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Home > Product Review > Tommy Lasorda Artwork From Dave Hobrecht’s The All-Time Dodgers

Tommy Lasorda Artwork From Dave Hobrecht’s The All-Time Dodgers


The early days of 2021 so far have been a tough one for the Dodger’s family. First the loss of Vin Scully’s beloved wife Sandra, and now the loss of Tommy Lasorda. Words can’t describe how tough those losses have been for the Scully, Lasorda families and Dodgers organization. Today I wanted to speak to you about Tommy.

Tommy Lasorda was one of a kind. There will never be another Tommy, perhaps the greatest manager in Dodgers history. Tommy managed the Dodgers for 20 years, won 1,599 games, four National League pennants and two World Series championships. After retirement he then won an olympic gold medal for good measure. He was a shoe in for the hall and not surprisingly was elected into the hall of fame shortly after. It was well deserved.

Tommy Lasorda

Tommy may have been most well known for his explosively hilarious tirades, but I think he was more well known for his uncanny ability as the ultimate motivator. He was not just a fantastic manager, but a tremendous coach. His passion was rivaled by nobody. Dave Hobrecht and The all-time crew has brought back some amazing artwork to honor Tommy Lasorda. Check it out, and check out their website to view some of their other incredible artwork.

Scott Andes

Scott Andes: Longtime writer and Dodger fanatic

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Scott Andes
Scott Andes: Longtime writer and Dodger fanatic

4 thoughts on “Tommy Lasorda Artwork From Dave Hobrecht’s The All-Time Dodgers

  1. Tommy Lasorda. A true legend in Dodger Baseball. I think I have never seen anyone who had as much passion and respect for the game of baseball. Nobody was so devoted to the Dodgers. He loved the Dodgers more than anyone will ever again be able to show. He definitely bled Dodger Blue. He proudly represented the Dodgers and MLB, a true ambassador to the game of baseball, world wide. I was so happy he was able to see his Dodgers finally bring the World Series Trophy back to Los Angeles before he passed. It was as if he hung on until he was able to celebrate one last time.

    Thanks for sharing the artwork, Scott. Art is the best was to honor a Legend.

    Rest In Peace, Tommy, and continue lead your Dodgers from your Suite in the Blue Heavens. You will not be missed because your spirit will always be with us.

  2. 3 Hall of Famers in a very short time span. I loved watching Tommy and still think his encounter with the Phillie Phanatic is one of the funniest things I ever saw. He is and will be missed. Hammering Hank’s passing struck a chord too. I always admired the man and never looked at him as a black man, just a baseball player. All class. And in my mind, still the all time HR leader. Bonds is a fraud.

    1. What an amazing ballplayer, Michael. 23 years, so many great achievements. A pioneer, who helped paved the way for baseball’s success. A true and humble gentleman of the game.

      Bonds, I agree, is a total fraud. Total disrespect for the game of baseball, and disgrace to the game. His numbers should be stricken from the record books, as should many other players who tarnished the game of baseball? Too many players like Bonds, have no respect for the pioneers like Hammerin’ Hank, who ultimately made them millionaires. I bet there are many of these youngsters in the game, who do not even know who Hank Arron is. Arron’s amazing accomplishments buried away and trampled by the cheaters. Shame on MLB for allowing this to happen, and continue to happen to this day.

      Lasorda, Sutton, Drysdale, Campanella, Hodges, Snyder…. just to name a few, of the Dodgers who paid the price, for the love of the game, not just money.

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