempting to trade him. When no trade materialized he was told that he would be demoted, and that transaction would take place tomorrow…..No temper tantrum involved.

    1. Michael
      That is what Puig’s agent told Ken.

      If the first story isn’t true, who did Ken get his info from?

      Ken is a really good writer, and probaby has really reliable sources.

      I don’t know, maybe Puig’s agent cleaned this story up.

  17. Actually you guys pissed me off so much I also left the board…… for 2 min to go to the restroom.

    Now I”m back. And yes, the Puig story by Rosenthal was wrong. In fact, 570 right now is trying to figure out where Puig is! But he was never at Dodger Stadium today.

    1. Bobby
      Why this pitcher is another pitcher, that can’t make most of his starts, and that is why the pitching rotation has crumbled.

    2. Bobby
      Matt Moore is coming back from TJ surgery, and his era had been 2.49 the last seven games, he has pitched.

      And he pitches in a very tough division.

      We don’t have any starting pitcher besides Kershaw, who has been able to pitch the last seven games, with an era of 2.49.

      This is the other pitcher, that Friedman was in on with the Rays.

      How could he allow the Giants to get this pitcher from his former team?

  18. I’m confused. So FAZ wanted to trade Puig but they couldn’t. I’m quite confident the A’s would have taken him in place of at least 1 of the prospects that were dealt. The White Sox were supposedly interested. Puig, Urias, Holmes, Cotton and Bolsinger might have been enough to get Sale. Puig could have been traded. So even when FAZ wants to trade someone, they want too much…..what the hell. But after the Reddick deal it was either Toles or Puig going down and, well Toles is an ex-Ray so he wasn’t going down and of course it’s better to make Puig look like the bad apple than Toles, whom would have shown his colors.

    1. Chili
      Puig has trouble hitting a fastball, that is right acrossthe plate.

      And I am not talking about a really high velocity fastball 91.

      Nomar has talked about this and others.

      I don’t know if they have had Puig check his eyes, but almost any major leaguer, can hit a good fastball.

      Puig was rushed up to the bigs, and he probably needed to be seasoned more in the minors.

      I remember reading that Ward said that Puig could learn, but it was going to take a while, to get Puig hitting, and recognizing the pitches.

    2. You’re living in a friggin fantasy world if you think that would have landed Sale. I think their counter offer was Urias, DeLeon, Bellinger, Verdugo and bend over some more.

  19. Like Mark said, a lot of people aren’t here from the beginning of the year. Well I am one of them. And it’s because of the spewing that’s comes out of his mouth. He has great baseball acumen and what seems to be some decent inside connections, and he puts out so. Eat interesting ideas to get the conversation started, but man the delivery is just brutal. I visit and read the site all day, but just can’t bring myself to post with all the venom.
    It’s a baseball blog, let’s debate Dodger baseball and agree to disagree, with some barbs tossed in a fun way.
    Let’s let spy vs spy take a breather. You know what I mean too Tax.

  20. If the Dodgers tried to trade Puig but no one wanted him now that would be funny!

    It’s probably not exactly what happened but still funny.

    1. I don’t think Puig was not traded because nobody wanted him but instead wasn’t traded because the Dodgers couldn’t get what they wanted for Puig.

  21. Did FAZhole try to trade Puig or did he not? Did FAZhole claim he was going to get “elite players” or not? Can we believe anything that comes out of FAZhole’s mouth? Does someone we know and don’t love have a credibility problem?

    1. Wondering
      They did try to trade Puig, but there were no takers I guess.

      I didn’t trust this front office after the GM said that they we’re not trading Gordon, and they traded Gordon the very next day.

        1. Snider
          You are very welcome!

          There prerequisite for the starting rotatation is a pitcher, who has had many trips to the DL throughout there career.

          No other healthy pitchers need to apply.

          1. This pitcher Hill pitched in an independent league a year ago, just like Kazmirdid, after the Angels let him go.

    2. F & Z are in over their heads. The bean counters need to go back to their small markets or find a different occupation.

    3. Actually here is what Friedman said: “We’ve been very active in terms of making sure our scouts are in the right ballparks with the targeted guys we feel like have a real chance to be available,” he said.

      “I think with the depth of our team and strength of the Minor League system, it allows us to focus on elite-level players. That’s for the most part where our focus will be during the trade deadline and we’ll kind of see how it plays out.”

      So NO, FAZ didn’t “claim he was going to GET “elite players”.

  22. At 7,8 and 9 million per year it won’t take much for Puig to earn his money. He’s got .9 WAR so far so he’s almost done it this year. That beats Anderson and McCarthy.

    1. Badger
      Puig has trouble hitting fastballs right across the plate.

      Nomar and others, have said this about Puig, before anything like this, had ever come out.

      Puig isn’t making the adjustments, that major league players, make all of the time.

      That is part of the reason almost all his offensive stats have progressively have went down.

      And not being able to hit a fastball, right down the middle of the plate, is not acceptable.

    2. The Puig situation for me is the biggest disappointment of the day. Probably much more to this story than we know. I am glad he wasn’t traded, and hope he is back soon.

      1. Boxout 7
        The second story about Puig, came from his agent.

        I was thinking maybe that is a cleaned up story from his agent, and the first story was maybe the true story.

        Ken Rosenthal is one of the top guys for getting info, so he has to have a bunch of good sources
        that he trusts.

        And you know how agents and managers, are always trying to polish these kind of stories, if this first story is true.

    3. Badger
      But going to the minors might make Puig even better.

      And who would pitch a second post season game, if Kershaw is pitching the first game.

      I was thinking even if we had Kershaw, who would be able to pitch that second game for us.

      1. It could work. At least he will be in the lineup every day, so he can work on his strike zone. He will be in the lineup every day – right?

        1. Badger
          I would believe so, because if Puig can get better, that is a good thing for the Dodgers.

          They might not want to move him, if he is able to learn how to hit better, and adjust better.

        2. Badger
          You have said that you think some of the Dodgers Cubans, have needed to stay in minors, to be developed more.

          And Puig was rushed up faster, then any other Cuban player, the Dodgers have had.

          1. Puig put up over 11 WAR before the age of 25. Do you realize how impressive that is? He’s regressed and apparently no Dodgers coaches can get through to him. Management was hoping another organization would see the latent talent and know what to do to help him get back what he’s lost. They weren’t about to give away such talent. I don’t know what the answer is because I don’t know who it is that Puig would listen to. So, off to OKC he goes. If he doesn’t light it up there they will likely cut him loose. And what a waste that would be. An organization allegedly stacked with resources and genius and they can’t get through to a 25 year old with 5 tool talent?

  23. I think Roberts should get a batting practice pitcher, who throws leftie, to pitch to this team, addition to there normal batting practice, because there are not many players, on this team, that hit lefties well.

    I read that Turners batting stance might be the reason that he has so much trouble hitting lefties.

    But I don’t remember where I read this, but it wasn’t to long ago.

  24. I forgot there was another move that hasn’t been brought up, or talked about.

    I don’t remember the Cuban pitchers name, but the Dodgers payed him two million to wait until they could draft him, and payed him an additional
    Two million for his signing I believe.

    They traded this pitcher, for a rule five pitcher, that is 31.


    1. The innings limit is not bs and bringing up 20 year olds is not the answer.

      The answer is patience. The answer is we go with the team FAZ has cobbled together and hope those left from last year’s failed run have one more race left in them. This is up to the middle of our order, a 5 inning starting staff and a courageous overworked bullpen. Stand by. It could be an historic finish.

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